Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
What did he break?
He broke into a property that didn’t belong to him and he stole a hammer,, So far its the hammer but We’re waiting for more evidence to come out there are several robberies around that time
Assuming that you are correct, is hammer stealing now a capital offense

You have no clue how retarded you are
Who said it was? I’m just saying there was a lot of break-ins and they stopped after this criminal
Was taken out
Another lie. Your nose must be getting so long you'll be tripping over it soon.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!

The people here aren't right wing. They're Democrats. Give the Pubs some firepower and we'll take on the Black Panthers, but not the Democrats. They got cheap weapons. I would bet on the Black Panthers. They will slaughter the white racist Democrats.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.
And now Travis is going to prison for a long time where he'll get passed around like a bitch.
He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.

He was trespassing, looking for tools to steal....he'd already been observed stealing fishing tackle at another home. He thought nobody would mess with him since they believe whites are terrified of them. They all think they're Ali when most have never been in a fight. So he sees the man with the shotgun and tries to take it away from him! He's punching the kid's dad....what would you do? I'd double-tap the piece of shit. He was put under citizen's arrest ....he could have taken off running...instead he attacked and now he's dead.
I want to see the white racist Democrats burn, burn, burn. They need to be locked up for the maximum. Maybe they won't make it alive to trial. Otherwise, we are going to have race wars. Getting shot because of the color of your skin isn't worth it.
The people here aren't right wing. They're Democrats. Give the Pubs some firepower and we'll take on the Black Panthers, but not the Democrats. They got cheap weapons. I would bet on the Black Panthers. They will slaughter the white racist Democrats.

You're so full of shit it's amazing you don't explode. Black Panthers are a joke...most can't clean their weapons. When they jam they toss it in a dumpster and steal a new one.
He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.

He was trespassing, looking for tools to steal....he'd already been observed stealing fishing tackle at another home. He thought nobody would mess with him since they believe whites are terrified of them. They all think they're Ali when most have never been in a fight. So he sees the man with the shotgun and tries to take it away from him! He's punching the kid's dad....what would you do? I'd double-tap the piece of shit. He was put under citizen's arrest ....he could have taken off running...instead he attacked and now he's dead.
Liar. Arbery was never identified as the person who stole fishing tackle.
He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.

He was trespassing, looking for tools to steal....he'd already been observed stealing fishing tackle at another home. He thought nobody would mess with him since they believe whites are terrified of them. They all think they're Ali when most have never been in a fight. So he sees the man with the shotgun and tries to take it away from him! He's punching the kid's dad....what would you do? I'd double-tap the piece of shit. He was put under citizen's arrest ....he could have taken off running...instead he attacked and now he's dead.
YOU have got some reading to do, fella!


Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.
What if the shooters were black and the jogger was white
Same situation? If the white guy lunged at the black guy holding a gun and got shot in self-defense? Id feel the same
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

Looking at a house being built, is grounds to justify vigilante murder? You're one sick right winger.
Where did you come up with that "might be for sale" crap. Quit making shit up you liar.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
What did he break?
He broke into a property that didn’t belong to him and he stole a hammer,, So far its the hammer but We’re waiting for more evidence to come out there are several robberies around that time
No. There. Weren't.
Yes he did View attachment 334466
So if you own a home depot you are legally allowed to put snipers on the roof to pop off shoplifters

Black dude with a hammer coming out of the left door, brain him

Perhaps in North Korea moron, not here

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
It's not needed. There is already a clear video showing Arbery in the home under construction and the family has confirmed it is him. The police have had the tape since the beginning. Arbery was just looking around. It doesn't show him taking anything or damaging anything.
Well he’s trespassing on property that’s not his multiple people call the cops. They were quite a few break-ins around that time. These two heroes went out to follow him while calling the cops and giving a description of the guy

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
More evidence? Like the eye witnesses, 9-1-1 calls, and physical evidence?
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol LOLOL Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns


You don't even know what it is and it was on the ground before Arbery jogged past it.

You're nuts, comrade. :cuckoo:

No I have pics of him throwing it, ive posted 3 times .. yoir just trolling .. no wonder the black community is high in crime you encourage this behavior so racist. Your just a racist troll .. sad

You must have posted that at Stormfront, because I haven't seen it here.

Ok troll one more time View attachment 334419View attachment 334420

The police report said he was wearing sneakers, but didn't mention a hammer.

View attachment 334436Boots untied

You're hallucinating again. He was wearing sneakers, not boots.

Ok troll it’s in the pic


No, comrade. You posted a fuzzy image laying in the road before Arbery even got there and you're calling it a hammer. The police never said there was a hamner in the road.

You’re hung up on the hammer it doesn’t matter this was a murder for it to be a murder they have to be premeditation you don’t call the cops if your going to murder somebody, lol that’s charge will be dropped ASAP.. now what? Manslaughter? Ok

You lied and got caught lying. If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have had to lie like ya do.

Umm ok

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
I see a black man attacking the hero trying to hold him
Until the cops come. And the gun was jolted and now he’s dead.
What if the shooters were black and the jogger was white
Then there would be a dead white criminal and two black heroes.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

The video is not convincing.
More evidence is needed than this. It's like 3 frames total, and they show practically no detail.
It's not needed. There is already a clear video showing Arbery in the home under construction and the family has confirmed it is him. The police have had the tape since the beginning. Arbery was just looking around. It doesn't show him taking anything or damaging anything.
Well he’s trespassing on property that’s not his multiple people call the cops. They were quite a few break-ins around that time. These two heroes went out to follow him while calling the cops and giving a description of the guy
The police said there were no reported breakins since January.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol LOLOL Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns


You don't even know what it is and it was on the ground before Arbery jogged past it.

You're nuts, comrade. :cuckoo:

No I have pics of him throwing it, ive posted 3 times .. yoir just trolling .. no wonder the black community is high in crime you encourage this behavior so racist. Your just a racist troll .. sad

You must have posted that at Stormfront, because I haven't seen it here.

Ok troll one more time View attachment 334419View attachment 334420

The police report said he was wearing sneakers, but didn't mention a hammer.

View attachment 334436Boots untied

You're hallucinating again. He was wearing sneakers, not boots.

Ok troll it’s in the pic


No, comrade. You posted a fuzzy image laying in the road before Arbery even got there and you're calling it a hammer. The police never said there was a hamner in the road.

You’re hung up on the hammer it doesn’t matter this was a murder for it to be a murder they have to be premeditation you don’t call the cops if your going to murder somebody, lol that’s charge will be dropped ASAP.. now what? Manslaughter? Ok

Second degree murder doesn't require premeditation.

The burglar assaulted the man with a gun, it was self-defense the video clearly shows AA lunging at the hero

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
What did he break?
He broke into a property that didn’t belong to him and he stole a hammer,, So far its the hammer but We’re waiting for more evidence to come out there are several robberies around that time
Assuming that you are correct, is hammer stealing now a capital offense

You have no clue how retarded you are
Who said it was? I’m just saying there was a lot of break-ins and they stopped after this criminal
Was taken out
Another lie. Your nose must be getting so long you'll be tripping over it soon.
So you think they hunted this guy and it was murder?

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