Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Yes, he was threatening to force him to wait there while the police arrive and carry his ass to prison.
Well now that you've admitted that "he" was conveying a threat, are you aware of the fact that you can not threaten people with a gun, that's doing so is a crime?

Armed coercion
(/koʊˈɜːrʒən, -ʃən/) is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force.[1] It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response, for example: a bully demanding lunch money from a student or the student gets beaten. These actions may include extortion, blackmail, torture, threats to induce favors, or even sexual assault.

In law, coercion is codified as a duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests.

Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced.
Coercion - Wikipedia

Having a gun is not threatening anyone with a gun.

That's fucking ridiculous.

Further demanding someone to stop who is suspected of burglary is fine.
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The property is marked with a no trespassing sign according to the owner - so the theory that Arbery looked for it goes in bed to die. Of course, this immediately incriminates him for a burglary since there is no other reason to be there.
The original letters.


The entire case is a leftist scam.
Blacks commit 50 percent of the murders, while being only 13 percent of the population.
Well that was in irrelevant flare up of racism.

It was murder.
Naw suicide by stupid

Everything the fake news media told us about the case was a lie... as usual. It is absolutely imperative they be held responsible for this scam.

By their reporting of a "lynching" they have caused a real lynching. Two white people hunted down at a graveyard as if they were animals, with a hunting rifle. Hold the media responsible.
You believe, and have admitted that you believe, that these two "crackers" (as you say) were intending to murder Arbery and that at no point was it possible for Arbery to do something other than what the video above shows, that would have prevented Arbery's death.

Arbery did try to escape at least twice, but they kept pulling the truck back around him. A lot of people are going to quit in the situation. Some would even have quit immediately, but at least, Arbery tried.
Play this scenario out for me. What if Arbery would have just kept going running didn’t stop?

What would they do? Just keep following him?

You believe, and have admitted that you believe, that these two "crackers" (as you say) were intending to murder Arbery and that at no point was it possible for Arbery to do something other than what the video above shows, that would have prevented Arbery's death.

Arbery did try to escape at least twice, but they kept pulling the truck back around him. A lot of people are going to quit in the situation. Some would even have quit immediately, but at least, Arbery tried.
Play this scenario out for me. What if Arbery would have just kept going running didn’t stop?

What would they do? Just keep following him?


Eventually the cops would arrive, and then he would have charged at their shotguns and you would have bitched and moaned that too much was conserved.

News headline would have been how an entire group of racists executed a black male out just for a jog in cold blood. The resurgence of the KKK.
he was threatening to force him to wait there while the police arrive and carry his ass to prison.
Further demanding someone to stop who is suspected of burglary is fine.

So, is there a record of the phone call to the police these white superheroes made?
Since they were just 'holding him.'
Or are you going to claim that they just hadn't made the call yet?

And I'm guessing that they didn't have their guns pointed at him while they were "Holding him"
he was threatening to force him to wait there while the police arrive and carry his ass to prison.
Further demanding someone to stop who is suspected of burglary is fine.

So, is there a record of the phone call to the police these white superheroes made?
Since they were just 'holding him.'
Or are you going to claim that they just hadn't made the call yet?

And I'm guessing that they didn't have their guns pointed at him while they were "Holding him"

They were on phone the ENTIRE TIME the incident took place (excluding the two last shots).

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So, watching that video, you claim the 'criminal' charged at the 'hero' but clearly Travis the hero moved to the front of the truck just as the jogger got to the front of the truck, seeing a gun pointed at him.

Your story is make believe.
This video will be very damaging to pretty boy Travis. LOL.
"You got a cute mouth Travis."
So, watching that video, you claim the 'criminal' charged at the 'hero' but clearly Travis the hero moved to the front of the truck just as the jogger got to the front of the truck, seeing a gun pointed at him.

Your story is make believe.
This video will be very damaging to pretty boy Travis. LOL.
"You got a cute mouth Travis."

Moving is not illegal you moron. If you want to pretend he attacked Arbery, that's you pretending to be a retard. We are not retards so we have no use for that.

Standing your ground is legal in Georgia as self defense, also.
Moving is not illegal you moron.

Well I predict the jury will see it as an obvious attack by Travis. As the REAL world sees it too.
There is no evidence that the 'criminal' charged Travis.
They meet in front of the truck when Travis attacked the 'Criminal"
Silly lil' man.
Moving is not illegal you moron.

Well I predict the jury will see it as an obvious attack by Travis. As the REAL world sees it too.
There is no evidence that the 'criminal' charged Travis.
They meet in front of the truck when Travis attacked the 'Criminal"
Silly lil' man.

They won't, you are forgetting they have people with higher IQs than 60 on the jury. They can see who it is that lunged into battle.

Further, the burden of proof is on the prosecutor. They have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were there to murder him - which is absurd. Completely absurd.
So, instead of continuing on or heading for the tree line, he runs over and tries to take a shotgun from one of the men?
As a smart person does. When you are that close, you go for the gun. Remember, it's life or death, not a rerun of Walker, Texas Ranger.
If you're walking on the railroad tracks and a train starts coming....LAY DOWN...
Bootney all your little punk ass comments doesn't change the fact that guns never should have been drawn on him and that situation should not have happened. That's where we who are sane are coming from.

What's with the "punk ass comments" comment? That was not directed at you. I was making fun of the idiot who said that one should rush a man holding a shotgun.

The only think I have really disputed in the entire event is whether or not Arbery could have saved his own life by his actions.

