Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Dear assholes.

What would have happened if the two morons had gone to confront the lone black dude but had NOT decided to bring their firearms?

Let’s discuss.
My cousin got jumped and my uncle went to an all black project and yelled come on out here NICCA he had no fun and no black said anything.. Just because you’re scared of them doesn’t mean we are

You did not answer the question.
Projecting how you feel? I got your back white boy lol
I won another debate.
Your dog doesnt count. He cant talk. :)
Ha ha ha ha. You took the bait. Good little pet. I knew it. I told my kids, watch this dumbass respond and you did just as you were told. I am Pavlov and you’re my dog. Fetch, Fido. I am Literally laughing out loud with my kids now at your expense. My youngest says grown men don’t use smiley emojis. So....LMAO
Thats sad. You need support from kids? :)

I think you missed his point.

He's letting you know that his kids have a dad around.
Why is that necessary? He wants brownie points for that?
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

Just FYI, this post is prima facie evidence that you're intentionally targeting him with your unwanted behavior when he has asked you to stop.
Its hard for him to stop. I hurt his feelings and gave him a major sad.
Still hiding under that bed? Little coward. Your opinion is meaningless here as you’re a known racist.
You calm down yet? I love how your nose wrinkles when you get mad. :)
You still hiding under your bed, afraid of a minor cold? Funny, watching a racist argue against other racists. Two sides —- same coin.
You gotta admit you lost it all because I gave you a sad. :)

it happens all the time when he's triggered.
He seems to get triggered daily.
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)
This one also.
you don't get what a message board is then.
There are statutes that define what a message board is, I didn't make this up.
My initial gut feeling tells Me, AA was involved in some kind burglary, and maybe even was armed. He was caught, ditched his gun, might have even shot at the guys chasing after him, and then the result was that he was caught, tried to fight them off, and then got shot when he went for the other guys gun. He was a thief... maybe he didn't learn his lesson. And that's just what My gut is telling Me as an investigator. And you know how the Black community politicizes and mobilizes even when the evidence is clear that the Black criminal who is shot was threatening and firing with deadly force at Police Officers.

What happened to Ariel in Chicago is much worse.

There is no way you're an investigator based on the above.

but he can think for himself. you should try it once.

Done it more than once, in fact my 30+ year career is based on it.
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.

Again I will pay you good money if you’ll grab your phone and have someone video you going up to any black adult and call them a negro to their face.
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.

Again I will pay you good money if you’ll grab your phone and have someone video you going up to any black adult and call them a negro to their face.

Thanks for admitting blacks are a violent race. Thus whites needing the guns. The damn negros are a thoughtless bunch who resort to violence first.
Whatever it was, he certainly wasn’t thinking clearly.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand attacking an armed man, could result in your death.
You're jogging along, there is a group of 3 white men in a pickup truck down south in Georgia following the jogger, yelling at him to "STOP" claiming they want to talk to him. At this point I'm sure Abery surmised that whatever they wanted or wanted to talk about was not good so he kept going, at one point it is reported, turning around possibly in an attempt to evade or escape them.

When they finally get ahead of him and block his pathway with the truck he goes around the truck only to discover at least one of the men who have been attempting to flag him down and get him to stop, standing there with a shotgun in his hands.

At this point he probably considered himself already under attack and may have reacted by what he considered as a fight for his life.

So can you not put yourself in his shoes just for a moment and think about what he must have experienced as these males were pursuing him? What if it were you and a group of three black guys were chasing you in a pick-up, yelling at you to stop running, that they want to talk to you, but when they exit the vehicle one or more of them are carrying long guns.

You know they train women to put up a fight if necessary rather than to let someone abduct them or go willingly. Maybe they had indicated to him that they were going to do something to him that he didn't want and figured it was better to die fighting than to let them do whatever it was they had in mind for him.

It's not like black men in the south haven't been dragged behind pickups, lynched, burned or murdered before.

And many times, the perpetrators were never prosecuted.
You learn something new every day. I thought the Grand Jury had already said "murder" and that's why the two were arrested. But no, they've been arrested but they have to wait for the courts to reopen before the Grand Jury decides if there is evidence enough to try the case.

THAT is why they were still protesting in front of the court house after the two were arrested the other night. These guys may still walk free and clear.

