[VIDEO] ~ Horrific reality of the "WAR ON DRUGS" exposed in SWAT raid video tape...

You do not have the liberty of being high and causing injury to others because you are impaired. And cut the crap with this victimless crime BS. I was a teenager in the 60's and did my time in SE Asia. I know the deal. But I was smart enough to grow up and get the hell away from it. Drugs are definitely for losers.

up yours

stop telling people what they can or can NOT say.

what are you ...some kind of fkn nazi?

our founding fathers smoked pot

MILLIONS of people smoke and are NOT losers

g bush did drugs

and he went on to become president.

apparently drugs didn't ruin his brain

(though I do wonder what it was that ruined YOUR brain?)

pot is no more dangerous than alcohol

pot should be legalized, regulated and taxed

and you should stop forcing your ignorance and lies on everyone
  • Thanks
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why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

the military must be in serious trouble if they had to sink so low as to make YOU an officer.

There's a monkey at the zoo who would be material.

marijuana did not kill those 3 men (if your story is true.,..which I doubt...cus I think your alcohol has rotted your brain...)

We'll know the military is in serious trouble when you start bitching about recruiters knocking on your door.
He was an NCO and not simply an Officer but who has time to teach you such basics when you're fantasizing about monkeys at zoos?

Then you accuse him of passing a false story based on.......? If you knew anything about the M-16 or Guard Duty you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself with monkey fantasies.
you never answered the questions i asked in #27. missed it or lack the stones to be honest?

just guessing here but it looks like a lot of your answers reek of budweiser with a jim beam chaser.

Too bad, but your questions are about ridicules. Yes I drink caffeinated beverages. At least 2 cups of coffee every day. I do have about 4 maybe 5 beers during the course of a year. And I happen to take way too many prescription medications, but they keep me alive. I would love to stop taking all of them.

Now tell me, what do your stupid questions about me, have to do with your illegal drug use?

absolutely nothing, though i must say that i find it really unusual to find a philosophy like yours being spouted by someone who is not a drunk.

as for my illegal drug use, marijuana has helped me not hurt people like you who get in my face itching for a fight. it helps me eat when the bad energy i feel from people like you who get within range nauseates me and it helps me sleep when i'm surrounded by mentally conditioned reactionary retards and i get overamped by their nonsense.

Simple solution there too. Stay the hell out of my way. You still have the right to remain silent.
Easy solution, don't do drugs.

Really you fucking pea brain? Maybe you should ask Reverend Acelynne Williams...oh, you can't, he's DEAD

Your Innocence Is No Protection

by Harry Browne

December 6, 2003

When the politicians violate the Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act or some other guaranteed-to-bring-peace-and-security-to-the-world scheme, they always reassure us by saying:

"If you aren't guilty, you have nothing to fear."

If only that were so. The truth is that innocence is no protection at all against government agencies with the power to do what they think best — or against a government agent hoping for promotion and willing to do whatever he can get away with.

• Tell a businessman he has nothing to fear from the piles of forms he must file to prove he doesn't discriminate.

• Tell a home owner he has nothing to fear when his property is seized by the government in a mistaken — or contrived — drug raid.

• Tell a taxpayer he has nothing to fear when the IRS drags him into a "taxpayer compliance" audit that eats up a week of his life, costs him thousands of dollars in accounting fees, and threatens him with unbearable penalties.

It is the innocent who suffer most from government's intrusions. How many times have we seen the following pattern?

1. The press and politicians demand that something be done about violent crime, terrorist acts, drug dealing, tax evasion, or whatever is the Urgent Concern of the Month.

2. A tough, new, take-no-prisoners law or policy is put into place.

3. After the dust settles, the initial "problem" continues unabated, because the guilty continue to slip through the net. But the innocent are left burdened with new chores, expenses, and hazards — more mandatory reports to file, less privacy, reduced access to products and services, higher costs, heavier taxes, and a new set of penalties for those who shirk their duty to fight in the War on ___________ (fill in the blank).

4. And, needless to say, the ineffectual law is never repealed.

Not Even Ministers Are Safe

For example, suppose you're a 75-year-old minister living in Boston. You've worked all your life to console those who are poor in money or spirit.

One afternoon 13 men with sledgehammers break down the door and charge into your apartment. They're wearing helmets, battle fatigues, and boots — and they're armed with shotguns and pistols.

