Video Shows Mockingbird Media All Comparing Nazi Leader Zelensky to Churchill


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
The NWO's favorite court jester went to congress & begged for more funding for the Ukrainian army that is full of actual Nazis.
The MSM lapdogs couldn't wait to gaslight the sheeple that still pay attention to them by comparing him to Winston Churchill & his mission to defend the world from Nazis.

This is just another example of Operation Mockingbird giving orders to Pravda for propaganda purposes.
It won't work, the vast majority of people have no faith in this war or the UNiparty that is forcing us to fund it.
Our "leaders" may have instigated this but we can still step away from this family squabble where we have no dog in the fight.

Churchill is a man most of them despise, evidenced by the response Barry got from MSM when he banished the Churchill bust from the WH.
Between elevating Churchill while pumping up the Nazis in Ukraine, that must have hurt but they followed the script like the dutiful puppets they are.
There's enough irony in there to forge artillery.

Am I the only on that thinks Zelensky looks like someone that would attack Paul Pelosi with a hammer?


I'm including a link to TGP because I know how much some of you get offended by it.
Because I care....
You're welcome!!

Home run my friend.

Comparing President Volodymyr Zelensky, a thug dictator, on a smaller scale than President Vladimir Putin with one of the greatest leaders and lovers of freedom the world has ever seen makes me vomit.
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This message brought to to you by General Dynamics, Boeing and Raytheon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kinda like when Pfizer was sponsoring CNN, ABC, CBS, Etc. broadcasts.

Guaranteed these giant corporations are paying off the UNiparty in one way or another.
Time to start enforcing our anti-trust laws & put some real bite into penalties for corruption of public officials.
If the corrupters & corruptibles actually faced serious scrutiny & consequences, there'd be a lot less graft in our capitals.

Home run my friend.

Comparing President Volodymyr Zelensky, a thug dictator, on a smaller scale than President Vladimir Putin with one of the greatest leaders and lovers of freedom the world has ever seen makes me vomit.
I've said all along Zelensky is a clown.
He is a controlled asset of the CIA sponsored Ukrainian color revolution that led to his installation.
He's like a pushy & obnoxious salesman for a used car lot that is run by the Mafia.
He is another character in the theatre of fools scripted for distraction while the neo-Cloward/Piven Plan continues to bankrupt us into a reset

Yes, the media hypes shit up, we should not be sending money over there, we do not need to be involved...

But Zelensky is no nazi.
I doubt this clown has any real convictions other than that which enriches, benefits & elevates his own position.
Apparently, that is following the NWO script.

How much is Zelensky worth now after about 4 years in office?

Yes, the media hypes shit up, we should not be sending money over there, we do not need to be involved...

But Zelensky is no nazi.
He doesn't have to be a Nazi to be a ruthless, dictator, who has jailed his opponents, taken complete control of the media, closed churches, and far more. You know, like Democrats are doing here in America.

He has played us for suckers.
He doesn't have to be a Nazi to be a ruthless, dictator, who has jailed his opponents, taken complete control of the media, closed churches, and far more. You know, like Democrats are doing here in America.

He has played us for suckers.

Taken out of context, yeah, he seems like a bad guy. But when looked into, you realize he's dealing with treachery from the USSR days, via the Russians. Conspirators, propagandists and liars aren't something we have to deal with here in the U.S. but in the ex-USSR, it's a problem that can only be faced so many ways.
Taken out of context, yeah, he seems like a bad guy. But when looked into, you realize he's dealing with treachery from the USSR days, via the Russians. Conspirators, propagandists and liars aren't something we have to deal with here in the U.S. but in the ex-USSR, it's a problem that can only be faced so many ways.
He doesn't SEEM to be a bad guy, he's terrible.

Conspirators, propagandists, and liars AREN'T something we have to deal with?

You're being facetious, right?

Everything Tucker Carlson says here is demonstrably true.

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Taken out of context, yeah, he seems like a bad guy. But when looked into, you realize he's dealing with treachery from the USSR days, via the Russians. Conspirators, propagandists and liars aren't something we have to deal with here in the U.S. but in the ex-USSR, it's a problem that can only be faced so many ways.
He's a muppet put in place to help the NWO elites squeeze out what little is left of Western public coffers before they default the economic system & gaslight scared/sick/hungry sheeple into a neo-fascist/feudal reset.

Sounds like you're OK with that
He's a muppet put in place to help the NWO elites squeeze out what little is left of Western public coffers before they default the economic system & gaslight scared/sick/hungry sheeple into a neo-fascist/feudal reset.

Sounds like you're OK with that

So who's the leader of this supposed reset, eh? Who's in charge? Why in the hell would the U.S. get rid of all its money in order to supposedly "reset", but give it to just one nation? If there is a "global" reset, why isn't Russia involved? Globalists aren't facists, so why do you call them that? They're socialists.
Conspirators, propagandists, and liars AREN'T something we have to deal with?

I lost my interest in Tucker after 2020, when everything he said was just gasoline in a fire for views.

As for the liars and conspirators, no, it isn't anywhere near as bad as in ex-Soviet Union nations. There are communists and Russians that want ex-USSR nations to get back in the folds of Russia, no matter what. Spies, saboteurs, propaganda sowers, zealots.... And there is nothing Nazi about ridding your nation of these people who want to destroy it. You want to get rid of the Democrats destroying this nation, don't you?
So who's the leader of this supposed reset, eh? Who's in charge? Why in the hell would the U.S. get rid of all its money in order to supposedly "reset", but give it to just one nation? If there is a "global" reset, why isn't Russia involved? Globalists aren't facists, so why do you call them that? They're socialists.
I don't know that Russia isn't involved. Putin is a WEF flunky himself.

Fascists/nazis & socialists are all branches on the same collectivist tree.
They may fight it out for control when coming to power but they are funhouse reflections of each other.

Who is in charge? Start with the ones saying "we need to" & follow the money from there. Multinational conglomerates & uber rich families with controlling interests can't hide their tracks completely.
Globalists are pushing for a giant one world govt fused in a symbiotic suckfest with giant corporations/bankers to control the masses in a Big Brother type of dystopian vision.
It's pretty much the definition of fascism.

Why would the US drain our coffers? Cloward/Piven- look it up.

This is all basic knowledge for people that step out of the Pravda propaganda matrix the ignorant sheeple sleep in.
I don't know that Russia isn't involved. Putin is a WEF flunky himself.

Fascists/nazis & socialists are all branches on the same collectivist tree.
They may fight it out for control when coming to power but they are funhouse reflections of each other.

Who is in charge? Start with the ones saying "we need to" & follow the money from there. Multinational conglomerates & uber rich families with controlling interests can't hide their tracks completely.
Globalists are pushing for a giant one world govt fused in a symbiotic suckfest with giant corporations/bankers to control the masses in a Big Brother type of dystopian vision.
It's pretty much the definition of fascism.

Why would the US drain our coffers? Cloward/Piven- look it up.

This is all basic knowledge for people that step out of the Pravda propaganda matrix the ignorant sheeple sleep in.

I believe that this is all fear mongering propaganda from our own side to install our own version of a nationalist power. I think anyone who believes in it is just as stupid as the sheep they claim the other side to be.
I believe that this is all fear mongering propaganda from our own side to install our own version of a nationalist power. I think anyone who believes in it is just as stupid as the sheep they claim the other side to be.
If you knew you were one of the sheeple, you might stop being one.
Sheeple can always be counted on to stick to their nature since it's all they know.
Good luck with that

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