Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
All the Iranians about the age of these guys are no doubt counting their lucky stars that their parents had the foresight to leave Iran.

Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public
Thursday, 13 November 2014 21:54

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NCRI - A video obtained as recently as November shows the Iranian regime’s masked State Security Forces publicly beating and abusing a group of young men while parading them through the streets, handcuffed in the back of an open truck.

The video shows members of the State Security Forces (police), who are masked to conceal their identity, repeatedly beating young men who try to keep their head down while being subjected to the inhumane and degrading punishment.

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Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public
All the Iranians about the age of these guys are no doubt counting their lucky stars that their parents had the foresight to leave Iran.

Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public
Thursday, 13 November 2014 21:54

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NCRI - A video obtained as recently as November shows the Iranian regime’s masked State Security Forces publicly beating and abusing a group of young men while parading them through the streets, handcuffed in the back of an open truck.

The video shows members of the State Security Forces (police), who are masked to conceal their identity, repeatedly beating young men who try to keep their head down while being subjected to the inhumane and degrading punishment.

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Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public

The sooner the fake, cancerous, illegitimate, murderous regime of filth that is the iranian government is put to a painful death, the sooner this world might know peace. May khameini and all of his allies, the basij, repub guard, and supporters die in agony and soon.
They must be homos. ..... :cool:

The cops are training to work for an American police force.

Strange how the two deranged Muslim converts (I realize from the alerts I have received that one is still sitting on his porta-potty waiting to pounce) have nothing to say about what the Iranians have done to these young men. However, I had sent the article to an ex-Iranian, and he thanked me and said that he was going to put it on Facebook for other ex-Iranians to read. Meanwhile, the deranged one from Indonesia thought it was important that he pull up something from the U.S., but never says anything that is going on in his own country. Yessiree, those Sunni Indonesian Muslims are sure tolerant (even when it comes to Muslims who are Shia and Amadiyya).

INDONESIA - ISLAM West Java Islamic extremists stop Catholics celebrating Mass - Asia News

ASIA INDONESIA - Widespread religious violence in Indonesia

INDONESIA Yogyakarta to cries of Allah is great unknown assailants attack Sacred Heart parish - Asia News

Intolerance in Indonesia is becoming mainstream
The truth is really simple.
Iran has a nasty bunch of people as leaders, so cops can get away with a lot, but these are no worse than cops in many other countries.
Rodney King would be happy to attest to that.

The point is just as easy - yes, these cops are bastards but, until you clean up your own act, you can hardly comment on other people; at least not with any moral authority.
The truth is really simple.
Iran has a nasty bunch of people as leaders, so cops can get away with a lot, but these are no worse than cops in many other countries.
Rodney King would be happy to attest to that.

The point is just as easy - yes, these cops are bastards but, until you clean up your own act, you can hardly comment on other people; at least not with any moral authority.

Why, Freddie, I think many of us know that you will never bring up any topic which is derogatory to your own adopted Muslim country even though there are groups of people suffering there. However, you appear to have no problem dragging up America on a Middle East forum. I think your problem is that you weren't given the job in Iran to check those imprisoned Baha'i young women to ascertain which ones are virgin so you can point out which ones the guards have to rape before the batch of young women are murdered the following day. As for Rodney King, he would have been shocked to find out that the only place in the world where slavery is still legal is in the Muslim countries. I can just imagine how the Black slaves are treated.
The truth is really simple.
Iran has a nasty bunch of people as leaders, so cops can get away with a lot, but these are no worse than cops in many other countries.
Rodney King would be happy to attest to that.

The point is just as easy - yes, these cops are bastards but, until you clean up your own act, you can hardly comment on other people; at least not with any moral authority.
king was not paraded around,so that is not a comparison
The truth is really simple.
Iran has a nasty bunch of people as leaders, so cops can get away with a lot, but these are no worse than cops in many other countries.
Rodney King would be happy to attest to that.

