[VIDEO] ~ Horrific reality of the "WAR ON DRUGS" exposed in SWAT raid video tape...

This war on drugs has taken TOO MANY innocent lives. It needs to end NOW.

Could it be cause Hillary and so many have said that the USA is responsible for the crime wave that has hit Mexico because we are the ones who consume more drugs???? Could it be that is the reason why this senseless killing of a 92 yr. old grandma? WE want to fight drugs here so that Mexico gets off scott free as the greates PRODUCER of drugs? Would there be a problem with drugs if we were not to consume them? Or would there be NO problem with drugs if Mexico et al, stopped producing them? Which came first? The drugs or the drugee???? The drugee or the drugs????
The anti liberty crowd ladies and gentlemen. Wishing you go to jail for victimless crimes.

Bear in mind that you are conversing with the same braindead doucher who once argued that he'd be ok with sending people to jail for interracial marriage.

Wow. Just ... wow. I'd ask you to quote him but I'm having trouble finding some old archived comments myself.

In the interests of full disclosure, I am guilty of extrapolation, but not hyperbole.

He argued for several pages in defense of anti-miscegenation laws. Even claimed they're not racist because they don't explicitly claim one race to be superior to another.
Very EXTREME--concerning it was just POT. After all--we currently have 14 states with medical marijuana approval with another 14 states on the verge of approval--meaning that over 1/2 of this nation will have some kind of marijuana approval within them.

They barge into this home--shot a dog in front of kids--the only danger those kids were in were coming from the SWAT team--who more than likely could have calmly walked up to the front door--during the daylight hours--without all geared up to ask some questions--about the Marijuana.

I could have understood this--if it were Meth, Crack/Cocain or Herion--but for God's sake Marijuana--give me a BREAK!
So no one ever got hurt because of someone under the influence of Marijuana? Are you out of your mind? I know 3 people who are no longer with us because 2 of them were high and one because he and his friend were smoking a bowl.

why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

How many accidents happened with alcohol that you know of?
OK you keep believing that. We can test for alcohol on the spot. there is no immediate test for the amount of THC in your system. Why do you think we call it DOPE? You go ahead and continue to be a loser. It's your choice. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Somehow you missed your own evidence. Why do you think there is an immediate test for alcohol but not weed?

Do you know what the stats are on drunk driving injuries versus weed driving injuries? Of course you don't! Dumbass.

Gee you stupid fuck, any chance you have those figures? Or are they lost in your clouded truther mind somewhere? Why is there no test? Maybe because they haven't developed one yet. When they do I might actually change my view on the matter, somewhat.

There are instant tests for THC.
why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

How many accidents happened with alcohol that you know of?

Way too many.
Somehow you missed your own evidence. Why do you think there is an immediate test for alcohol but not weed?

Do you know what the stats are on drunk driving injuries versus weed driving injuries? Of course you don't! Dumbass.

Gee you stupid fuck, any chance you have those figures? Or are they lost in your clouded truther mind somewhere? Why is there no test? Maybe because they haven't developed one yet. When they do I might actually change my view on the matter, somewhat.

There are instant tests for THC.

Are there? That a police officer can administer to see how much THC is in your system?
Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

How many accidents happened with alcohol that you know of?

Way too many.

Yep--way too many accidents on alcohol--let alone the crime rate--and domestic violence caused by overdrinking. Any cop would tell you that alcohol gives them many more problems than marijuana ever has.

Yet one is legal--and the least dangerous of the two is illegal.

It might interest EVERYONE TO KNOW: That the pharmacutical industry in this country is the number 1 active lobbyist in Washington AGAINST either the legalization of marijuana or the use of medical marijuana. They have paid for decades of propoganda--against an organic plant--that has been proven time and time again to help people with chronic medical conditions. Of course, if one could wipe out half of their medicine cabinet by growing an organic plant in their backyard--it would scare the B.G's out of the pharmacutical industry in this country that has been riping off Americans forever.
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Gee you stupid fuck, any chance you have those figures? Or are they lost in your clouded truther mind somewhere? Why is there no test? Maybe because they haven't developed one yet. When they do I might actually change my view on the matter, somewhat.

There are instant tests for THC.

Are there? That a police officer can administer to see how much THC is in your system?

THC/Marijuana Urine Drug Test Cassette at NetDrugTest.com
...ah yes, the 'drug warriors'.. :rolleyes:

...supposedly the miserable drug warriors of their day enacted a ?1937 marijuana tax stamp act :rolleyes:..mostly to curb the 'depraved use' of the eeeeeeeevil ganja.. :rolleyes:

..but after unknown illion$ of treasure and a great lake of grief, 'the drug war' has managed to multiply--by many times--the usage rate of pot measured in any way you fucking drug warrior fools want to measure it..(certainly not that you fucking fools want to honestly measure anything) (their poor wives chime in, 'especially their pee-pee's') ;)

...yet you fucking miserable republicrat fools keep $oldiering on...

..the rest of you, have a good day!..
Are there? That a police officer can administer to see how much THC is in your system?

THC/Marijuana Urine Drug Test Cassette at NetDrugTest.com

This test wouldn't do much good on the side of the highway where a State Trooper is trying to decide if a driver is under the influence and should be taken off the roadway.

Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening
OK you keep believing that. We can test for alcohol on the spot. there is no immediate test for the amount of THC in your system. Why do you think we call it DOPE? You go ahead and continue to be a loser. It's your choice. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Somehow you missed your own evidence. Why do you think there is an immediate test for alcohol but not weed?

