Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

He "shoplifted" a television before.

He was a criminal.
The guy did attack a person with a shotgun

The amount of 'stupid' you manage to put in your responses is trumplike.

So he is a 'criminal' yet somehow he is the aggressor/attacker when confronted by 2 men with guns trying to take down this 'criminal.'
he was, watch the video. that damn video just can't accept that can you? eats you up, you want to rip it up
He "shoplifted" a television before.

He was a criminal.
The guy did attack a person with a shotgun

The amount of 'stupid' you manage to put in your responses is trumplike.

So he is a 'criminal' yet somehow he is the aggressor/attacker when confronted by 2 men with guns trying to take down this 'criminal.'

Yes, the criminal attacked a person with a shotgun.

At which point did I go above your level of comprehension?
he hates that that video exists. he can't factually argue his hate.
Why did they stop the truck in the middle of the street? No one an answer that question.
Does it really matter given what this guy decided to do?

Assume they stop the truck in the middle of the road and pull out 40 guns and pointed to them at him.

Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the house is

Not say what do you want

No, charge of the guys hole in the guns and try to take them away.

:Not run at the trees

Not run the other way

Not run toward the houses

Not say what do you want

No, charge at the guys holding the guns and try to take them away.


Not one person here believes that was the right thing to do. Not one of you. You all know that he was acting stupidly or aggressively.


Two huge armed white men in a truck. How would he know they wouldn’t shoot him if he ran?


They already passed by him and didn't shoot him.
That doesn't mean anything. They blocked his path. Why would any sane person stop a truck in the middle of the street. You do that in Boston and we are swinging. That is just not a rational move. At least not here in the Northeast.

Yes, they blocked his path. That's what you do when you want to stop someone.

So you admit they wanted to stop him. What right did they have to do that?
same right every american has.
He's dead because he was chased down and killed by two rednecks.

When Travis McMichael was standing on the driver's side of the truck, Arbery ran to the passenger side. How is that, in any way, unreasonable?

If true, they could've shoot him without leaving the truck. But they didn't, they wanted to talk to him. No intention to kill him, until he went for a gun.

Lemme ask you... why didn't he let go of the gun after first shot, but he still kept going?

You don't "want to talk" with someone when you've chased them down in a vehicle, blocked them, and emerged from said vehicle carrying a gun. That's bullshit.
why not? the vehicle allows one to catch up to someone ahead of you.
What's frustrating is that you refuse to get that those men had no right to follow Arbery. Therefore any reason you have for them being armed is irrelevant.
Being armed is irrelevant.

They had no right to apprehend him, but when reporting a potential crime, they had the right to follow him. That’s all they should have done.

And because THEY chose to do more, Arbery is dead...
True, but that is not the SOLE reason Arbery is dead.
Yes it is.
That response assumes they would have killed Arbery, no matter what he did.

You really believe that?

Yes. Why wouldn't I?
That's all I have to say to you on this topic.


View attachment 334604

Maybe you watch more than this
What's frustrating is that you refuse to get that those men had no right to follow Arbery. Therefore any reason you have for them being armed is irrelevant.
Being armed is irrelevant.

They had no right to apprehend him, but when reporting a potential crime, they had the right to follow him. That’s all they should have done.

And because THEY chose to do more, Arbery is dead...
True, but that is not the SOLE reason Arbery is dead.
Yes it is.
That response assumes they would have killed Arbery, no matter what he did.

You really believe that?

Yes. Why wouldn't I?
That's all I have to say to you on this topic.


View attachment 334604

You might want to look for a longer video then start understanding that McMichael had no right to be there.
Post what you’ve got. I don’t care.

You still think they would have killed him, no matter what. I have nothing else to say. You proved my point.

Case closed.

The case was closed before you started your first post. Yes I think they would have killed him. They did kill him. The McMichael son had no reason to be standing there with his shot gun cocked.
What I don’t understand is why did the murder victim run toward the guys with guns. I don’t know about you but if I see guys with guns, I run away from them. It’s just common sense.