He may have been completely within his right to "defend" himself by trying to take McMichael's shotgun, but that does him no good if he is dead.

If somebody approaches me with a firearm, I don't pay it any mind until said firearm is pointed at me. If so, and the person says "freeze" or "don't move" that tells me that they do not intend to shoot if I don't move -- right or wrong on the part of him who holds the gun. The initial intent is not murder when the guy with the gun yells "freeze."

In an enraged freeze, fight or flight situation people don't always freeze or run. I have attacked an armed robber who had me at gunpoint demanding my wallet & all my money at the ATM. He got a busted open head & I kept my money. I also threatened to kill a thug in another car who aimed a gun at us as he threatened to shoot us. I gave chase & tried to ram them into barriers before I realized they had no plates & they premeditated this crime & getaway & were likely baiting me into a trap.

If they didn't see him burglarise the home, they should not have fucked with him. They should have only observed, reported, taken video or pictures. If you don't like the law, then change it before becoming an illegal self empowered vigilante.

There is no clearer definition of democracy than being a vigilante. As anybody who has ever seen a gangster movie can tell you, the cops are often bought. Sometimes, they are even the criminals! If society feels it is necessary to take the law into its own hands and form a vigilante group, they are more than justified in doing so. Read my now closed down thread, "." They had every right to do what they did.
If they were in the right, then a jury of their peers won't convict them. It's nearly impossible to not brandish a shotgun. He should have left it in the truck since there were other armed people covering him, but we can't say he intended to kill because of that oversight. That fight over the shotgun could have gone either way, should Arbery go to Jail had McMichale been killed?

They shouldn't have been arrested to begin with. And anybody who goes after somebody holding a shotgun was just asking to die. Instead of it being suicide by cop, it was suicide by hero.
No, because Arbery had the right to be there on that street & stand his ground against McMichale's threats, unless McMichale's saw him commit or attempt a felony just prior.
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So, instead of continuing on or heading for the tree line, he runs over and tries to take a shotgun from one of the men?
As a smart person does. When you are that close, you go for the gun. Remember, it's life or death, not a rerun of Walker, Texas Ranger.
If you're walking on the railroad tracks and a train starts coming....LAY DOWN...
Bootney all your little punk ass comments doesn't change the fact that guns never should have been drawn on him and that situation should not have happened. That's where we who are sane are coming from.

What's with the "punk ass comments" comment? That was not directed at you. I was making fun of the idiot who said that one should rush a man holding a shotgun.

The only think I have really disputed in the entire event is whether or not Arbery could have saved his own life by his actions.

He may have been completely within his right to "defend" himself by trying to take McMichael's shotgun, but that does him no good if he is dead.

If somebody approaches me with a firearm, I don't pay it any mind until said firearm is pointed at me. If so, and the person says "freeze" or "don't move" that tells me that they do not intend to shoot if I don't move -- right or wrong on the part of him who holds the gun. The initial intent is not murder when the guy with the gun yells "freeze."

In an enraged freeze, fight or flight situation people don't always freeze or run. I have attacked an armed robber who had me at gunpoint demanding my wallet & all my money at the ATM. He got a busted open head & I kept my money. I also threatened to kill a thug in another car who aimed a gun at us as he threatened to shoot us. I gave chase & tried to ram them into barriers before I realized they had no plates & they premeditated this crime & getaway & were likely baiting me into a trap.

If they didn't see him burglarise the home, they should not have fucked with him. They should have only observed, reported, taken video or pictures. If you don't like the law, then change it before becoming an illegal self empowered vigilante.

There is no clearer definition of democracy than being a vigilante. As anybody who has ever seen a gangster movie can tell you, the cops are often bought. Sometimes, they are even the criminals! If society feels it is necessary to take the law into its own hands and form a vigilante group, they are more than justified in doing so. Read my now closed down thread, "." They had every right to do what they did.
If they were in the right, then a jury of their peers won't convict them. It's nearly impossible to not brandish a shotgun. He should have left it in the truck since there were other armed people covering him, but we can't say he intended to kill because of that oversight. That fight over the shotgun could have gone either way, should Arbery go to Jail had McMichale been killed?

They shouldn't have been arrested to begin with. And anybody who goes after somebody holding a shotgun was just asking to die. Instead of it being suicide by cop, it was suicide by hero.
No, because Arbery had the right to be there on that street & stand his ground against McMichale's threats, unless McMichale's saw him commit a felony just prior.

No he did not. When committing a felony right to self defense no longer applies in respect to being detained.
No he did not. When committing a felony right to self defense no longer applies in respect to being detained.

Look at lil'man norm bring out his law degree,

Q. Was Travis in front of the truck when the 'criminal' arrived at the front of the truck?
Q. Or was the criminal at the front of the truck before travis got to the front of the truck?
Q. Or did travis remain on the side and the criminal attacked him?

Tell me what you see.
No he did not. When committing a felony right to self defense no longer applies in respect to being detained.

Look at lil'man norm bring out his law degree,

Q. Was Travis in front of the truck when the 'criminal' arrived at the front of the truck?
Q. Or was the criminal at the front of the truck before travis got to the front of the truck?
Q. Or did travis remain on the side and the criminal attacked him?

Tell me what you see.

Irrelevant, when Arbery lunged himself to grabbing distance from the gun the white guy was in his right to defend himself. This is completely obvious. Don't go grabbing for other people's guns unless you want to get shot.
So answer my question. Which choice is it or provide your own.

I want to know what you see.
Who was where at what time?

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