Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

At least now a proper investigation is under way and the suspects have now been arrested. It's a shame that it took a video and a public outcry to bring about what should have occurred from Day One. Given the actions or inaction on part of the local officials as to this case, perhaps some government corruption might be exposed and remedied, as well.
Hmmmm, I guess murdering someone on a presumption is warranted. Fuck, who needs a judge anymore? Or a Jury for that matter. No matter how you spin it tweedle dee and tweedle dumb are in the wrong. You can’t just blow people away on a hunch. I’m
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

Why did he have the shotgun pointed at the guy?
Same reason a cop would draw their weapon on a criminal trying to flee.

You cannot do that. When can a cop unholster their weapon?

Have a nice day!
Does the OP have any shame at all?
The mourning for the black jogger is over

his death is no more important than the dead white girl murdered by two black guys in miami

Did the police in Miami wait over a month before having the state take over the case?
I dont know

but since you are asking me the question I assume they didnt

is that your point?

if so I remember that under obama pressuring local da’s to prosecute white police officers often failed to obtain convictions

The answer is "no". That is the difference in these cases.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
Uh...there is video of the dead guy trespassing on private property. He may have also stolen the hammer seen in the video as well.

But you morons just don’t want to accept the common sense story that this thug got caught red-handed.

You’re sticking to your story that black guy with a criminal record living with his mom, went “jogging” wearing khaki shorts and oversized white t-shirt and high tops, with a hammer in his pocket for “protection”.
He noticed a home under construction while walking (he must had been tired from jogging with a hammer), decides he will “check it out” since there aren’t any explicit “no trespassing signs” and figures it’s for sale. (Even though he has no job and lives with his mother).

He then continues his jog after “looking at a house” and is ambushed by some neo-Nazis who wanted to lynch some innocent black guy that day, in broad daylight in their own neighborhood.

^^ Yea, that sounds *way* more plausible than he was caught trespassing and stealing from a home he had no business being in, panicked and attacked the neighborhood watch that had already called the cops at least twice.

he got caught.

he never should have been shot and killed by joe average citizen.

you and many others seem to keep missing *that* point.
Well, he shouldn’t had charged right at a man with a shotgun.

Was the man supposed to let suspected thug take the shotgun from him?

Why did he have the shotgun pointed at the guy?
Same reason a cop would draw their weapon on a criminal trying to flee.

You cannot do that. When can a cop unholster their weapon?

Have a nice day!
When a criminal is charging Them lol
Does the OP have any shame at all?
The mourning for the black jogger is over

his death is no more important than the dead white girl murdered by two black guys in miami

Did the police in Miami wait over a month before having the state take over the case?
I dont know

but since you are asking me the question I assume they didnt

is that your point?

if so I remember that under obama pressuring local da’s to prosecute white police officers often failed to obtain convictions

The answer is "no". That is the difference in these cases.
there is another difference

in both cases of blacks murdering whites the intention of the black killers is obvious

but the case of the jogger is not so cut and dried

was the jogger a criminal?

did he try to wrestle the shotgun away from the son?

The DA thought so

and then race hustlers played the race card to get what they wanted

i’m tired of libs using anti white racial slurs whenever it pleases them

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
These idiots don't realize how stupid they sound. On one hand, they claim he attacked a guy with a shotgun; while on the other hand, they claim he dropped a hammer seconds earlier, which could have been used as a weapon if any of that were true.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
That's still not Arbery. Nor will it become Arbery no matter how many times you post it.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
You know what I see? EMPTY HANDS! He’s looking around. Again let’s say he was the one stealing, it’s not something you kill someone over. Those two men ARE NOT THE POLICE! They should report it, if they recognize him or if he has a vehicle they can report that. Maybe even try to get a better picture of him from the safety of the truck but they shouldn’t have ever approached him because it’s not their job. You can’t justify the unjustifiable.
Well I think reports about all the break ins will show it was AA, and his police record will come out, witness will make statements. Why get racist?

I doubt if all this will be as you say. It has already been established that no burglary or break in occurred. His police record is irrelevant unless it shows a history of burglary and vandalism. You guys always try this shit. This man was killed for no reason, the crime was covered up by the local police. And that's when things got racist..

