Video Of NYT Freelancer Leading OWS Strategy Session


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
("Pinch", you old SOB. What a way to get the story. Have your people on the inside planning the moves then report on exactly what you know is going to happen with exactly the Liberal slant you wanted. The entire news story framed exactly as needed by the NYT. Sure as Heck beats your tried and true style of of "Push Polling" where you decide what opinion you want the "Great Unwashed" to think is the prevailing one, then have your pollsters go and design the poll, sample composition, size, and questions to produce exactly that result. We can see it all now, you and Barry on the dais in Oslo, along with the Organizing For America heads, receiving your Nobel Peace Prizes. It'll be Barry's second, the stinker. Life is tough. But you'll get the Pulitzer, and be one up on him there.)

"On October 2, NewsBusters reported the arrest of a New York Times freelancer at the Occupy Wall Street rally that shut down the Brooklyn Bridge.

Big Government's Lee Stranahan on Sunday uncovered a video of Natasha Lennard speaking at an OWS strategy meeting on October 14 (video follows with transcript and commentary, vulgarity warning, relevant section at 1:30):"

Read more: Video Shows NYT Freelancer Speaking To Occupy Wall Street Strategy Meeting |

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Designer News Stories: Wonderful idea, Dahhlink!

Sort of reminds one of the giddy old gilded days of Liberal Journalism, before the internet, when Bill P and Walter C over at CBS were working for Comrade Ho and Chairman Mao, flying Ed Muskie from anti war speech to anti war speech in the company helicopter leaving no stone unturned in their quest to get America to the Surrender Table and the networks and you were getting your lead stories daily from either Hanoi, Beijing, or Moscow, via KGB courier, of course, you never knew from day to day from where, and the people lapped up every word you guys said.
Just a silly question. Does CBS News have an all male conga line, too? You never woulda known from Walter or Dan, they always held their wrists kinda normal when they were on the air. Andrew Ross, I dunno?

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