They force you to the floor, pin your legs and arms, and handcuff you. They scare you so badly you suffer a heart attack — and within 45 minutes you're dead.

Who were these criminals?

They weren't "criminals." They were members of a SWAT team searching for drugs and guns. There wasn't anything illegal in your apartment, as you could have told them if they had stopped long enough to ask you.

But they didn't stop and they didn't ask. They didn't have to. They knew you were a bad guy, and they weren't going to allow you to escape or to flush your drug inventory down the toilet.

Six weeks after you die, it is revealed that the SWAT team raided the wrong apartment. You have been completely exonerated. But, unfortunately, the government can't bring you back to life.

Not one of the SWAT team members — or the prosecutor who okayed the raid — was prosecuted or suffered any career damage for causing the death. Compare that with a pot smoker who is hurting no one but might have to spend several years in prison if he gets caught.

This isn't fiction. It is the story of the Reverend Acelynne Williams, and how he died on March 26, 1994.

Whole article...Your Innocence Is No Protection

You know, for every situation we can find a few incidents that seem to make the right wrong and the wrong right. So how many thousands of Guilty Pushers have been caught in drug raids? Or is it hundreds of thousands?
why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

oh so this is a GUN ISSUE rather than a POT ISSUE, eh you bearded pansy motherfucker? Yea, that's kinda what I FIGURED it would turn out to be, cock ranger. You can blame whatever you want for that death but the bottom line is that the POT wasn't the mitigating factor at play. How about if your friend wasn't playing around with a fucking WEAPON like a douchebag? Pot no more killed that man then the choice of underwear he made that morning. but, of course, dimwitted motherfuckers like you need a scape goat instead of laying the blame at the very person choosing to shoot another motherfucker.


seriously, you are not bright at all. Go end your worthless life you fucking geriatric scab.

You stupid fuck, they were on guard duty getting fucked up. If they had not been under the influence ........Fuck it you can't see through your drug infused brain, go shoot something up.

Manifold, I was, am, and always will be a Non-Commissioned officer. When I say I knew 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope, then I truly do know 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope. Never, ever call me a liar. it is the one thing I do not accept from anyone.

No you don't. You know motherfuckers who died because THEY WERE WAVING GUNS AROUND LIKE FUCKING DOUCHEBAGS.

I'll call you a liar all day long because that is EXACTLY what you are, you fucking disingenuous piece of shit liar.

accept that, motherfucker. LIAR.

Accept this motherfucker, you are back on the ignore list, I just don't do well with stupidity.
And I do not lie asshole.

Manifold, I was, am, and always will be a Non-Commissioned officer. When I say I knew 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope, then I truly do know 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope. Never, ever call me a liar. it is the one thing I do not accept from anyone.

Fine, you're a lying sack of shit.


How about this asshole, since you don't have the balls to open your IM's I'll tell the board. You call me a liar you go to ignore. You are history as far as i am concerned. Fuck you very much.Have a nice life.
Easy solution, don't do drugs.

Really you fucking pea brain? Maybe you should ask Reverend Acelynne Williams...oh, you can't, he's DEAD

Your Innocence Is No Protection

by Harry Browne

December 6, 2003

When the politicians violate the Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act or some other guaranteed-to-bring-peace-and-security-to-the-world scheme, they always reassure us by saying:

"If you aren't guilty, you have nothing to fear."

If only that were so. The truth is that innocence is no protection at all against government agencies with the power to do what they think best — or against a government agent hoping for promotion and willing to do whatever he can get away with.

• Tell a businessman he has nothing to fear from the piles of forms he must file to prove he doesn't discriminate.

• Tell a home owner he has nothing to fear when his property is seized by the government in a mistaken — or contrived — drug raid.

• Tell a taxpayer he has nothing to fear when the IRS drags him into a "taxpayer compliance" audit that eats up a week of his life, costs him thousands of dollars in accounting fees, and threatens him with unbearable penalties.

It is the innocent who suffer most from government's intrusions. How many times have we seen the following pattern?

1. The press and politicians demand that something be done about violent crime, terrorist acts, drug dealing, tax evasion, or whatever is the Urgent Concern of the Month.

2. A tough, new, take-no-prisoners law or policy is put into place.

3. After the dust settles, the initial "problem" continues unabated, because the guilty continue to slip through the net. But the innocent are left burdened with new chores, expenses, and hazards — more mandatory reports to file, less privacy, reduced access to products and services, higher costs, heavier taxes, and a new set of penalties for those who shirk their duty to fight in the War on ___________ (fill in the blank).

