Video: LA Cops Bodyslam Nurse In Arrest, Share Fist Bump Afterward...

Why was she being a bitch?
That is not relevant to the issue of excessive force. Women are known to be "mouthy" when in defensive mode. It's to be expected. If these two men were unable to restrain one woman without resorting to such aggressive methods neither of them are qualified to be police officers.

Says the man who has never put his life at risk or have had to handle belligerent, unlawful animals... It's easy being an arm chair police officer, isn't it?
Did the girl deserve the first pavement body slam?


Not only YES but HELL FUCKING YES! What kind of "WOMAN" acts like a filthy animal?

If that was my sister, mother, daughter, etc.

I highly doubt your sister, mother, daughter, etc. would act like that. But if she did, she would deserve exactly what this bitch got. Your entire problem with this issue is that you are looking at it like this girl was a lady (like your mother, sister, etc.). She's not. She's a beligerent bitch and she just got the exact attitude adjustment she deserved. Had she acted like a lady, properly cooperated with the officers, this would have never happened to her.

Pathetic fucking trash is what SHE is.....
Bull shit. The cops were wrong and they'll pay. The girl got body slammed a second time while cuffed, and that was wrong, period, end of story, and so are you.

Makes absolutely no difference under the sun if the girl was a bitch, ****, whore, slut, skank, shit for brains and/or talking trash. What the cops did was wrong.

They won't pay if I'm on the jury. She resisted arrest, the correct course of action was taken. She wanted to keep fighting - well, she was taken to the ground until she could calm down. What SHE did was wrong. It's a damn shame she can break the law, resist arrest, act belligerent, and you would rather spend your time attacking the officers.

In all of my years, I've never had a pair of handcuffs slapped on me nor have I been taken to the ground by a police officer. Mmmm, I wonder why that is....?
Why was she being a bitch?

Not the point..

Well yeah I think it is the point. I doubt she would have been any position for the cops to use excessive force if she would have been cooperative.
Are you acquainted with the psychology of the authoritarian/submissive personality? If not I believe you might find it interesting to research.

That is unless you happen to be a police officer, in which case you might want to learn about the authoritarian/dominant personality.
Studies AND personal observation.

I have personal observation that women putting on makeup while driving the car is dangerous. I have never once demand the government protect me from them by body slamming anyone they caught doing it.

Are there as many people doing that and endangering people as there are using cells phones when they are supposed to be paying attention?

Do you have a brain?
Why was she being a bitch?

Because she got pulled over for being on her cell phone when driving! Such a big brother stupid law is going to piss people off.

But then again when you mess with the bull you sometimes get the horns.

I wonder if the NAACP, Sharpton, Jackson, New Black Panthers, ACLU and all the liberal groups that protest constantly about police brutality will come out and protest this one? Nope, because white people who are the MAJORITY of the victims of police brutality get beat by police these hypocritical organizations don't give a fuck!

The only thing I would take issue with is that it's not a stupid law.

Talking on the cellphone is dangerous and distracting.

Can't tell you how many times I would have been in an accident if I wasn't paying attention because some Soccer Mom in a big ass SUV was talking on the phone with kids in the car while she drifted into my lane.

Not to say men don't do it as well.
The issue isn't whether this woman broke the law and should be arrested. The issue is the way it was done, which was a clear demonstration of either shameful incompetence or sadistic brutality. One woman - two men. Are these two anemic weaklings with no training in the kind of basic holds the average high school wrestling beginner could demonstrate?

Was it necessary to slam the woman face down on an asphalt surface -- twice? Or was it simply satisfying?
Not the point..

Well, yes it is. Had she behaved the way she knew she should this would not have happened.

This assault was not warranted. They should be punished. And the Taxpayers/Citizens will have to pay twice, as a result of their incompetence. She will win her lawsuit. Our Police Force desperately needs to be trained differently. This roided up Gestapo shit has to end.
The problem is this kind of police conduct comes about incrementally, one minor gradation at a time. And one day, inevitably, there is Rodney King.
She was beat up for no good reason

She resisted arrest and was belligerent. If that's not a good reason, what the hell is? Does an officer have to die first? And she was not "beat up". Beat up is what Rodney King got. She was taken down for resisting arrest and being belligerent. That is hardly being "beaten up".

by poorly trained and disciplined personnel.

And you know this how? How do you have any idea how they were trained or how disciplined they are?

The entire situation could have been easily handled without the unnecessary amount of violence.

Now this you are 100% correct on! The entire thing could have been easily handled without ANY violence had this belligerent bitch just been civil an cooperative. She learned the hard way I guess.

Hell if I body slammed every girl that has ever talked shit to me I would be in jail for life.

Jesus, what the hell do you do to women in your spare time OR what type of women are you hanging out with?!?! I've never had a woman "talk shit to me".

