Video of Communist Wackos at the Shitcago Riot Against Trump

then again it's Chicago,,,Land of the stupid

Also, land of the corrupt, the crooked, the criminal, Al Capone, Mafia, Obama, the graft, the murders, the racism, Jesse Jackson, bought and paid for Senate seats, convicted governors, jailed politicians, crooked Catholic priests, Bill Ayers, treasonous clergymen who say "God Damn America" and Democratic paradise, sympathizing and colluding with all of the above.

And that is the nice and good side of Chicago.
well at least they make good pizza

No, they don't. Too much dough, yuck.
and for all we know, they probably make their pepperoni from diced up dead body parts.
Soggy and bripat are experts on anarchists and communists.


They couldn't find the way out in an one-door room

They can't define anarchists or communists. Why? The are blindered by their silly ideologies.

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