As far as the court being closed, isn't Georgia the state that Trump was mad at for reopening too fast? So movie theaters and eat-in restaurants can reopen Monday, but the courts are still closed? That's kind of weird.
My initial gut feeling tells Me, AA was involved in some kind burglary, and maybe even was armed. He was caught, ditched his gun, might have even shot at the guys chasing after him, and then the result was that he was caught, tried to fight them off, and then got shot when he went for the other guys gun. He was a thief... maybe he didn't learn his lesson. And that's just what My gut is telling Me as an investigator. And you know how the Black community politicizes and mobilizes even when the evidence is clear that the Black criminal who is shot was threatening and firing with deadly force at Police Officers.

What happened to Ariel in Chicago is much worse.

There is no way you're an investigator based on the above.

I investigated insurance claims. Took statements, reviewed evidence, police reports. Decided on whether to pay or not.

And you base your decision whether or not to pay a claim on your gut rather than the evidence and/or the police reports?
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.

Again I will pay you good money if you’ll grab your phone and have someone video you going up to any black adult and call them a negro to their face.

Thanks for admitting blacks are a violent race. Thus whites needing the guns. The damn negros are a thoughtless bunch who resort to violence first.
You do know racist whites passed the first gun control laws in the United States in order to ensure that the newly freed people of African descent would not be able to lawfully take up arms in their own defense against the Ku Klux Klan. They didn't even want them owning dogs:
The historical record provides compelling evidence that racism underlies gun control laws -- and not in any subtle way. Throughout much of American history, gun control was openly stated as a method for keeping blacks and Hispanics "in their place," and to quiet the racial fears of whites. This paper is intended to provide a brief summary of this unholy alliance of gun control and racism, and to suggest that gun control laws should be regarded as "suspect ideas," analogous to the "suspect classifications" theory of discrimination already part of the American legal system.

Racist arms laws predate the establishment of the United States. Starting in 1751, the French Black Code required Louisiana colonists to stop any blacks, and if necessary, beat "any black carrying any potential weapon, such as a cane." If a black refused to stop on demand, and was on horseback, the colonist was authorized to "shoot to kill." [1] Slave possession of firearms was a necessity at times in a frontier society, yet laws continued to be passed in an attempt to prohibit slaves or free blacks from possessing firearms, except under very restrictively controlled conditions. [2] Similarly, in the sixteenth century the colony of New Spain, terrified of black slave revolts, prohibited all blacks, free and slave, from carrying arms. [3]

In the Haitian Revolution of the 1790s, the slave population successfully threw off their French masters, but the Revolution degenerated into a race war, aggravating existing fears in the French Louisiana colony, and among whites in the slave states of the United States. When the first U. S. official arrived in New Orleans in 1803 to take charge of this new American possession, the planters sought to have the existing free black militia disarmed, and otherwise exclude "free blacks from positions in which they were required to bear arms," including such non-military functions as slave-catching crews. The New Orleans city government also stopped whites from teaching fencing to free blacks, and then, when free blacks sought to teach fencing, similarly prohibited their efforts as well. [4]

It is not surprising that the first North American English colonies, then the states of the new republic, remained in dread fear of armed blacks, for slave revolts against slave owners often degenerated into less selective forms of racial warfare. The perception that free blacks were sympathetic to the plight of their enslaved brothers, and the dangerous example that "a Negro could be free" also caused the slave states to pass laws designed to disarm all blacks, both slave and free. Unlike the gun control laws passed after the Civil War, these antebellum statutes were for blacks alone. In Maryland, these prohibitions went so far as to prohibit free blacks from owning dogs without a license, and authorizing any white to kill an unlicensed dog owned by a free black, for fear that blacks would use dogs as weapons. Mississippi went further, and prohibited any ownership of a dog by a black person. [5]

Continued here: The Racist Roots of Gun Control

So why were whites, who had all the guns and all the laws on their side still so afraid of blacks?
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.

Again I will pay you good money if you’ll grab your phone and have someone video you going up to any black adult and call them a negro to their face.

Thanks for admitting blacks are a violent race. Thus whites needing the guns. The damn negros are a thoughtless bunch who resort to violence first.
You do know racist whites passed the first gun control laws in the United States in order to ensure that the newly freed people of African descent would not be able to lawfully take up arms in their own defense against the Ku Klux Klan. They didn't even want them owning dogs:
The historical record provides compelling evidence that racism underlies gun control laws -- and not in any subtle way. Throughout much of American history, gun control was openly stated as a method for keeping blacks and Hispanics "in their place," and to quiet the racial fears of whites. This paper is intended to provide a brief summary of this unholy alliance of gun control and racism, and to suggest that gun control laws should be regarded as "suspect ideas," analogous to the "suspect classifications" theory of discrimination already part of the American legal system.