4. And, needless to say, the ineffectual law is never repealed.

Not Even Ministers Are Safe

For example, suppose you're a 75-year-old minister living in Boston. You've worked all your life to console those who are poor in money or spirit.

One afternoon 13 men with sledgehammers break down the door and charge into your apartment. They're wearing helmets, battle fatigues, and boots — and they're armed with shotguns and pistols.

They force you to the floor, pin your legs and arms, and handcuff you. They scare you so badly you suffer a heart attack — and within 45 minutes you're dead.

Who were these criminals?

They weren't "criminals." They were members of a SWAT team searching for drugs and guns. There wasn't anything illegal in your apartment, as you could have told them if they had stopped long enough to ask you.

But they didn't stop and they didn't ask. They didn't have to. They knew you were a bad guy, and they weren't going to allow you to escape or to flush your drug inventory down the toilet.

Six weeks after you die, it is revealed that the SWAT team raided the wrong apartment. You have been completely exonerated. But, unfortunately, the government can't bring you back to life.

Not one of the SWAT team members — or the prosecutor who okayed the raid — was prosecuted or suffered any career damage for causing the death. Compare that with a pot smoker who is hurting no one but might have to spend several years in prison if he gets caught.

This isn't fiction. It is the story of the Reverend Acelynne Williams, and how he died on March 26, 1994.

Whole article...Your Innocence Is No Protection

You know, for every situation we can find a few incidents that seem to make the right wrong and the wrong right. So how many thousands of Guilty Pushers have been caught in drug raids? Or is it hundreds of thousands?


you mean

like the way you found 1 incident where some idiots smoking some pot killed themselves when they played with loaded guns?

you mean like THAT?

you're an idiot
Easy solution, don't do drugs.

Fuck that. Violating a law that shouldn't exist in the first place doesn't give pigs the right to terrorize children and tear families apart.

"Fuck that. Violating a law that shouldn't exist in the first place doesn't give pigs the right to terrorize children and tear families apart."

and if sfc ollie thinks killing people and terrorizing children over pot is the right thing for government thugs to do then we need a tea party movement to oppose ANTI-FREEDOM, MURDEROUS scum like sfc ollie

When did I say that any of it was the right thing to do? I said that doing drugs is the wrong thing to do. And I said that cops are not pigs. I also said they were human and make mistakes. Are you so fucking perfect? Shove your scum up your ass.
Manifold, I was, am, and always will be a Non-Commissioned officer. When I say I knew 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope, then I truly do know 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope. Never, ever call me a liar. it is the one thing I do not accept from anyone.

No you don't. You know motherfuckers who died because THEY WERE WAVING GUNS AROUND LIKE FUCKING DOUCHEBAGS.

I'll call you a liar all day long because that is EXACTLY what you are, you fucking disingenuous piece of shit liar.

accept that, motherfucker. LIAR.

Accept this motherfucker, you are back on the ignore list, I just don't do well with stupidity.
And I do not lie asshole.

I disagree

you seem to be doing VERY well stupid.

I think it is wonderful that here in America someone as stupid as you are can actually type on a computer.

Manifold, I was, am, and always will be a Non-Commissioned officer. When I say I knew 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope, then I truly do know 3 people who are dead because of smoking dope. Never, ever call me a liar. it is the one thing I do not accept from anyone.

I'll call you a liar.

and go a little further

you're a FKN liar.

look, moron

pot is no more dangerous than alcohol or beer

pot kills LESS people than;

deranged military lunatics like YOU (how many innocent women and children have YOU killed?)
mountain climbing
nuclear power plants
toxic waste

MILLIONS of GOOD and DECENT Americans have smoked pot and;

got their degrees
have their own businesses
buy houses
pay taxes
get married
have children

and mind their own business

obviously you are another one of those "freedom for me but NOT for THEE" types

the war on pot and pot smokers is WRONG

and it is time for a TRULY free America to legalize it

You little fucking newbie asshole, You don't have any idea who i am and you call me a liar? Fuck you dumb ass.
why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

the military must be in serious trouble if they had to sink so low as to make YOU an officer.

There's a monkey at the zoo who would be material.

marijuana did not kill those 3 men (if your story is true.,..which I doubt...cus I think your alcohol has rotted your brain...)