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
You know what I see? EMPTY HANDS! He’s looking around. Again let’s say he was the one stealing, it’s not something you kill someone over. Those two men ARE NOT THE POLICE! They should report it, if they recognize him or if he has a vehicle they can report that. Maybe even try to get a better picture of him from the safety of the truck but they shouldn’t have ever approached him because it’s not their job. You can’t justify the unjustifiable.
We blacks don't have any rights according to jitss.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224

There is no way to get a closeup, but this guy, whoever he is and whenever he was at this house, does not appear to have any resemblance to Arbery. This guy is fairly thin, has fairly light skin, and a bushy hairstyle. Arbery had darker skin, seems to have been heavier, and had close-cropped hair.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224

There is no way to get a closeup, but this guy, whoever he is and whenever he was at this house, does not appear to have any resemblance to Arbery. This guy is fairly thin, has fairly light skin, and a bushy hairstyle. Arbery had darker skin, seems to have been heavier, and had close-cropped hair.
Doesn't matter to racists like jizz617. To them, all that matters is that he's black. Therefore, it's Arbery.
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Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
That's still not Arbery. Nor will it become Arbery no matter how many times you post it.
Ohhh it’s not him lol on ok haha who is it?

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
You know what I see? EMPTY HANDS! He’s looking around. Again let’s say he was the one stealing, it’s not something you kill someone over. Those two men ARE NOT THE POLICE! They should report it, if they recognize him or if he has a vehicle they can report that. Maybe even try to get a better picture of him from the safety of the truck but they shouldn’t have ever approached him because it’s not their job. You can’t justify the unjustifiable.
Grasping for straws those are still shots of video not yet released.. and when it is I hope you apologize to these two hero’s

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224
That's still not Arbery. Nor will it become Arbery no matter how many times you post it.
Ohhh it’s not him lol on ok haha who is it?
How would I know? What I do know, is it's not Arbery. I know this myself just by looking at photos of Arbery and these photos you posted and I can see they're not of the same man. But then I also have Arbery's family who were shown all of these photos and videos. They confirm the video of a man entering and then exiting the construction site just minutes before Arbery was killed, is Arbery. They also say the man in those photos you posted is not Arbery.
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Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
He didn’t break and enter anything. The house was wide open because it was under construction. You’d be surprised how often this happens where people just check the new construction out. All the time.

He didn’t steal anything therefore the idiots who killed him don’t have a leg to stand on. The only charge that can be made here is trespass. That’s not a reason to confront and kill someone.

The kid was clearly jogging, hadn’t broken any major laws. Actually in my state if there’s not “no trespassing “ sign up what this kid did wouldn’t be an arrestable offense. He’d get a warning and be let go because nothing was taken. What you have here is two guys with way too much time on their hands and small dicks who killed someone playing sheriff and/or a hate crime. They deserve what they get.

Trump 2020!
You can’t fight to give up your right to self defense based on race all you want I won’t, the black attacked the man with the gun with force.

in GA what AA ddI was a felony, it doesn’t matter if the dwelling was occupied on occupied or vacant it is a felony.

he was not jogging he was running with equipment he stole a hammer.

That felony triggers a citizens arrest option which the two men did. They were on the phone with the cops they asked him to stop numerous times. He instead decided to attack the man exercising his Second Amendment right he got handled like a champ.

stop sounding ridiculous, you are legit gonna start a race riot, and you’re going to give up all your rights as a American of self-defense based off of the color of the perps skin color.
Wow I watched the video and didn’t see him pick up anything much less a hammer. He jogs toward the truck. Funny that. You’d think if he had just stolen something he wouldn’t run toward the people about to citizen arrest him. He tried to jog around the truck, on the video it’s hard to see exactly what happened. But let’s go with your assertions that he stole a hammer. That’s petty theft not a felony as far as I know. That doesn’t warrant shooting him multiple times. They confronted him with guns not the other way around and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him. Your argument is out of gas. From the evidence thus far it was not self defense, not a citizens arrest and probably a hate crime. These two jackasses have the Zimmerman complex of wannabe cop. While in Zimmerman/Martin case It was two people behaving badly as Martin made mistakes too, and it ended badly. In this case the McMichaels had no business what’s so ever approaching Aubrey. It’s murder, at the very least manslaughter. There needs to be an independent investigation because clearly the local cops are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They killed another human being for no reason whatsoever and they need to rot in jail.
He’s been breaking in for awhile now.. the neighborhood knew. They had a right to stop it View attachment 335224

There is no way to get a closeup, but this guy, whoever he is and whenever he was at this house, does not appear to have any resemblance to Arbery. This guy is fairly thin, has fairly light skin, and a bushy hairstyle. Arbery had darker skin, seems to have been heavier, and had close-cropped hair.
Lol it’s him.

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