The point is just as easy - yes, these cops are bastards but, until you clean up your own act, you can hardly comment on other people; at least not with any moral authority.
king was not paraded around,so that is not a comparison

No, he had the crap beaten out of him where he was, and the cops were let off.
As for Rodney King, he would have been shocked to find out that the only place in the world where slavery is still legal is in the Muslim countries.
Silly-Sally, would you please inform the board as to which muslim countries have legal slavery?? ....... :cool:

Is the US of Arse a Muslim country?
13th Amendment
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
As for Rodney King, he would have been shocked to find out that the only place in the world where slavery is still legal is in the Muslim countries.
Silly-Sally, would you please inform the board as to which muslim countries have legal slavery?? ....... :cool:

Is the US of Arse a Muslim country?
13th Amendment
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

The only slaves brought here were brought by your Muslim brethren, Freddie. Please keep up with the news about how some Middle Eastern Arabs were convicted not too long ago. Meanwhile, Freddie, why are some of your brethren into slavery in the 21st century? Can you tell them that it is a no no?
The only slaves brought here were brought by your Muslim brethren,

No - most were taken over by British ships involved in the triangle trade, some sold by Muslim slave traders, some not.
Distorting history is really silly.
The only slaves brought here were brought by your Muslim brethren,

No - most were taken over by British ships involved in the triangle trade, some sold by Muslim slave traders, some not.
Distorting history is really silly.

The smartest thing you could have done, Freddie, was to have condemned Iran for what they did to those young people. As for your brethren bringing slaves to America, I am talking about recent news. See who was convicted not too long ago for doing so. Meanwhile, as to history and what is also happening in modern times...........

Infidel Bloggers Alliance Black slavery in Muslim countries today


Islam 8217 s disturbing legacy of slavery Freethought Nation
Tut tut tut - it's always Muslims.
Except it wasn't.

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas

The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

Of course, there will be excuses, but never admitted fault or regret, just blaming Muslims again.
Tut tut tut - it's always Muslims.
Except it wasn't.

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas

The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

Of course, there will be excuses, but never admitted fault or regret, just blaming Muslims again.

Oh my goodness, here we get the Jewish slave trade once again, probably from some site like or David that happen to discuss this along with other hate sites. We all realize that there were many involved in the slave trade of years and years ago, Frieddie. However, there is slavery still going on in Muslim countries. No doubt you read none of the sites I posted, but quickly dragged up the Jewish slave trade that you read about on one of the hate sites. Meanwhile it looks like Freddie has no problem with what happened to those youth in Iran. I know the Sunnis in Indonesian are not fond of the Shiites, but perhaps Freddie could lower himself by asking some Shiites in his city what they think about this incident. As an aside, since Freddie dragged up the Jews in the slave trade, I wonder if he can drag something up about how the Jews were so involved in getting Civil Rights for the Blacks in the U.S. He could also mention along with this how the President of the Sudan doesn't want any Black tribes in his country.
No - most were taken over by British ships involved in the triangle trade, some sold by Muslim slave traders, some not. Distorting history is really silly.

Asshole, the arab muslims played a huge part in the slave trade.

Second, why don't you show us a muslim country that is as open and free as the US? You whine about the rodney king situation in a 300 million-strong country with hundreds of thousands of police, yet speak nothing about the horrific nature of how indonesia treats its minorities. You're utterly non-credible, and total trash.

Viewpoint Indonesia s Appalling Treatment of Religious Minorities - TIME

The Other Indonesia
By Emily Rauhala Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

"A key measure of the level of justice and compassion in any society is how it treats its minorities — often its most vulnerable citizens. On that score, Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, is failing. In the past year, public violence against religious minorities, who together make up about 12% of the 240 million population, has been relentless: there has been a slew of incidents, from burnings and bombings of churches to attacks by radical Muslims on moderates. The authorities appear unable or unwilling to firmly intervene."

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