You again, damn you are stupid, A Non-Commissioned officer is a Sergeant. Hence my name SFC, or for you Sergeant First Class. Now join the other idiots in ignore land, I might have all the druggies there before the day is over.
Easy solution, don't do drugs.

Really you fucking pea brain? Maybe you should ask Reverend Acelynne Williams...oh, you can't, he's DEAD

Your Innocence Is No Protection

by Harry Browne

December 6, 2003

When the politicians violate the Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act or some other guaranteed-to-bring-peace-and-security-to-the-world scheme, they always reassure us by saying:

"If you aren't guilty, you have nothing to fear."

If only that were so. The truth is that innocence is no protection at all against government agencies with the power to do what they think best — or against a government agent hoping for promotion and willing to do whatever he can get away with.

• Tell a businessman he has nothing to fear from the piles of forms he must file to prove he doesn't discriminate.

• Tell a home owner he has nothing to fear when his property is seized by the government in a mistaken — or contrived — drug raid.

• Tell a taxpayer he has nothing to fear when the IRS drags him into a "taxpayer compliance" audit that eats up a week of his life, costs him thousands of dollars in accounting fees, and threatens him with unbearable penalties.

It is the innocent who suffer most from government's intrusions. How many times have we seen the following pattern?

1. The press and politicians demand that something be done about violent crime, terrorist acts, drug dealing, tax evasion, or whatever is the Urgent Concern of the Month.

2. A tough, new, take-no-prisoners law or policy is put into place.

3. After the dust settles, the initial "problem" continues unabated, because the guilty continue to slip through the net. But the innocent are left burdened with new chores, expenses, and hazards — more mandatory reports to file, less privacy, reduced access to products and services, higher costs, heavier taxes, and a new set of penalties for those who shirk their duty to fight in the War on ___________ (fill in the blank).

4. And, needless to say, the ineffectual law is never repealed.

Not Even Ministers Are Safe

For example, suppose you're a 75-year-old minister living in Boston. You've worked all your life to console those who are poor in money or spirit.

One afternoon 13 men with sledgehammers break down the door and charge into your apartment. They're wearing helmets, battle fatigues, and boots — and they're armed with shotguns and pistols.

They force you to the floor, pin your legs and arms, and handcuff you. They scare you so badly you suffer a heart attack — and within 45 minutes you're dead.

Who were these criminals?

They weren't "criminals." They were members of a SWAT team searching for drugs and guns. There wasn't anything illegal in your apartment, as you could have told them if they had stopped long enough to ask you.

But they didn't stop and they didn't ask. They didn't have to. They knew you were a bad guy, and they weren't going to allow you to escape or to flush your drug inventory down the toilet.

Six weeks after you die, it is revealed that the SWAT team raided the wrong apartment. You have been completely exonerated. But, unfortunately, the government can't bring you back to life.

Not one of the SWAT team members — or the prosecutor who okayed the raid — was prosecuted or suffered any career damage for causing the death. Compare that with a pot smoker who is hurting no one but might have to spend several years in prison if he gets caught.

This isn't fiction. It is the story of the Reverend Acelynne Williams, and how he died on March 26, 1994.

Whole article...Your Innocence Is No Protection

You know, for every situation we can find a few incidents that seem to make the right wrong and the wrong right. So how many thousands of Guilty Pushers have been caught in drug raids? Or is it hundreds of thousands?

So your answer is 'so what'... my answer is 'fuck you, you slimy little scum bag'

There is ONE and only ONE drug a human being can die just from it's withdrawal. There is ONE and only ONE drug that kills more human beings than any other. There is ONE and only ONE drug that leads to rape. There is ONE and only ONE drug that causes more property damage, higher insurance premiums and destroys more lives than any other...


You are a mindless fucking pawn of the state...you don't own a brain, the government does...
Really you fucking pea brain? Maybe you should ask Reverend Acelynne Williams...oh, you can't, he's DEAD

Your Innocence Is No Protection

by Harry Browne

December 6, 2003

When the politicians violate the Bill of Rights with the Patriot Act or some other guaranteed-to-bring-peace-and-security-to-the-world scheme, they always reassure us by saying:

"If you aren't guilty, you have nothing to fear."

If only that were so. The truth is that innocence is no protection at all against government agencies with the power to do what they think best — or against a government agent hoping for promotion and willing to do whatever he can get away with.

