Video: Israel strikes civilian building

After the "knock on the roof" two missiles fired from a F-16 destroy a building. - Israeli Airstrike Footage from Gaza: Warning Rocket Followed by an F-16 Airstrike


Strange how Israel has given a warning to the Gazans civilians to leave the areas, but Assad didn't seem to give any warning when he sent his own air force up to born.
Strange how Israel has given a warning to the Gazans civilians to leave the areas, but Assad didn't seem to give any warning when he sent his own air force up to born.
The Syrian army announces every barrel bomb attack in Aleppo cause there might be civilians. Other locations targeted by the Syrian airforce are only full of terrorists. Announcements would be counterproductive.
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.

And one hopes that the Muslims who are murdering innocent people all over the Muslim world come to their rapid deaths so that people living in the Muslim world can breathe a sigh of relief. Actually I don't think that Freddie worries one bit about all those innocent people his own Muslim brethren have murdered. If there is a suicide or car bombing in Pakistan where loads of Shia are taken out while at the marketplace, does anyone really think Freddie cares. When the Ahmadiyya Muslims were blown up in their own mosques while praying, does anyone think that Freddie was concerned that dozens of Admadiyya were murdered and dozens wounded. Once in a while, he gives lip service when questioned, but this murders actually don't disturb him at all.
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.

And one hopes that the Muslims who are murdering innocent people all over the Muslim world come to their rapid deaths so that people living in the Muslim world can breathe a sigh of relief. Actually I don't think that Freddie worries one bit about all those innocent people his own Muslim brethren have murdered. If there is a suicide or car bombing in Pakistan where loads of Shia are taken out while at the marketplace, does anyone really think Freddie cares. When the Ahmadiyya Muslims were blown up in their own mosques while praying, does anyone think that Freddie was concerned that dozens of Admadiyya were murdered and dozens wounded. Once in a while, he gives lip service when questioned, but this murders actually don't disturb him at all.

Given my posting record on those issues, it's clear you're talking shit - as usual.
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.

And one hopes that the Muslims who are murdering innocent people all over the Muslim world come to their rapid deaths so that people living in the Muslim world can breathe a sigh of relief. Actually I don't think that Freddie worries one bit about all those innocent people his own Muslim brethren have murdered. If there is a suicide or car bombing in Pakistan where loads of Shia are taken out while at the marketplace, does anyone really think Freddie cares. When the Ahmadiyya Muslims were blown up in their own mosques while praying, does anyone think that Freddie was concerned that dozens of Admadiyya were murdered and dozens wounded. Once in a while, he gives lip service when questioned, but this murders actually don't disturb him at all.

Given my posting record on those issues, it's clear you're talking shit - as usual.

What kind of phony posting record? When someone confronts you, then you give your little lip service.
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.

Spoken like a true Muslim scumbag :clap2:

I wouldn't expect any more or any less from you Freddie ...
I think you need to take a closer look at that video.
They were a row of three shop houses. The lower level is a business, usually family run, with living quarters upstairs.
You'll notice, the three units have different window blinds, suggesting three separate businesses, run by three separate families.
Even if a "terrorist" lived in one, how does Israel justify destroying all three homes, including leaving the family of the "terrorist" homeless in an act of collective punishment?

Fuck the Israeli government and fuck the IDF. One hopes and preys for their rapid deaths.

Maybe you should take a closer look at that video again.
Yesterday I`ve read in Der Spiegel an article "Erst kommt der Anruf, dann der Tod" ( first the phonecall and after that death) and I had trouble believing that Israel bothers warning the occupants of a house they intend to bomb. After watching that video I do believe it.
It`s clear that whoever set up the camera knew in advance that the IDF was going to strike this house...they were just waiting for it and you can even hear people who were waiting behind the camera talking.
They clearly knew that this house was going to be targeted and it`s quite obvious that at least with this airstrike no non-combatants got killed....that building had been vacated well in advance.
There was another interesting article just today, same source:
Gazastreifen: So wählt Israel seine Bombenziele aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE
How Israel selects it`s targets
Als Spione nutzt Israel verärgerte Palästinenser
Israel`s "Schin Bet" has no trouble finding enough Palestinians who hate Hamas enough to supply Schin Bet with detailed information even though just the accusation to co-operate with Israel is enough to get summarily executed and have your body dragged through the streets.

