Video: Mike Rogers lunges at Matt Gaetz during House speaker voting, other members forced to intervene

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
The Swamp, observably, isn't very happy with the concessions, it seems.


''Gaetz was discussing with Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the possibility of backing him in the next vote and appeared to mouth the worth "committee."

Gaetz is currently on the House Armed Services Committee, which is chaired by Rogers."

McCarthy appeared to agree and returned to his seat. Rogers, having witnessed the interaction, then walked up to Gaetz’s row and made a move toward him.

Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., intervened and physically restrained Rogers, pulling him back by his shoulders in full view of C-SPAN’s cameras.

Rogers could then be seen appearing to yell: "I won’t forget this!"

Why am I not surprised.

I saw a vid the other day of Cinnamon cheering that the metal detectors were removed from the House so she would, once again, be allowed to bring guns into the office.

How long do you think it will be until she or another member starts shooting those who disagree.
I imagine the language in that last video analogy of the incident isn't likely suited for the high moral standard of the upstairs. Apologies for that. Perhaps relocate thread to the Badlands.

Though the pig, to his credit, did escape the melee. So that's good. The little feller had to do some juking, though...
So is this our devolve into idiocracy Natural one?


I dunno, sparky. But one thing is for sure. We just witnessed confirmation of the wise words of Samuel Adams in that you do not need a Majority in order to prevail, but rather an irate, tired Minority keen on setting brushfires.

That's likely the most relevant lesson to be realized in all of this.

Of course, the loudest voices who tend to run interference for the Swamp would prefer to otherwise maintain and projection onto the electorate that said Minority are to be seen as "insurrectionists'' and ''saboteurs.''

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The establishment swamp hates when their ability to rob our government is hindered. Go Matt.
It is a shame that many citizens do not realize our government has been commandeered by others. If these people were honorable and this not a show, then it took a lot of courage to stand up for what they believed in. Congress is not what we think it is. Much of it seems bought and paid for with many adherents of their socialist views as defenders of the realm.
OH BFD. Debate and disagreement are part of our Constitutional government. Better than the Democrats who always march in lock step to a tyrannical leader.

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