Video of a dead city: This is what Syria's devastation looks like


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Such devastation. It will take years to rebuilt at such an enormous amount of money.

Video of a dead city: This is what Syria's devastation looks like
Patrick J. McDonnellContact Reporter
It was oddly tranquil up there on the roof of an obliterated commercial center in the Old City of Homs, once ground zero of Syria’s sanguinary conflict. A panorama of ruin spread in all directions, the ghost of a vibrant community, blown apart in body and spirit.

Empty streets sliced through rubble piles and rows of hollowed-out buildings, guarded by army checkpoints. On some thoroughfares in the nearby Khalidiya district, once a bustling urban space, weeds sprouted 4 feet high or more from cracks in the concrete, swaying in a winter breeze that wafted through empty apartments blocks.

Hardly anyone lives in Khalidiya anymore.

I took careful notes of the scene from the roof and went back down into the deserted street.

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Video of a dead city: This is what Syria's devastation looks like
whole cloth plagiarism including title w/ one solitary sentence as commentary. Its copyright infringement.
whole cloth plagiarism including title w/ one solitary sentence as commentary. Its copyright infringement.

Did everyone know that Dot.Com plays at being a copyright lawyer? However, he is so busy playing a copyright lawyer that he never has anything to contribute to this forum.
copynpasting is not 'contributing' Sugar Shorts.

Why don't you ask the other readers if they have a problem with my articles? Now do you have anything to contribute to this Middle East forum. Lots going on, and all you ever seem to do is come over here and criticize me. I hope you are not as petty in your actual life.
copynpasting is just that.

Is English your native language?
copynpasting is just that.

Is English your native language?

Se habla espanol. Now Dot.Com is the teacher. In his fogged up mind, he think he is giving us an important lesson. I see so many mistakes in posts and say nothing, but then I am not petty like Dot.Com/
If English is your first language, you should stop plagiarizing. Its illegal you know.

Glad to help.
whole cloth plagiarism including title w/ one solitary sentence as commentary. Its copyright infringement.
No actually you're a fucking idiot. You can copy and paste an article as an opening post, as long as you post the link you got it from, and have some of your own commentary, Mr. Dot Cum. :rofl:

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