Video footage of Texas state funded border wall going up.

Power grid in tatters? What bullshit. TX had an issue for a few days during a once in a century winter storm (MMGW). Kalifornia has rolling brownouts and blackouts each and every summer cuz they are too stupid to know it get hot in the summer and people use more electricity (MMGW)

And TX isn't at the bottom in education. Not even close. Kalifornia is well below them, Stupid.

You are once again just being a lying sack of shit.
CA is higher in education ranking and spending and results than Texas. Sorry.
Nationally, Texas ranked 40 out of a total of 51 when it comes to funding levels. The Lone Star State received an “F” mark for its funding level of $11,987 per student, which was $3,127 below the national average of $15,114.

The low ranking put Texas at the bottom of the list with 10 other states.

Texas finds the money to build walls but not for Education

Yet TX leads the way in high school graduation rates. Go fucking figure.

Sad to see what Texas’ priorities are
Watch any of the videos where they film families who live on the southern border and the daily chaos that occurs. Many say they fear leaving their houses because they’ll come home to empty refrigerators, for one. Safety? Maybe you’d be more concerned if it was your own backyard.
Looks to be a wall very similar to the Trump Wall. They are building about 100 yards of it a day.

2 million illegals just Joe's first year alone. That is an impeachable offense. I'd normally say that for a deliberate crime so heinous as this by our POTUS of all people, the punishment ought to be to feed him to a pack of ravenous dogs, but I seriously doubt whether even a pack of hyenas would find one part of Joe worth chewing on as a source of taste or nourishment.
Yep, we're also arresting illegals when they are found on private property on State charges and putting their asses in jail. How do you like those apples commie?

The State charges are required to eventually have the historical record expose both the feds' and POSPOTUS JoeXi's profound mental pathology, and reinforce especially the open carry trajectory npw evolving in De Santis, Florida.
2 million illegals just Joe's first year alone. That is an impeachable offense. I'd normally say that for a deliberate crime so heinous as this by our POTUS of all people, the punishment ought to be to feed him to a pack of ravenous dogs, but I seriously doubt whether even a pack of hyenas would find one part of Joe worth chewing on as a source of taste or nourishment.
Tie him behind Crocodile's boat.

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