Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

What’s sad is if we let the left wing media put us in jail
For self defense we are screwed
Self defense does not include assaulting people retard

Now you sound like a 6 year old
Who assulted who? Do you have a video that we didn’t see?
I just see a black man running towards a white guy with a gun trying to take his gun to shoot him and now he’s spirit is in a KFC line and he can’t eat the chicken loI
The honkey assaulted the jogger with a gun, there was also assault by vehicle

What video did you watch
How he was standing there lol thats assult haha
Point a gun at me you little shitstain

I will literally break you in half
Lol so angry! Well if you are stealing from my neighbors house and I have a right to citizens arrest you believe me it will take two seconds. Hehe
When guns get banned it will be because of aholes just like you

And your 2 honkey clients
Lol come and take it
I have my own, your AR15 piece of krap does not interest me

But if I want it you will notice it gone in the morning
It's interesting that the criminal apologists in this thread make it all about race and not the actual crime of breaking, entering and stealing. On top of that every damn one of these race baiters use the most vile language.

What evidence do you have of breaking, entering or stealing? None?
Well he ran, and they won’t release the video of him inside
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

Looking at a house being built, is grounds to justify vigilante murder? You're one sick right winger.
Where did you come up with that "might be for sale" crap. Quit making shit up you liar.
That’s the story some leftwingers have presented. He was just looking around. Uh-huh. Why do YOU think he was in the house?

Probably for the same reason I have looked in houses being built dozens of times. Curiosity. His reason doesn't matter anyway. it doesn't justify murder.
No one said it justified murder.

His attacking a man and trying to take away his gun does justify self-defense.

There was no murder.

Why was he threatening him with a gun?
What’s sad is if we let the left wing media put us in jail
For self defense we are screwed
Self defense does not include assaulting people retard

Now you sound like a 6 year old
Who assulted who? Do you have a video that we didn’t see?
I just see a black man running towards a white guy with a gun trying to take his gun to shoot him and now he’s spirit is in a KFC line and he can’t eat the chicken loI
The honkey assaulted the jogger with a gun, there was also assault by vehicle

What video did you watch
How he was standing there lol thats assult haha
Point a gun at me you little shitstain

I will literally break you in half
Lol so angry! Well if you are stealing from my neighbors house and I have a right to citizens arrest you believe me it will take two seconds. Hehe
When guns get banned it will be because of aholes just like you

And your 2 honkey clients
Lol come and take it
I have my own, your AR15 piece of krap does not interest me

But if I want it you will notice it gone in the morning
Sure sure lol
What’s sad is if we let the left wing media put us in jail
For self defense we are screwed
Self defense does not include assaulting people retard

Now you sound like a 6 year old
Who assulted who? Do you have a video that we didn’t see?
I just see a black man running towards a white guy with a gun trying to take his gun to shoot him and now he’s spirit is in a KFC line and he can’t eat the chicken loI
The honkey assaulted the jogger with a gun, there was also assault by vehicle

What video did you watch
How he was standing there lol thats assult haha
Point a gun at me you little shitstain

I will literally break you in half
Lol so angry! Well if you are stealing from my neighbors house and I have a right to citizens arrest you believe me it will take two seconds. Hehe
When guns get banned it will be because of aholes just like you

And your 2 honkey clients
Lol come and take it
I have my own, your AR15 piece of krap does not interest me

But if I want it you will notice it gone in the morning
Sure sure lol
You can bank on it
What’s sad is if we let the left wing media put us in jail
For self defense we are screwed
Self defense does not include assaulting people retard

Now you sound like a 6 year old
Who assulted who? Do you have a video that we didn’t see?
I just see a black man running towards a white guy with a gun trying to take his gun to shoot him and now he’s spirit is in a KFC line and he can’t eat the chicken loI
The honkey assaulted the jogger with a gun, there was also assault by vehicle

What video did you watch
How he was standing there lol thats assult haha
Point a gun at me you little shitstain

I will literally break you in half
Lol so angry! Well if you are stealing from my neighbors house and I have a right to citizens arrest you believe me it will take two seconds. Hehe
When guns get banned it will be because of aholes just like you

And your 2 honkey clients
Lol come and take it
I have my own, your AR15 piece of krap does not interest me

But if I want it you will notice it gone in the morning
Sure sure lol
You can bank on it
Umm ok lol

So what was the felony offence that they witnessed or had immediate knowledge of?
The felony was breaking into the house. And they had knowledge of it because he immediately followed him down the street. Calling the cops trying to get him to stop

The police already said he didn't break into anything, and he broke no laws. It was perfectly legal to look at and enter the house being built. No trespassing signs, or locked doors would have prevented him from legally taking a look, but there were no signs, and the doors weren't even installed yet.
That sounds a little hinky. So I can't holler from my porch, "GET OFF MY LAWN" if there's no signs up?

