Video: Israel strikes civilian building

At least Israel targets its enemies, whereas Hamas deliberately targets civilians. Israelis only get 15 seconds to run to safety when the siren sounds which is a lot less time that the knock on the roof. If you shelter Hamas, expect to get messages then the knock on the roof at any time.
So you consider this house enemy? The attack is an act of despotism.

Do you consider Israel your enemy, including the unarmed arab women and children. This is the answer to terrorism and war crimes that is fully proportional under the circumstances. The owners of the building can always demand compensation from hamas after they allowed the terrorists to fire from the building.
Deliberately destroying homes occupied by families of those you consider guilty, is collective punishment.

Deliberately destroying rocket launch sites on top of buildings is what happens to terrorists using civilian areas to fore the rockets. Firing the rockets at Israel is collective punishment.
All Hamas has to do is CEASE ALL THE ROCKET FIRE and Israel will stop it's aerial bombadment. So why doesn't Hamas stop? Because they want Gazans to die so as to continue playing the victim card.

What a disgusting 'government'. They would rather their people get killed by Isdael then stop launching rockets and surrender.
Why didnt the men at the alamo just give up fighting?

Different scenario, they weren't the instigators of a terror war because of their religion.
Return fire is never illegal ----except in the depravity of shariah law..

in the filth of Islamic jurisprudence----if a muslim throws a rock
at a dhmmi----and the dhimmi picks up the rock and throws it
back. ----the dhimmi has committed a crime. in fact if the muslim
yells out MAWT AL YAHOOOD and the the dhimmi jew yells out
"go to hell"-----the dhimmi has committed a crime I am going to
be named "QADI-ette" in the new CALIPHATE
With its behavior Israel´s government is on the same level with the Hamas extremist group.

When they use illegal rockets to target children then you can say that, until then STFU
I am sure I´d find a piece of paper somewhere telling to kill is ok...
But am I killing? No!

If the ramifications of killing sociopaths is a better society, than yes, kill them.
You are condoning the murder of non-sociopaths.
No. Nobody should kill anyone. Go, ask the people in Israel and they will tell you that their government is weak and does not do enough about Palestine.

I don´t say Israel shouldn´t react when rockets are fired, but the best way to calm the waves is to give the Palestinians their nation.

It is not Israel's place to give then a nation, it is their place to take the nation and act like intelligent adults
No. Nobody should kill anyone. Go, ask the people in Israel and they will tell you that their government is weak and does not do enough about Palestine.

I don´t say Israel shouldn´t react when rockets are fired, but the best way to calm the waves is to give the Palestinians their nation.

First let's set every nation on earth back to pre-WWI borders.
Or maybe give the South-West back to Mexico.
That should go over well.
Not even funny.

It is as it shows how stupid your statement was, now about this nation that the Palestinians have refused for the last 70 years ?
WRONG dildo that is what precision bombing minimising the collateral damage looks like. Firing rockets from that building is what a REAL WAR CRIME LOOKS LIKE, and the answer to such war crimes is what we have just watched.
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!
WRONG dildo that is what precision bombing minimising the collateral damage looks like. Firing rockets from that building is what a REAL WAR CRIME LOOKS LIKE, and the answer to such war crimes is what we have just watched.
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!

Why would you tell someone to kill themselves??
Why would you tell someone to kill themselves??
Because he's a cancer to this planet and the world doesn't need little racist Hitler's running around stirring up trouble.

And I asked him to do it himself, because 1) I'm a Catholic and don't believe in murder and 2) I'm against the death penalty.
Why would you tell someone to kill themselves??
Because he's a cancer to this planet and the world doesn't need little racist Hitler's running around stirring up trouble.

And I asked him to do it himself, because 1) I'm a Catholic and don't believe in murder and 2) I'm against the death penalty.

What trouble is he stirring up by posting on a message board?
Why would you tell someone to kill themselves??
Because he's a cancer to this planet and the world doesn't need little racist Hitler's running around stirring up trouble.

And I asked him to do it himself, because 1) I'm a Catholic and don't believe in murder and 2) I'm against the death penalty.

What trouble is he stirring up by posting on a message board?

The ones who stir up lies on these forums are those two-bit anti-Semites like Billy. The Pope is worried about what is happening to the Christians (which includes Catholics) in these Middle East countries, and all the "good" Catholic Billy can think about is bashing Israel and the Jews. Meanwhile, tens of thousands have been murdered by his new friends, and he really doesn't care about this. I would suggest that Billy start reading Raymond Ibrahim's report each month on what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world. Ibrahim is of Egyptian Coptic heritage, and we know that the Copts were some of the original Christians in that part of the world. Maybe then his eyes will be open to what is happening. If that doesn't do it, he should get off the bar stool and visit a Coptic or Assyrian Church in Los Angeles county and ask the parishioners what has happened and is still happening to their friends and relatives in the old country.
WRONG dildo that is what precision bombing minimising the collateral damage looks like. Firing rockets from that building is what a REAL WAR CRIME LOOKS LIKE, and the answer to such war crimes is what we have just watched.
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!

Why would you tell someone to kill themselves??

Because he knows he has been shown to be wrong yet again
WRONG dildo that is what precision bombing minimising the collateral damage looks like. Firing rockets from that building is what a REAL WAR CRIME LOOKS LIKE, and the answer to such war crimes is what we have just watched.
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!

Geneva conventions says that once a building is used for firing at the enemy then it is a valid military target. Something you should know the number of times I have told you about the Geneva conventions.

This is what happen when Hamas rocket hits, again, only with Israeli warning.
You can see the precision of Hamas rockets and they way to target only military targets and yet barely made any achievements on civilians while Israel killed 170 civilians.
Take a look.

I wonder how Hamas protecting the civilians as the ruling government in Gaza.
Peace, Danny.
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WRONG dildo that is what precision bombing minimising the collateral damage looks like. Firing rockets from that building is what a REAL WAR CRIME LOOKS LIKE, and the answer to such war crimes is what we have just watched.
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!

Geneva conventions says that once a building is used for firing at the enemy then it is a valid military target. Something you should know the number of times I have told you about the Geneva conventions.
and whose word do we have it on that the buildings were ever used to fire on israel?
Wrong, shit for brains, you cannot target civilian infrastructure.

Now go take your own life, like a good little boy!

Geneva conventions says that once a building is used for firing at the enemy then it is a valid military target. Something you should know the number of times I have told you about the Geneva conventions.
and whose word do we have it on that the buildings were ever used to fire on israel?

Any nation that's got satellites will know. Oh, and the massive secondary explosions are a dead give-away that munitions or such were stored at a site.

This is what happen when Hamas rocket hits, again, only with Israeli warning.
You can see the precision of Hamas rockets and they way to target only military targets and yet barely made any achievements on civilians while Israel killed 170 civilians.
Take a look.

I wonder how Hamas protecting the civilians as the ruling government in Gaza.
Peace, Danny.

Crazy shitheads, those children recruiters. Same shit in Syria.

[ame=]Syria - Armed Terrorist Groups aka FSA Recruit Children in Battles - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]BBC Silent - Cameron-backed Syrian FSA raping women and children using fatwa - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Syria: FSA terrorists using children as human shields and give them weapons - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]More Evidence of FSA Terrorists' Use of Child Soldiers in Syria - Another FSA War Crime - YouTube[/ame]
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