Do you know what the stats are on drunk driving injuries versus weed driving injuries? Of course you don't! Dumbass.

Gee you stupid fuck, any chance you have those figures? Or are they lost in your clouded truther mind somewhere? Why is there no test? Maybe because they haven't developed one yet. When they do I might actually change my view on the matter, somewhat.

Now that you know the instant tests exists it makes your accusation I'm a stoopid fuck even sweeter. As for being a truther, you just helped show why I'm not on the wrong side of the fence and you don't even realize why.

This test wouldn't do much good on the side of the highway where a State Trooper is trying to decide if a driver is under the influence and should be taken off the roadway.

Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening

Easy. read this statement from the advertisement and tell me what is missing....

"Each of the oral fluid device can test for six drugs in the human oral fluid. "

It only tells you if the drug is there. It does not give you a measurable amount which is what the courts would need. Give the world this test, just like the test for alcohol, and I would bet marijuana is almost instantly legalized. Until then I'll fight against it. And not only for police keeping the roads safe but for employers also. I can see someone working a press at some factory somewhere hurting themselves or someone else because of it. Even though eots thinks it does not affect body and mind functions. If it doesn't why do it?
This test wouldn't do much good on the side of the highway where a State Trooper is trying to decide if a driver is under the influence and should be taken off the roadway.

Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening

Easy. read this statement from the advertisement and tell me what is missing....

"Each of the oral fluid device can test for six drugs in the human oral fluid. "

It only tells you if the drug is there. It does not give you a measurable amount which is what the courts would need. Give the world this test, just like the test for alcohol, and I would bet marijuana is almost instantly legalized. Until then I'll fight against it. And not only for police keeping the roads safe but for employers also. I can see someone working a press at some factory somewhere hurting themselves or someone else because of it. Even though eots thinks it does not affect body and mind functions. If it doesn't why do it?

So you try to tap dance. The "measurable amount" is irrelevant. Know why? It's fuxxing illegal in any amount. I knew you would dance and you've embarrassed yourself even more.
This test wouldn't do much good on the side of the highway where a State Trooper is trying to decide if a driver is under the influence and should be taken off the roadway.

Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening

Easy. read this statement from the advertisement and tell me what is missing....

"Each of the oral fluid device can test for six drugs in the human oral fluid. "

It only tells you if the drug is there. It does not give you a measurable amount which is what the courts would need. Give the world this test, just like the test for alcohol, and I would bet marijuana is almost instantly legalized. Until then I'll fight against it. And not only for police keeping the roads safe but for employers also. I can see someone working a press at some factory somewhere hurting themselves or someone else because of it. Even though eots thinks it does not affect body and mind functions. If it doesn't why do it?

I would put my driving skills to a test after smoking a bag a pot over anyone 70 years old, most of the cops I see breaking every rule of the road and talking on a cell phone or a 17 year old girl. Sorry, it just doesn't have that bad of an effect on motor skills. Take the cell phone users off the road if you are so concerned. And make cops follow the same rules we have to unless they are responding to an emergency with lights flashing and siren blaring. It's just a bit hypocritical to claim pot is a road hazard when so much other more dangerous shit is on the road. Allowing a 16 year old to drive a Corvette or anything else for that matter, especially with cell phones, makes a drunk seem safer.
Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening

Easy. read this statement from the advertisement and tell me what is missing....

"Each of the oral fluid device can test for six drugs in the human oral fluid. "

It only tells you if the drug is there. It does not give you a measurable amount which is what the courts would need. Give the world this test, just like the test for alcohol, and I would bet marijuana is almost instantly legalized. Until then I'll fight against it. And not only for police keeping the roads safe but for employers also. I can see someone working a press at some factory somewhere hurting themselves or someone else because of it. Even though eots thinks it does not affect body and mind functions. If it doesn't why do it?

So you try to tap dance. The "measurable amount" is irrelevant. Know why? It's fuxxing illegal in any amount. I knew you would dance and you've embarrassed yourself even more.

Dumbass, if they could test for a measurable amount then perhaps the law could be made to say you are impaired if this amount is in your bloodstream like with alcohol. I', not dancing you aren't thinking. You can't measure it you can't set a limit. Think for a change.
Oral test kits for THC are available. So explain why cops have instant alcohol but no instant weed tests?

Saliva drug test | Oral drug test | Drug screening

Easy. read this statement from the advertisement and tell me what is missing....

"Each of the oral fluid device can test for six drugs in the human oral fluid. "

It only tells you if the drug is there. It does not give you a measurable amount which is what the courts would need. Give the world this test, just like the test for alcohol, and I would bet marijuana is almost instantly legalized. Until then I'll fight against it. And not only for police keeping the roads safe but for employers also. I can see someone working a press at some factory somewhere hurting themselves or someone else because of it. Even though eots thinks it does not affect body and mind functions. If it doesn't why do it?

I would put my driving skills to a test after smoking a bag a pot over anyone 70 years old, most of the cops I see breaking every rule of the road and talking on a cell phone or a 17 year old girl. Sorry, it just doesn't have that bad of an effect on motor skills. Take the cell phone users off the road if you are so concerned. And make cops follow the same rules we have to unless they are responding to an emergency with lights flashing and siren blaring. It's just a bit hypocritical to claim pot is a road hazard when so much other more dangerous shit is on the road. Allowing a 16 year old to drive a Corvette or anything else for that matter, especially with cell phones, makes a drunk seem safer.

I tend to agree with much of what you are saying, Doesn't make marijuana any less safe.

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