Sure you can. It doesn't mean the person will listen. You can then call the cops.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.

100 %. If everyone involved was of the same race, or if the alleged perp was black and the alleged victim white we would have never heard anything about this case.
Last edited:
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

Why did he have the shotgun pointed at the guy?
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

The man with a shotgun should have never chased him down.
Where do you see a chase?
It’s funny how these regressive idiots will make accusations against the white guys without any proof. “They were racist Nazis terrorizing innocent black guy”. Yet they flatly deny video proof of black guy trespassing, and attacking the neighborhood watch guys who called the police.
And what proof do you have on the black guy?

Stop playing dumb. The OP video clearly shows the black guy on the property trespassing, as well as a neighbor watching him from across the street and calling someone to report it.

He wasn't trespassing, dumb ass. There are legal requirements to be called a trespass. He didn't meet any of those. Even if he had, that wouldn't justify vigilantes to chase him down and kill him.

LOL yea okay. If some thug black guy walked into your open garage, you’d be okay with it. Maybe you’d ask him if he is interested in buying something.

It’s like you people are actually losing IQ points by the day.

Irrelevant. You changed the scenario.
The man did not break into a house.

Actually he did. It doesn’t matter if the house wasn’t a finished product. That’s somebody’s property he was trespassing on. I suggest next time waiting for the facts to come out before you rush to judgment.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

The man with a shotgun should have never chased him down.
Where do you see a chase?
It’s funny how these regressive idiots will make accusations against the white guys without any proof. “They were racist Nazis terrorizing innocent black guy”. Yet they flatly deny video proof of black guy trespassing, and attacking the neighborhood watch guys who called the police.
And what proof do you have on the black guy?

Stop playing dumb. The OP video clearly shows the black guy on the property trespassing, as well as a neighbor watching him from across the street and calling someone to report it.

He wasn't trespassing, dumb ass. There are legal requirements to be called a trespass. He didn't meet any of those. Even if he had, that wouldn't justify vigilantes to chase him down and kill him.

LOL yea okay. If some thug black guy walked into your open garage, you’d be okay with it. Maybe you’d ask him if he is interested in buying something.

It’s like you people are actually losing IQ points by the day.

Irrelevant. You changed the scenario.
There is video stop trolling
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

The man with a shotgun should have never chased him down.
Where’s the proof he “chased him down”?
Read the police report. They admitted it.
They had every right to chase him down and make a citizen’s arrest or hold him until the police came.

They did not see a crime being committed, therefore what are they arresting him for?
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

The man with a shotgun should have never chased him down.
Where’s the proof he “chased him down”?
Read the police report. They admitted it.
They had every right to chase him down and make a citizen’s arrest or hold him until the police came.
Not according to Georgia law, they didn't.

The District Attorney that reviewed the case initially opined that McMichaels was in the clear as far as Georgia law. He knows a lot more about the relevant criminal law than you or I.

The father worked, at one time, for that district attorney.
The man did not break into a house.

Actually he did. It doesn’t matter if the house wasn’t a finished product. That’s somebody’s property he was trespassing on. I suggest next time waiting for the facts to come out before you rush to judgment.

Nope. Sorry. He didn’t break any law. He was doing what I have done many times. Taking a look at a home being built. You may have done this too.

No law broken
It wasn’t a construction site it was somebody’s dwellings, and all is fine until he ran,, it’s it’s common to poke your head in, then he should have told the neighbors I was just checking it out,, more video will Come out

It is not somebody's dwelling. It's an unfinished house under construction. I've walked into unfinished homes before, jackhole, to take a look around.

Show me in the law where buildings under construction are immune to trespassing violations.

Did that black dude own the property? Was he a contractor working on it? If not he had no business there. Thus the trespassing.

As stated, it is common practice to look at homes under construction for quality of work, etc.
Show me in the law where buildings under construction are immune to trespassing violations.

Did that black dude own the property? Was he a contractor working on it? If not he had no business there. Thus the trespassing.

It's not a felony and certainly not something you would attempt to arrest someone over unless they were committing some kind of vandalism or theft. My brother bought a brand new house last year. After he moved in most of the homes were still under construction and we went walking through some of them

Just because you trespass doesn't make it ok for anyone else to.

It is a common practice.

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