Video: Rep Mondaire Jones:"if they filibuster gun reform, we will abolish it...if the Supreme Court intervenes, we will expand it", Jim Jordan pounces

Its a whine against guns.
She doesn't say anything about how gun control doesn't work in cities.
More gun grabbing by democrats.
their goal is to get rid of the 2nd amendment, they don't care about the constitution

I had no idea some no-name member of the House had the power to abolish the filibuster in the Senate and decide unilaterally to pack the Supreme Court with justices he approves of.

Did something change with the Constitution after I went to bed last night, or is this clown a raving lunatic?
Except in every other developed nation.
Stupid answer.
Why doesn't gun control work in US cities?

Hint: criminals ALWAYS get guns.
Correct answer: lock up violent criminals

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