Video footage of Texas state funded border wall going up.

? I am not discussing their motives, just their mathematical impact on wages.

I was referring to your assumption that they were coming here to work hard, and their motives for coming would determine that.

No. They have just turned in plans. And literally nothing on the gas wellheads and lines which is what caused the fucking thing.

We're only 10 months out, it won't happen overnight, but it is happening. Your name wouldn't be Karen, would it?

You're making assumptions, there are people from more than 140 countries coming across the southern border, you have no idea what their motives are.

A good point to bring out that not all have the same motive for entry, and that’s why it’s so important to not only “capture” all illegal entries but conduct full assessment that does not involve catch and release tactics that results in 60% or higher not showing up for court date. Go figure, certainly all those with criminal intent would not show up and many have proved they don’t.

This issue has weighed on my mind for many years. All humans should have the right to do their best at making a good life for themselves and their families. This does not involve cutting in line in front of all others who go through the legal process of applying for citizenship or asylum.

The old figure was about 12% of all US asylum claims were accepted as valid claims, but I haven’t checked recent stats to see how it stands now. My guess is that it hasn’t changed much.
Indeed. They are hard working people, but it's designed to suppress working class wages.
I agree with the overall perception about Hispanic people being hard workers, because that’s what they’ve done all of their life in order to survive and/or thrive in ways that most Americans have had it quite easy. Many Americans have not had an easy life, but as adults it becomes more about personal choices in the US compared to impermeable conditions in Mexico and Central American countries for instance.

Side story- Hispanic young male working a drive-through with a smile, observable energy, and getting things done for his lazy co-workers. Next month, I notice he has a name tag and has been promoted to manager. Same positive attitude, quick energy, and lack of any display of “I hate my job, I hate people, I hate my life” fixated expression. He was soon promoted to district manager, deservedly so. I haven’t seen him for over a year now but I assume he’s doing good things in life. Of course, a poster can come back with, “Well, you have no idea that has anything to do with being Hispanic.” Sorry, but I beg to differ because many white and black kids demonstrate the “Oh poor me, I hate my life, and customers bother me” attitude in the service industry. I once asked a white girl if she liked her job because she had her prune face on with her bad attitude on full display. It was so bizarre because she changed up so quickly, actually smiled and said -why yes I really do! I was like “Huh?” Lol well I went along with it anyway because I didn’t expect her to say yes so I said, OK well great have a nice day! Lol
A good point to bring out that not all have the same motive for entry, and that’s why it’s so important to not only “capture” all illegal entries but conduct full assessment that does not involve catch and release tactics that results in 60% or higher not showing up for court date. Go figure, certainly all those with criminal intent would not show up and many have proved they don’t.

This issue has weighed on my mind for many years. All humans should have the right to do their best at making a good life for themselves and their families. This does not involve cutting in line in front of all others who go through the legal process of applying for citizenship or asylum.

The old figure was about 12% of all US asylum claims were accepted as valid claims, but I haven’t checked recent stats to see how it stands now. My guess is that it hasn’t changed much.

It's much less now, like 4-6%.

Spending billions on a wall that be climbed over or dug under. Makes sense.
That was solved with the Berlin Wall. If we put up guard towers staffed with armed military personnel, the dead bodies at the base of the wall would be a warning to the other Mexicans thinking of climbing over it.
That was solved with the Berlin Wall. If we put up guard towers staffed with armed military personnel, the dead bodies at the base of the wall would be a warning to the other Mexicans thinking of climbing over it.
funny how you pussies sit back and talk your fucking talk. One slip of the tongue and we can make you feel unimaginable pain. Pain that you've never imagined.
funny how you pussies sit back and talk your fucking talk. One slip of the tongue and we can make you feel unimaginable pain. Pain that you've never imagined.

Unimaginable pain, or pain you’ve never imagined?

Make up your mind.

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