Video: Statues of American Presidents will be torn down next

The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN who have only a handful of viewers. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.
When they started on Confederate statues I warned it was the first low hanging fruit for Marxists with the goal bring to wipe our culture.
Now the statues of McKinley, possibly the blandest and most inoffensive president in history, are being removed.
Wipe these democrats and liberals out! Never work with them. They hate you and your nation.

Statue of President McKinley to be removed from Arcata town square

4 out of 5 councilmen voted to remove it. You aren't in favor of local control any more, or are you for local control only when they agree with you?

I don’t recall ever discussing local control with you. But nows a good time to do so.
I’m used to leftists and their cute little “well by the reasoning I am about to impute to you here is why you must take this position”. Don’t you ever get tired of reacting like an animal?
So explain your theory of radical local control to me. I’ll see what I make of it.
4 out of 5 voted for it, and the 5th didn't vote against the move, but preferred a special vote on the issue. Doesn't sound that radical to me.

One more chance. Do you have a theory of local control. It seemed to concernbyou earlier. Could you explain it?

If you can't figure it out, I can't help you.

I figured it out. I called you a liar with no soul with the intelligence of an animal.
And then I embarrassed you by giving you the chance to push for more local control.
You did bring it up
The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN who have only a handful of viewers. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.

So why are you whining about it so much, you big baby?
4 out of 5 councilmen voted to remove it. You aren't in favor of local control any more, or are you for local control only when they agree with you?

I don’t recall ever discussing local control with you. But nows a good time to do so.
I’m used to leftists and their cute little “well by the reasoning I am about to impute to you here is why you must take this position”. Don’t you ever get tired of reacting like an animal?
So explain your theory of radical local control to me. I’ll see what I make of it.
4 out of 5 voted for it, and the 5th didn't vote against the move, but preferred a special vote on the issue. Doesn't sound that radical to me.

One more chance. Do you have a theory of local control. It seemed to concernbyou earlier. Could you explain it?

If you can't figure it out, I can't help you.

I figured it out. I called you a liar with no soul with the intelligence of an animal.
And then I embarrassed you by giving you the chance to push for more local control.
You did bring it up

You keep telling yourself that. Eventually, you might believe it. Now, go play in your room.
The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN who have only a handful of viewers. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.

So why are you whining about it so much, you big baby?


Hey by the way I just took a gander at that post count total s0n......

Fixing to be the all time post leader on USMB?:cul2:
The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.

Yet the statue of McKinley is coming down, and we're all better off for it.

If you asked people who McKinley was, most couldn't tell you that he was the 25th President, started the Spanish-American War and annexed the Philippines and other places.

The question is, is he someone to be admired, or is he someone to be sort of embarrassed about.

Let's see... he got us into a war over a lie. (The Spanish did not blow up USS Maine).

He engaged in a shameful war against a third world nation that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Oh, yeah, and he was so dumb he couldn't find the Philippines on a globe in his office.

He's kind of the George W. Bush of his day.
The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN who have only a handful of viewers. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.

So why are you whining about it so much, you big baby?


Hey by the way I just took a gander at that post count total s0n......

Fixing to be the all time post leader on USMB?:cul2:

Medical problems. Can't get out of the house much the last few weeks.
The curious looking in on this thread have to realize something..... far less than 20% of the population concur with the mindset of mental cases like FrigidWeirdo and Bulldog.

Too..... this statue removal s*** is a blip on the radar every so often and sensationalised by bogus media outlets like CNN. There is absolutely zero goundswell in America to be removing statues of American presidents.

Yet the statue of McKinley is coming down, and we're all better off for it.

If you asked people who McKinley was, most couldn't tell you that he was the 25th President, started the Spanish-American War and annexed the Philippines and other places.

The question is, is he someone to be admired, or is he someone to be sort of embarrassed about.

Let's see... he got us into a war over a lie. (The Spanish did not blow up USS Maine).

He engaged in a shameful war against a third world nation that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Oh, yeah, and he was so dumb he couldn't find the Philippines on a globe in his office.

He's kind of the George W. Bush of his day.

And exactly how many people will even know about this? Maybe 179?

You progressives get all giddy over stupid symbolic stuff that really doesn't add up the dick:2up:

Joe B has been all giddy about David Hogg for a couple of weeks now..... if you step back and take a look at it Hogg hasn't accomplished anything. Zero..... Congress asleep again..... but the progressives are still taking bows :iyfyus.jpg:
The oppressed throwing off the shackles of the oppressor..No surprise...
The early history of America and its Indian Wars is dark and bloody.

