Video footage of Texas state funded border wall going up.

Yeah, they could be putting that money into their failed electrical grid so more of their residents don't freeze to death again this winter. And then Ted Cruz wouldn't have to sneak his family off to Cancun.

You're not often a fucking idiot, but when you are you push the limits. Winterization is going just fine with our prime power producers.

Spending billions on a wall that be climbed over or dug under. Makes sense.
The El Paso border wall cut illegals by 89%, but don't let facts slow down the Dimtard talking point bullshit you are fed by your handlers.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

The State charges are required to eventually have the historical record expose both the feds' and POSPOTUS JoeXi's profound mental pathology, and reinforce especially the open carry trajectory npw evolving in De Santis, Florida.

Plus it builds a criminal history on the illegals that would prevent them from seeking asylum or permanent residence under US law.

Where in the Constitution does the federal government have the authority to ship illegals to wherever it pleases to, to any state?

A state truly does need to take several busloads of illegals that Biden dumped in their state and ship them to Martha's Vineyard, and Rehoboth Beach, DE. Let the court battle then begin.
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Indeed. They are hard working people, but it's designed to suppress working class wages.

You're making assumptions, there are people from more than 140 countries coming across the southern border, you have no idea what their motives are.

Sad to see what Texas’ priorities are
sad to see the SCUM demonRATS priorities:
getting AMERICANS killed
watching inflation take AMERICA by storm
stopping the supply chain
wide open borders
INFLATION-worst in over 40 years
and the SCUM demonRATS worry about letting putin and xi get their ways
as usual, you show the world what a retarded shit stain you are
You're making assumptions, there are people from more than 140 countries coming across the southern border, you have no idea what their motives are.

? I am not discussing their motives, just their mathematical impact on wages.
You're not often a fucking idiot, but when you are you push the limits. Winterization is going just fine with our prime power producers.

No. They have just turned in plans. And literally nothing on the gas wellheads and lines which is what caused the fucking thing.
Plus it builds a criminal history on the illegals that would prevent them from seeking asylum or permanent residence under US law.

Yes, and that's why De Santis trumps the feds contradiction between their federal border jurisdiction and a governor's state lines. The documentation must occur in the state the organisms resides, otherwise it's a blatant, arrogant disregard of what it means to be an American citizen, the latter we take to be the Second Indigene. Screw the effeminate feds.

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