Video Reveals Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Arriving At Border, Getting Free Bus Ti

This is obama's last blow to totally destroy the US. After two years of this kind of invasion, there will be nothing left. We will have a fully narco terrorist continent to our south.

obama will tell us we aren't compassionate. Like all madmen from Jim Jones to David Koresh, it always ends with "Prove you love me. Die for me."

'Destroying the US' translation: more 'brown people.'

Well, it's true that the "brown" people are illiterate, unskilled, mostly criminal, invaders. It's not like thousands of Brits or Swedes are clamoring to get in. We'd never let them in. They are "white" people and we don't want that kind here. We wouldn't let in South Africans, no matter how many get Mandela necklaces. Did that German family ever make it? Or, did their skin color get them sent back?

We have limited acceptance of criminal invaders to brown people.

:lol: you have completely lost your mind. Living in L.A. must be like living in hell for you.


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