• Tell a businessman he has nothing to fear from the piles of forms he must file to prove he doesn't discriminate.

• Tell a home owner he has nothing to fear when his property is seized by the government in a mistaken — or contrived — drug raid.

• Tell a taxpayer he has nothing to fear when the IRS drags him into a "taxpayer compliance" audit that eats up a week of his life, costs him thousands of dollars in accounting fees, and threatens him with unbearable penalties.

It is the innocent who suffer most from government's intrusions. How many times have we seen the following pattern?

1. The press and politicians demand that something be done about violent crime, terrorist acts, drug dealing, tax evasion, or whatever is the Urgent Concern of the Month.

2. A tough, new, take-no-prisoners law or policy is put into place.

3. After the dust settles, the initial "problem" continues unabated, because the guilty continue to slip through the net. But the innocent are left burdened with new chores, expenses, and hazards — more mandatory reports to file, less privacy, reduced access to products and services, higher costs, heavier taxes, and a new set of penalties for those who shirk their duty to fight in the War on ___________ (fill in the blank).

4. And, needless to say, the ineffectual law is never repealed.

Not Even Ministers Are Safe

For example, suppose you're a 75-year-old minister living in Boston. You've worked all your life to console those who are poor in money or spirit.

One afternoon 13 men with sledgehammers break down the door and charge into your apartment. They're wearing helmets, battle fatigues, and boots — and they're armed with shotguns and pistols.

They force you to the floor, pin your legs and arms, and handcuff you. They scare you so badly you suffer a heart attack — and within 45 minutes you're dead.

Who were these criminals?

They weren't "criminals." They were members of a SWAT team searching for drugs and guns. There wasn't anything illegal in your apartment, as you could have told them if they had stopped long enough to ask you.

But they didn't stop and they didn't ask. They didn't have to. They knew you were a bad guy, and they weren't going to allow you to escape or to flush your drug inventory down the toilet.

Six weeks after you die, it is revealed that the SWAT team raided the wrong apartment. You have been completely exonerated. But, unfortunately, the government can't bring you back to life.

Not one of the SWAT team members — or the prosecutor who okayed the raid — was prosecuted or suffered any career damage for causing the death. Compare that with a pot smoker who is hurting no one but might have to spend several years in prison if he gets caught.

This isn't fiction. It is the story of the Reverend Acelynne Williams, and how he died on March 26, 1994.

Whole article...Your Innocence Is No Protection

You know, for every situation we can find a few incidents that seem to make the right wrong and the wrong right. So how many thousands of Guilty Pushers have been caught in drug raids? Or is it hundreds of thousands?

So your answer is 'so what'... my answer is 'fuck you, you slimy little scum bag'

There is ONE and only ONE drug a human being can die just from it's withdrawal. There is ONE and only ONE drug that kills more human beings than any other. There is ONE and only ONE drug that leads to rape. There is ONE and only ONE drug that causes more property damage, higher insurance premiums and destroys more lives than any other...


You are a mindless fucking pawn of the state...you don't own a brain, the government does...

Never said that the Drug itself causes death though many have died of various overdoses. Or do we tend to forget people like Hendrix, Joplin , and Morrison (and his wife). And god knows how many others. I am against drugs based upon my own life experiences, so go ahead and call this old retired Sergeant (former hippie type) all the names you like.
Fuck you very much, and have a great day.
Too bad, but your questions are about ridicules. Yes I drink caffeinated beverages. At least 2 cups of coffee every day. I do have about 4 maybe 5 beers during the course of a year. And I happen to take way too many prescription medications, but they keep me alive. I would love to stop taking all of them.

Now tell me, what do your stupid questions about me, have to do with your illegal drug use?

absolutely nothing, though i must say that i find it really unusual to find a philosophy like yours being spouted by someone who is not a drunk.

as for my illegal drug use, marijuana has helped me not hurt people like you who get in my face itching for a fight. it helps me eat when the bad energy i feel from people like you who get within range nauseates me and it helps me sleep when i'm surrounded by mentally conditioned reactionary retards and i get overamped by their nonsense.

Simple solution there too. Stay the hell out of my way. You still have the right to remain silent.

izzat an order sargeANt? i'm not one to stoop to the vulgar childishness when it comes to flaming idiots in forums like this but, 1)i outrank you considerably and 2) urine over yer head on this one top old boy and if you need a thrashing on this or any other thread you will get it.


