Video Reveals Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Arriving At Border, Getting Free Bus Ti

Vigilante do you want to sky in Switzerland?

down the slopes we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
LOL I am silly :D

forgiveness please LOL
The term "illegal immigrant" is in itself an oxymoron.

To be an immigrant, first of all you must have LEGALLY entered this country, and be enrolled in it's LEGAL immigration process.

If you have entered this country ILLEGALLY, then you are an illegal alien. Illegal because you entered without permission breaking our laws, and an alien because you were not born here. Hence, ILLEGAL ALIEN.

Don't fall for this politically correct, dumbing udown, name game the libroids love to play to make something sound different or less offensive than it is. Might as well call a rapist an undocumented sex partner.

Tell us about your immigration ordeal. How hard is it?

What happens to the illegal immigrants caught crossing the border? That question was answered with the release of this video, captured at the Laredo, Texas, Greyhound bus station over the weekend.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Dispersed Across US Cities
Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Dispersed Across US Cities - YouTube

MORE at the site:
Video Reveals Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Arriving At Border, Getting Free Bus Tickets Into US

It's Breitbart. I'll bet Mr Garza ' s not really a border patrol agent and those are regular folks getting on the buses, not illegals.
Vigilante do you want to sky in Switzerland?

down the slopes we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
LOL I am silly :D

forgiveness please LOL

If I wasn't happily married for 47 years, and it was 50 years ago.... you couldn't have stopped me! :D:smiliehug: I watched the video. a. What is there, fifteen ppl? b. If, big if, he's a border agent he's going to be out of a job. I watched the video. a. What is there, fifteen ppl? b. If, big if, he's a border agent he's going to be out of a job.

Why don't you just turn over and let Brucey take you away from all this hard thinking you are doing, and enjoy a tasty treat, as it is apparent you have nothing constructive, or even rational to post here!
all there is from the left on this board is trolling

there is no debate...and this the mentality of the people voting

they are so out of anything..this is why our country is doomed

I hope they dump all these illegals in their towns
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I blame the feckless Republican's from not standing on soapboxes and screaming about this shit....Has anyone heard ANY OF THOSE IN CONGRESS making a big stink about this?...Are they all afraid, as they are because the Manchurian muslim is a mulatto, that wanting ILLEGAL INVADER CHILDREN sent back will hurt them politically?

We see in here the talking subversives playing up the "THEIR ONLY CHILDREN" card, and the opposition melts away. There is only one way to end this, and it shall be either the Patriots win, or the Commie/socialist/Marxist/Fascist/democrat/subversives win.....

BLOOD MUST BE SPILT, there is absolutely no other way...and I've looked!

The term "illegal immigrant" is in itself an oxymoron.

To be an immigrant, first of all you must have LEGALLY entered this country, and be enrolled in it's LEGAL immigration process.
This would be complete bullshit of course, the definition of immigrant has nothing to do with legal status. There were immigrants walking across the Bering Land Bridge over 10,000 years ago from what is now Russia, are you thinking they weren't immigrants because there wasn't a border checkpoint set up to register them?
This is obama's last blow to totally destroy the US. After two years of this kind of invasion, there will be nothing left. We will have a fully narco terrorist continent to our south.

obama will tell us we aren't compassionate. Like all madmen from Jim Jones to David Koresh, it always ends with "Prove you love me. Die for me."
The term "illegal immigrant" is in itself an oxymoron.

To be an immigrant, first of all you must have LEGALLY entered this country, and be enrolled in it's LEGAL immigration process.
This would be complete bullshit of course, the definition of immigrant has nothing to do with legal status. There were immigrants walking across the Bering Land Bridge over 10,000 years ago from what is now Russia, are you thinking they weren't immigrants because there wasn't a border checkpoint set up to register them?

He thinks they're not immigrants because they're not from Europe, then or now.
The term "illegal immigrant" is in itself an oxymoron.

To be an immigrant, first of all you must have LEGALLY entered this country, and be enrolled in it's LEGAL immigration process.
This would be complete bullshit of course, the definition of immigrant has nothing to do with legal status. There were immigrants walking across the Bering Land Bridge over 10,000 years ago from what is now Russia, are you thinking they weren't immigrants because there wasn't a border checkpoint set up to register them?

He thinks they're not immigrants because they're not from Europe, then or now.

is cute how you people leave off, ILLEGAL
Now why would that be?
This is obama's last blow to totally destroy the US. After two years of this kind of invasion, there will be nothing left. We will have a fully narco terrorist continent to our south.

obama will tell us we aren't compassionate. Like all madmen from Jim Jones to David Koresh, it always ends with "Prove you love me. Die for me."

'Destroying the US' translation: more 'brown people.'
This is obama's last blow to totally destroy the US. After two years of this kind of invasion, there will be nothing left. We will have a fully narco terrorist continent to our south.

obama will tell us we aren't compassionate. Like all madmen from Jim Jones to David Koresh, it always ends with "Prove you love me. Die for me."

'Destroying the US' translation: more 'brown people.'

Well, it's true that the "brown" people are illiterate, unskilled, mostly criminal, invaders. It's not like thousands of Brits or Swedes are clamoring to get in. We'd never let them in. They are "white" people and we don't want that kind here. We wouldn't let in South Africans, no matter how many get Mandela necklaces. Did that German family ever make it? Or, did their skin color get them sent back?

We have limited acceptance of criminal invaders to brown people.
Seems I remember 2 Kenyan's that were supposed to be deported, but because their nephew was president, they weren't....BLACK PRIVELEGE, for sure!
This is obama's last blow to totally destroy the US. After two years of this kind of invasion, there will be nothing left. We will have a fully narco terrorist continent to our south.

obama will tell us we aren't compassionate. Like all madmen from Jim Jones to David Koresh, it always ends with "Prove you love me. Die for me."

'Destroying the US' translation: more 'brown people.'

you're such a uniter
Democrat Congressman Surprises Candy Crowley by Blaming Obama for Border Crises

NewsBusters ^

It must have seemed to Candy Crowley like a surefire way to inspire a spirited debate by inviting both Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar of Laredo, Texas and Mayor Alan Long of Murrieta, California to appear together on today's State of the Union on CNN to discuss the border crises. Well, to Candy's great surprise (and probably costernation) they both pretty much agreed about the situation and placed the blame on the Obama administration. The biggest surprise to Crowley must have been the response of Congressman Cuellar as you can see in this video (and after the jump) making the point...
Let's roll!!

Right, Staph?


Are you making a pun out of an event that resulted in the loss of life as the result of a terrorist event?

You sorry mother scratcher.

Lighten up, Francis. I'm making fun of Staph calling people to arms against the fed govt, then slinking away from her thread when nobody showed up.

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