I completely disagree with your opinion and I bet the cities attorneys will as well. It doesn't matter if the women was talking shit or not there was no reason whatsoever to handle the situation the way that those two officers did. They both should be severely penalized, if not prosecuted for their lack of good judgment and their excessive use of force. Other then that, it's good to chat with you.
Why is the post considered to be political? LA Cops will no doubt face a hearing so what's the point?
Where is anyone saying these two aswipes are in the right?

Every single person who came into this thread and said that you should not mouth off to cops defended them, even if they think they didn't.

Then the answer is easy. Like many said, YOU mouth off next time and report back.

Easy to be tough behind a keyboard.

Seriously...try it. You'll be putting your teeth in a glass on your nightstand.

It's not defending's called common sense.

So your 'common sense' tells you to allow police to act with reckless disregard and criminal intent so you can avoid getting your teeth knocked out.

Usually I agree with your posts, but in this case you're absolutely fucking WRONG!
This one should really excite all the usual suspect Big Brother Goose Steppers here at USMB. BOOYAH! Fist Bumps all around.

Brutal LAPD arrest caught on video; Department investigating cops seen bodyslamming nurse twice during cell phone traffic stop

LA Cops Bodyslamming Nurse Twice during Cell Phone Traffic Stop - YouTube

So she breaks the law, resists arrest, is beligerent towards the law enforcement officers, and you guys want to bitch and whine about the police?

Any one wonder why our nation is a fucking disaster with a radical marxist asshole in the White House?

So she has a few bumps and scrapes? They'll all heal in a couple of weeks. And this idiot deserved every last one of them....

Maybe you could point out where she 'resisted arrest' AFTER being body slammed the first time and being handcuffed? Or even BEFORE, for that matter. What she SAID is unknown, but I've yet to see where the 1st Amendment has been repealed.

Not only YES but HELL FUCKING YES! What kind of "WOMAN" acts like a filthy animal?

I highly doubt your sister, mother, daughter, etc. would act like that. But if she did, she would deserve exactly what this bitch got. Your entire problem with this issue is that you are looking at it like this girl was a lady (like your mother, sister, etc.). She's not. She's a beligerent bitch and she just got the exact attitude adjustment she deserved. Had she acted like a lady, properly cooperated with the officers, this would have never happened to her.

Pathetic fucking trash is what SHE is.....
Bull shit. The cops were wrong and they'll pay. The girl got body slammed a second time while cuffed, and that was wrong, period, end of story, and so are you.

Makes absolutely no difference under the sun if the girl was a bitch, ****, whore, slut, skank, shit for brains and/or talking trash. What the cops did was wrong.

They won't pay if I'm on the jury. She resisted arrest, the correct course of action was taken. She wanted to keep fighting - well, she was taken to the ground until she could calm down. What SHE did was wrong. It's a damn shame she can break the law, resist arrest, act belligerent, and you would rather spend your time attacking the officers.

In all of my years, I've never had a pair of handcuffs slapped on me nor have I been taken to the ground by a police officer. Mmmm, I wonder why that is....?

You sound like you're a cop in your posts in this thread, and I'm guessing the flashing of your badge cuts you some slack when you cross that 'thin, blue line'.

Or you're a spineless little pussy of a man who hasn't got the balls it takes to stand up to an arrogant prick with a badge that TOTALLY oversteps his authority.

And BTW, WHERE in that video do you see this girl 'resisting arrest'?
That is true....but it is pretty damn stupid to argue with them right then and there. And this is news to you?

'Arguing' is all the People are afforded at this point. And you want to take that away too? Man, how much more power do you guys want to give the Police?

Arguing when she is in the wrong? What's the point? So everyone that gets a speeding ticket can say whatever they want to the cops now?

That is true....but it is pretty damn stupid to argue with them right then and there. And this is news to you?

'Arguing' is all the People are afforded at this point. And you want to take that away too? Man, how much more power do you guys want to give the Police?

Next time you are asked to "comply" with a law enforcement officer, go ahead and argue and fail to comply.

Just make sure you let me know when you're going to do this, so I can videotape you trying to remove your teeth out of your ass.

You say that like it's a good thing. Yikes!
Not the point..

Well yeah I think it is the point. I doubt she would have been any position for the cops to use excessive force if she would have been cooperative.

You really are fucked in the head here. She was handcuffed, and not resiting physically. There is nothing she could have said that would warrant any use of force in that situation, much less an excessive use of it.

Yes, she was clearly handcuffed. These roided up assholes should be charged and prosecuted.
If our Police knew they could actually be arrested and prosecuted for crimes like this, their tactics would change overnight. Right now, their biggest fear is that they might be suspended for a bit. You show them they'll be treated like the rest of us, and i assure you they'll change immediately. A cop's biggest nightmare is ending up in a jail cell. They would not be treated kindly. Right now, our Police Force is above the law. And that has to change.
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