(do usn nbc hazmath can travel ring a familiar bell? suit me up, ollie!)
Police officers are only pigs to criminals. Are you a criminal? I consider the Police as public servants who are here for our protection. It must be people who call them pigs that they are protecting us from.


This thread is about the endless pain and suffering the war on drugs causes on a daily basis.

Not only does the war on drugs NOT WORK.

Not only does the war on drugs waste endless amounts of tax dollars.

Not only does the war on drugs facilitate an ever increasing police state.

Not only does the war on drugs violate every logical ideology on the basis of personal freedom, the ability to choose to do what you wish as long as it harms no one outside of yourself.

Ever heard of prohibition?




Crimes without victims are no crimes at all.

It worked on that guy in the video. Hopefully he'll see a lot of prison time.

For a ticket worthy offense. Nice.
absolutely nothing, though i must say that i find it really unusual to find a philosophy like yours being spouted by someone who is not a drunk.

as for my illegal drug use, marijuana has helped me not hurt people like you who get in my face itching for a fight. it helps me eat when the bad energy i feel from people like you who get within range nauseates me and it helps me sleep when i'm surrounded by mentally conditioned reactionary retards and i get overamped by their nonsense.

Simple solution there too. Stay the hell out of my way. You still have the right to remain silent.

izzat an order sargeANt? i'm not one to stoop to the vulgar childishness when it comes to flaming idiots in forums like this but, 1)i outrank you considerably and 2) urine over yer head on this one top old boy and if you need a thrashing on this or any other thread you will get it.


(do usn nbc hazmath can travel ring a familiar bell? suit me up, ollie!)

Sergeant First Class to you, Top would be a Fist Sergeant. And no one out ranks me these days except the Mrs. The best thing about being retired. And if you were navy as you hint thank you for your service, now grow up. Or are you telling me you are a sock puppet for someone else?
Sorry this was totally uncalled for. Why use a swat team? Why could a black and white not taken care of this? They shot a dog whom was protecting the house with a blatant over use of force. I would had been very very pissed and may have swung at the swat team. I mean looking at the home and family why would a swat team been used? surveilance perhaps and arrest the perp when his family is gone or something, totaly uncalled for and those officers and the person in charge of approving that should be looking for a job. I just can't believe they shot the dog and used a whole swat team. that was uncalled for. as for the war on drugs comment of the OP, not sure I see the reasoning of that, it was a blatant over use of force, abuse of power and trigger happy officers. Remind me not to speed in missouri hell I would really hate to see what they do to traffic violators.
Police officers are only pigs to criminals. Are you a criminal? I consider the Police as public servants who are here for our protection. It must be people who call them pigs that they are protecting us from.


This thread is about the endless pain and suffering the war on drugs causes on a daily basis.

Not only does the war on drugs NOT WORK.

Not only does the war on drugs waste endless amounts of tax dollars.

Not only does the war on drugs facilitate an ever increasing police state.

Not only does the war on drugs violate every logical ideology on the basis of personal freedom, the ability to choose to do what you wish as long as it harms no one outside of yourself.

Ever heard of prohibition?




Crimes without victims are no crimes at all.

It worked on that guy in the video. Hopefully he'll see a lot of prison time.

Only in your Fascist Police State dreams.
Sorry this was totally uncalled for. Why use a swat team? Why could a black and white not taken care of this? They shot a dog whom was protecting the house with a blatant over use of force. I would had been very very pissed and may have swung at the swat team. I mean looking at the home and family why would a swat team been used? surveilance perhaps and arrest the perp when his family is gone or something, totaly uncalled for and those officers and the person in charge of approving that should be looking for a job. I just can't believe they shot the dog and used a whole swat team. that was uncalled for. as for the war on drugs comment of the OP, not sure I see the reasoning of that, it was a blatant over use of force, abuse of power and trigger happy officers. Remind me not to speed in missouri hell I would really hate to see what they do to traffic violators.

It is obvious that we do not know what the warrant was for. Nor do we know for certain what was found or not found, we only have an Anonymous persons word for it. if all they found was an ounce or less of grass, and had no reason other than that small quantity then they would be wrong. But if they had good reason for a judge to sign a warrant for the guy maybe selling a few pounds......

Fact is we just do not know for what reason they were there. if you take the video without all the facts it was over use of force. But there is a whole set of facts that goes with the video that we do not have.

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