I suspect there is more to the story then we are being told.
I understand that didn't happen. There is nothing more to this story but you white boys are looking for any excuse and that's why you are trying to argue about a black man running to a gun.
LOL. You weren’t there. So, how do you know what the fuck happened?
he is the great and powerful oz. and even he can't stop the fact that a video exists that destroys his red neck hate
This is the expected response to this situation. A bunch of ignorant racist term deleted racists talking about a white man who had no mother fucking reason to be holding a gun on somebody in the first place defending himself against some blacks guy who they want to claim ran towards a gun.

It is apparent that after the first shot was fired from the truck at Arbery he saw the other white man pointing the gun at him and knew he was about to be shot so he went for it.
good thing that white man didn't hold a gun on anyone. the video doesn't lie son. you should watch it before your screws fall out of your head.
Not even close.

Well, that's interesting.

Is it him?

Did you hear that "engaged in no illegal activity"? Well, except trespassing. They forgot that one.


If it is him, and I'll concede it certainly could be, it does nothing to removed the responsibility for the shooting from Travis McMichael. Travis McMichael didn't see this video. Nothing in it gets McMichael off the hook.

If you kill someone because he trespassed for three minutes, you deserve to be charged with murder...

But if you kill someone who runs into you, despite you're holding a gun, that's self defense.

Not even close.

The McMichaels armed themselves and then pursued Arbery. Those two actions legally negate them from being able to claim self defense. The U.S. Attorney almost laughed when he read that determination by the local DA...

Okay... so why do anyone arm themselves?

To make a fashion statement?

I arm myself in case I have to defend myself. I don't arm myself so that I can go chase down someone who's running down my street so I can "talk" to him but kill him instead...

Yes you do. You arm yourself in case you need to defend yourself.

Stopping the robber means you might need to use force, or that robber might use force against you.

Therefore gun, if that happen, you defend yourself.

He wasn't a robber and they were not lawmen.

they are neighborhood folk protecting their neighborhood from crime. watch the video.
This is the expected response to this situation. A bunch of ignorant cracker racists talking about a white man who had no mother fucking reason to be holding a gun on somebody in the first place defending himself against some blacks guy who they want to claim ran towards a gun.

It is apparent that after the first shot was fired from the truck at Arbery he saw the other white man pointing the gun at him and knew he was about to be shot so he went for it.
My eyes tell me a completely different story:
View attachment 334856

You believe, and have admitted that you believe, that these two "crackers" (as you say) were intending to murder Arbery and that at no point was it possible for Arbery to do something other than what the video above shows, that would have prevented Arbery's death.

I will let everyone here decide if that belief is reasonable under the circumstances.


You can not see what happened in those seconds in front of the car. What you can see is the jogger avoiding the man with the gun by the passenger door and going around the other side.
well actually, the man with the gun was on the driver side. you need new glasses. just saying.
It’s amazing how liberals seize on this stuff as the meatiest issue of they day. I think there are more threads in here about this than Covid
All the while 25 black Chicago youth will kill 25 other black Chicago youth in one weekend. Libs get giddy and all tingly when they can exaggerate white on black issues into something of great importance and frequency when the real fact is they themselves are wiping out themselves and not the white man. Deflection and blame assignment to avoid personal responsibility is a Lib 101 Core Course
In 2018 according to the AMERICAN Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, that's a lie, instead the media has made a big thing out of black on black crime while ignoring white on white crime reinforcing a white racist belief of black violence. Take personal responsibility for this and stop talking about Chicago.
so what you're saying is that blacks killed 638 whites and whites killed 325 blacks. so blacks killed twice as many white folks. and whites are racist? too fking funny when your own stats blows up your own argument.
He "shoplifted" a television before.

He was a criminal.
The guy did attack a person with a shotgun

The amount of 'stupid' you manage to put in your responses is trumplike.

So he is a 'criminal' yet somehow he is the aggressor/attacker when confronted by 2 men with guns trying to take down this 'criminal.'

Yes, the criminal attacked a person with a shotgun.

At which point did I go above your level of comprehension?
The part where you don't understand Arbery was acting in self-defense.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
He "shoplifted" a television before.

He was a criminal.
The guy did attack a person with a shotgun

The amount of 'stupid' you manage to put in your responses is trumplike.