A struggle in the guise of manifest destiny that resulted in the massacre of thousands of innocents.

It’s a history that Americans need to learn from rather than drop into the dustbin of history. Because history always sneaks up and repeats itself if preceding generations are unaware of known consequences.

Video: Statues Of American Presidents Will Be Torn Down Next

Just know that ANTI AMERICANS are their own RACE and you are despised by billions who see what you are doing to this Country this is how Communism starts and those who have low IQ's are to stupid to realize how your weak minds are indoctrinated way past any repairing.

You are the BILL AYRES
You are SOROS
You are ANTIFA
You are Communist
You are Leftist
You are Fake Liberals
You are radical feminist
You are Democrats
You are fake Republicans

On, and on and on......... The indoctrinated MINORITIES........

Anti-Americans aren't those who wanted to secede from the US, no, oh no, not the Confederate flag wavers, not the ones who support something which killed 140,000 US troops, no.

The "Anti-Americans" are the ones who DISAGREE WITH YOU... go figure.

Oh it is, you just can't see it because indoctrination is a LEFTIST's best friend and it all starts in the schools. Just like HITLER, just like STALIN......none of you know HISTORY nor were you taught " real history" .

And this is here your dumbing down began...



It's all WRITTEN and in HISTORY you LEFTIST REFUSE to believe you have been duped, you refuse to believe what's written in black and white, you refuse to SEE WHATS right in your faces .

The early history of America and its Indian Wars is dark and bloody.

A struggle in the guise of manifest destiny that resulted in the massacre of thousands of innocents.

It’s a history that Americans need to learn from rather than drop into the dustbin of history. Because history always sneaks up and repeats itself if preceding generations are unaware of known consequences.

Video: Statues Of American Presidents Will Be Torn Down Next

Just know that ANTI AMERICANS are their own RACE and you are despised by billions who see what you are doing to this Country this is how Communism starts and those who have low IQ's are to stupid to realize how your weak minds are indoctrinated way past any repairing.

You are the BILL AYRES
You are SOROS
You are ANTIFA
You are Communist
You are Leftist
You are Fake Liberals
You are radical feminist
You are Democrats
You are fake Republicans

On, and on and on......... The indoctrinated MINORITIES........

Anti-Americans aren't those who wanted to secede from the US, no, oh no, not the Confederate flag wavers, not the ones who support something which killed 140,000 US troops, no.

The "Anti-Americans" are the ones who DISAGREE WITH YOU... go figure.

Oh it is, you just can't see it because indoctrination is a LEFTIST's best friend and it all starts in the schools. Just like HITLER, just like STALIN......none of you know HISTORY nor were you taught " real history" .

And this is here your dumbing down began...

View attachment 186982

View attachment 186983

It's all WRITTEN and in HISTORY you LEFTIST REFUSE to believe you have been duped, you refuse to believe what's written in black and white, you refuse to SEE WHATS right in your faces .


Someone call the life guard. Mind wars is in WAY over his head.
It's all WRITTEN and in HISTORY you LEFTIST REFUSE to believe you have been duped, you refuse to believe what's written in black and white, you refuse to SEE WHATS right in your faces .


Oh, okay, one crank writes something in a book, and that makes it correct.

You know why Americans are so dumb? Because we are the most religious people in the industrialized world. Because we watch too much TV and don't read books. The world isn't a conspiracy, we largely do this to ourselves.
It's all WRITTEN and in HISTORY you LEFTIST REFUSE to believe you have been duped, you refuse to believe what's written in black and white, you refuse to SEE WHATS right in your faces .


Oh, okay, one crank writes something in a book, and that makes it correct.

You know why Americans are so dumb? Because we are the most religious people in the industrialized world. Because we watch too much TV and don't read books. The world isn't a conspiracy, we largely do this to ourselves.

It's not one crank a.h. TRY READING IT , if you have a brain left it might unfold before you to today's reality jackass.

like Clinton said DEMOCRATS are easy to manipulate you are the perfect reason why.
It's not one crank a.h. TRY READING IT , if you have a brain left it might unfold before you to today's reality jackass.

like Clinton said DEMOCRATS are easy to manipulate you are the perfect reason why.

Um, guy, I voted Republican for years.

And then one day, I realize the Republicans didn't give a shit about people like me.

Not saying that Democrats do, but they support policies that generally work out to my benefit.

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