Video footage of Texas state funded border wall going up.

Their power grid is in tatters. Their education at the bottom of the state rankings. Good use of money though. 1.7 miles down and 1,244 to go.
Power grid in tatters? What bullshit. TX had an issue for a few days during a once in a century winter storm (MMGW). Kalifornia has rolling brownouts and blackouts each and every summer cuz they are too stupid to know it get hot in the summer and people use more electricity (MMGW)

And TX isn't at the bottom in education. Not even close. Kalifornia is well below them, Stupid.

You are once again just being a lying sack of shit.
Yeah, they could be putting that money into their failed electrical grid so more of their residents don't freeze to death again this winter. And then Ted Cruz wouldn't have to sneak his family off to Cancun.
I see you bought the same Dimtard lies.
Wow! Governor Abbott just said criminals that are from Iran, Syria, and Russia are sneaking in through Mexico. Where the Trump Haters at over their obsession about Russia? There was never collusion!
Nationally, Texas ranked 40 out of a total of 51 when it comes to funding levels. The Lone Star State received an “F” mark for its funding level of $11,987 per student, which was $3,127 below the national average of $15,114.

The low ranking put Texas at the bottom of the list with 10 other states.

Texas finds the money to build walls but not for Education
TX still ranks well above Kalifornia in education spending far less.

Now we are getting there

I support temporary work visas that allow them to work for legal wages and pay taxes

Don‘t you?
Temporary work visas? Sure.

Permanent residency? No.

Pathway to citizenship? Definitely not.

Strip that buried crap from Sleepy Old Joe's "Build Back Better" spending extravaganza and you'll have a slightly better chance of passing it.

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