Most of the intel is collected by drones and of interest are houses that connect to tunnels. Drones have monitored people dragging sacks full of sand from these suspect houses and emptying them outside.
That is not reason enough to get clearance for an airstrike on this building unless it`s been confirmed by an informant that there are significant weapons etc in the suspect building.....then a warning is issued followed shortly after by an airstrike like the one in this video.
Amazing how little damage was done the other buildings right next to the one that got hit.
This is nothing like operation "Cast Lead" and the blockbuster bombs Israel used then. It was a PR disaster for Israel, one they don`t care to repeat.
After the "knock on the roof" two missiles fired from a F-16 destroy a building. - Israeli Airstrike Footage from Gaza: Warning Rocket Followed by an F-16 Airstrike


Strange how Israel has given a warning to the Gazans civilians to leave the areas, but Assad didn't seem to give any warning when he sent his own air force up to born.

I'll to that by saying that Hamas terrorists continue to deliberately target Israeli civilians with their rocket attacks. Israel has every right to defend itself against these terrorist attacks. Hamas started the whole thing, they made their beds, now they sleep in em'.
Given my posting record on those issues, it's clear you're talking shit - as usual.

What kind of phony posting record? When someone confronts you, then you give your little lip service.

Take a look at my posting record; you'll see I condemn all terrorists, including Muslim terrorists.

You still whining about your posting record like a little boy? I think people with any brains at all realize that you only give a little lip service condemning terrorists. By the way, have you ever reported on when Sunnis in your own country harass and desecrate the houses of worship of others, and on many occasions the police just stand by while this is happening? I really feel sorry for the Shia, Ahmaiyya and Christians living in your country, but naturally this is a topic you wouldn't want to discuss.
After the "knock on the roof" two missiles fired from a F-16 destroy a building. - Israeli Airstrike Footage from Gaza: Warning Rocket Followed by an F-16 Airstrike


Strange how Israel has given a warning to the Gazans civilians to leave the areas, but Assad didn't seem to give any warning when he sent his own air force up to born.

they are knocking and firing on the same buildings, not knocking on one building and then striking one two or three doors down.
Hamas told gazan terrorists not to post selfies when they fire rockets as Israel uses them to target buildings.
At least Israel targets its enemies, whereas Hamas deliberately targets civilians. Israelis only get 15 seconds to run to safety when the siren sounds which is a lot less time that the knock on the roof. If you shelter Hamas, expect to get messages then the knock on the roof at any time.
At least Israel targets its enemies, whereas Hamas deliberately targets civilians. Israelis only get 15 seconds to run to safety when the siren sounds which is a lot less time that the knock on the roof. If you shelter Hamas, expect to get messages then the knock on the roof at any time.
So you consider this house enemy? The attack is an act of despotism.
Deliberately destroying homes occupied by families of those you consider guilty, is collective punishment.
Return fire is never illegal ----except in the depravity of shariah law..

in the filth of Islamic jurisprudence----if a muslim throws a rock
at a dhmmi----and the dhimmi picks up the rock and throws it
back. ----the dhimmi has committed a crime. in fact if the muslim
yells out MAWT AL YAHOOOD and the the dhimmi jew yells out
"go to hell"-----the dhimmi has committed a crime I am going to
be named "QADI-ette" in the new CALIPHATE
Deliberately destroying homes occupied by families of those you consider guilty, is collective punishment.

Delivery murdering people in the name of a religion is certainly collective punishment. I guess those dozens and dozens of Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslims blown up either while preying in their mosques or shopping in the market place is just ho hum to some posters. However, when Israel hits back at those who are constantly shooting rockets at them, then you see the Muslims and their fellow travelers get up on their high horse. Wouldn't it be nice if the Sunnis would give warning to the Shia and Ahmadiyya to vacate the area before they are blown up?
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Israel's inhumanity goes way beyond barbaric.

That's what a war crime looks like.

Awwwww! Ain't that too bad.
Maybe the fucking Jews will name a new museum in honor of those who were in the building...The Fucking Idiots Who Are Now Dead Museum.

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