So he is a 'criminal' yet somehow he is the aggressor/attacker when confronted by 2 men with guns trying to take down this 'criminal.'
he was, watch the video. that damn video just can't accept that can you? eats you up, you want to rip it up
It’s not what your eyes see but rather what your feelings want.
Lib 101
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
Because we are allowing the media to fear monger. Sadly.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
Because we are allowing the media to fear monger. Sadly.
I can't stop broadcasting. all we have is this place or friends and family and enlighten them.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
Because we are allowing the media to fear monger. Sadly.
I can't stop broadcasting. all we have is this place or friends and family and enlighten them.
That’s why I am on here so frequently. Partly it’s to vent.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
Because we are allowing the media to fear monger. Sadly.
I can't stop broadcasting. all we have is this place or friends and family and enlighten them.
That’s why I am on here so frequently. Partly it’s to vent.

Defamation is all over the story. You can sue the media for their lies.
I posted several videos. Why did you only mention the first one? Your entire argument is based on lies. I posted several examples. Would you like 10 more that have nothing to do with someones home? 20? 30? How many must i post before you admit you are wrong?
I don't have time now to go into this further but I will answer your questions later on this evening if I have time.

In the meantime, I just checked with a CJTC firearm instructor (Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission) and he directed me to the specific page and paragraph in their training manual that answers your question which follows below. This is the same training I completed when I obtained my first WA Concealed Pistol License 19 years ago.
Use of force or deadly force when law does not allow it may result in your arrest for assault or homicide.
Criminal charges for an assault with a firearm do not necessarily require that the gun be fired; for example, someone who threatens another without legal justification by pointing a gun at him or her has committed an assault.

An assault with a firearm is usually considered to be a first or second-degree assault (both of these are felonies). Conviction of such a crime may carry a sentence from ten to 20 years. Should your use of force result in the unlawful death of another person, you may be charged with either manslaughter if your recklessness caused the death, or murder if you intended to kill the person.

Penalties for manslaughter may be up to ten years in prison. Murder carries a sentence up to life in prison, unless certain aggravating circumstances exist, in which case the court may impose the death penalty [Washington State no longer has a death penalty as of a few years ago].

It is your responsibility as the person carrying or using a weapon to use it responsibly and within the law. Neither your employer nor any other person is criminally responsible for your acts with a firearm. Under criminal law, you alone have the responsibility for any display or firing of a firearm. If you have any doubt about your ability to make crucial life-and-death decisions regarding the use of deadly force, then you should not carry a firearm.
None of that has anything at all to do with our debate. You said its illegal to point a gun at someone. I showed you that is not true. Good samaritans can absolutely point a gun at a suspected criminal.
LMAO... those two were definitely not "good Samaritans".

Wow...the stupidity.
Sure they were. They were tracking a criminal whom they recognized from crime scene footage. That is by definition a good samaritan.

Criminal or Violent Criminal? Killing someone without a judge and jury makes one a good Samaritan? Oh...
When someone attacks you, you have the right to self defense. A man trying to take your gun away is a dire threat.
And a man pointing a gun at you is also a dire threat. No gun and there is no death in this case. Don't stop the truck in the middle of the street and act like a cop.


No one would have died if they had not done this.
I agree. The question is what should be their punishment for acting stupid?

I don't think it's murder, but they don't get off easy, unless they are somehow justified (like somebody reported seeing the guy armed and attempting to burglarize an occupied residence).

Manslaughter will be the verdict for the shooter. Not sure for the dad.
could be found as self defense manslaughter no time served.
Like my right to go to a restaurant, movie, mall? That right? The right that was taken away by the Leftist media and out of touch modelers?
exactly like all of that. free to assemble that's in the first amendment with no government agency that can take it away. why are we letting them?
Because we are allowing the media to fear monger. Sadly.
I can't stop broadcasting. all we have is this place or friends and family and enlighten them.
That’s why I am on here so frequently. Partly it’s to vent.

Defamation is all over the story. You can sue the media for their lies.
I want to have a Q&A with them like they do with Trump. See how they respond.

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