Video-Game Censorship: Ethnic Avatar Dialectic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The marketing of fantasy-world characters and avatars in media reflect a social focus on the types of folkloric philosophies of society. When we notice the racial demographics of these pop-culture icons, we feel more 'involved' in the political analysis of culture-exchange --- e.g., Aunt Jemima, Barbie, Charlie Chan, Shylock, etc.

Modern entertainment offers American youngsters windows into incredible fantasy-worlds and playspaces (e.g., Facebook, Xbox, Spider-Man, Disney, etc.). The quality and content of entertainment media therefore represents social perspective on imagination values.

The new age highly-graphic combat video-game (marketed to American youngsters) Mortal Kombat X features very unusual warrior-avatars hailing from differing cultures such as Raiden (Oriental god of lightning) and Leatherface (American horror-film avatar). As youngsters watch Raiden and Leatherface tear away at each other in very descriptive battle sequences, they may start feeling that media/entertainment now offers 'glimpses' of worldly intrigue and engagements between 'characters' from different ethnic groups!

So how will this affect the youths' attitudes towards media censorship?


RAIDEN: China is superior to America!
LEATHERFACE: No! American food is better!!!
RAIDEN: Americans are indecisive...
LEATHERFACE: America is clean!
RAIDEN: There is too much violence in American cities.
LEATHERFACE: American police are superior, no?
RAIDEN: The American government is too liberal...
LEATHERFACE: Western culture is the bandleader of fashion!
RAIDEN: Americans play too many video games and eat junk food.
LEATHERFACE: Art and entertainment are public domain and casual.
RAIDEN: The Chinese dragon consumes heretics with fire-breath!
LEATHERFACE: American urban gangs represent real anarchy.



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