Racist arms laws predate the establishment of the United States. Starting in 1751, the French Black Code required Louisiana colonists to stop any blacks, and if necessary, beat "any black carrying any potential weapon, such as a cane." If a black refused to stop on demand, and was on horseback, the colonist was authorized to "shoot to kill." [1] Slave possession of firearms was a necessity at times in a frontier society, yet laws continued to be passed in an attempt to prohibit slaves or free blacks from possessing firearms, except under very restrictively controlled conditions. [2] Similarly, in the sixteenth century the colony of New Spain, terrified of black slave revolts, prohibited all blacks, free and slave, from carrying arms. [3]

In the Haitian Revolution of the 1790s, the slave population successfully threw off their French masters, but the Revolution degenerated into a race war, aggravating existing fears in the French Louisiana colony, and among whites in the slave states of the United States. When the first U. S. official arrived in New Orleans in 1803 to take charge of this new American possession, the planters sought to have the existing free black militia disarmed, and otherwise exclude "free blacks from positions in which they were required to bear arms," including such non-military functions as slave-catching crews. The New Orleans city government also stopped whites from teaching fencing to free blacks, and then, when free blacks sought to teach fencing, similarly prohibited their efforts as well. [4]

It is not surprising that the first North American English colonies, then the states of the new republic, remained in dread fear of armed blacks, for slave revolts against slave owners often degenerated into less selective forms of racial warfare. The perception that free blacks were sympathetic to the plight of their enslaved brothers, and the dangerous example that "a Negro could be free" also caused the slave states to pass laws designed to disarm all blacks, both slave and free. Unlike the gun control laws passed after the Civil War, these antebellum statutes were for blacks alone. In Maryland, these prohibitions went so far as to prohibit free blacks from owning dogs without a license, and authorizing any white to kill an unlicensed dog owned by a free black, for fear that blacks would use dogs as weapons. Mississippi went further, and prohibited any ownership of a dog by a black person. [5]

Continued here: The Racist Roots of Gun Control

So why were whites, who had all the guns and all the laws on their side still so afraid of blacks?
Yes and we created the nra to fight for blacks rights
Considering half of Americas violent crime is perpetrated by a race that has 13% of the nations population, whites carrying guns around blacks makes good survival sense. You never know when you'll have a run in with one of these violent negros.
haha, look at the scared little pussy. Of course, all of you idiot rednecks are far more likely to shoot yourselves or one of your uncle-cousins than a scary negro. that's just statistics.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)
I did? LOL

I said "black people need me on their side"?

You certainly misconstrued that statement. But whatever. To my face you'd never say any of this. You're a typical coward, internet tough guy. You live your life and I'll live mine. You want to live like a victim the rest of your life then so be it. I don't care. After all, by your own operational definition, I am superior as I am "white"..ooohhhhh.

Yes you did say that and there is no way to misconstrue it. Dont be mad bro. Youre help is not needed or wanted. Black people would be up shit creek if they needed your help.
Stop replying to me. Cowards are a waste of my time. You see what you want to see.
I will when you stop trying to talk to me and mentioning me everytime you get a sad.
One time is every time?

You're a stupid idiot and a coward who is scared of a cold virus. I don't have time for cowards. Go cry over your reparations to someone who cares. I've experienced more racism than you and you rarely see me bring it up. You bring it up daily. Pussy.
This is like the 5th time you have whined to someone that I didnt want your help. Stop your crying.
Wrong. I answered a direct question. 5th time? LOL

You cannot even count. So not only are you a pussy you're also an idiot. Stop replying to me. You're pathetic.
You sad sack of lying shit. :)

No one asked you about me. You freely volunteered to whine. Here is the supposed question

"you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all."

Here is your "I have a sad" answer referencing me for no reason whatsover.

"Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes."

Get over it and please stop whining and talking about or to me. :)
I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?

This was the post I was responding too. Now go and play in traffic you sensitive snowflake.

Nope. This was the post you were responding to. :)
View attachment 333564
That was yesterday. And?

If it triggers you so much, I'll keep doing it now. What are you going to do about it?

And you should stop whining about me and mentioning me just because I gave you a sad. :)
Nope. Now I am going to stalk you and see how you like it. This will be fun. BTW - those in the truck are going to jail for life. You'll likely be joining them soon. It is a free messageboard if you don't want to read my posts making you look like an idiot then feel free to follow IM2 and put me on ignore. Otherwise reap the love. I am going to crush you and there is nothing you can do about. Bitch. ;)
This one also.
you don't get what a message board is then.
There are statutes that define what a message board is, I didn't make this up.
Good let’s find a lawyer and see what I did wrong on this Messageboard. Lol

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