Video: Texas Pastor Tells Children in Mall That Santa Doesn't Exist

Jesus gave his Earthly life as a gift for all of us so undeserving. Giving gifts is very appropriate especially this time of year and Santa well represents that spirit of giving.
Why is this on the political forum? Actually it wasn't a "Texas Pastor" it was some convoluted Alaskan itinerant self proclaimed Church leader. Lots of anger and fallout indicates that most Christians don't agree with his views so it's not even social news so the obscure point that lefties might be trying to make about Christianity doesn't exist so don't even try.
Why is this on the political forum? Actually it wasn't a "Texas Pastor" it was some convoluted Alaskan itinerant self proclaimed Church leader. Lots of anger and fallout indicates that most Christians don't agree with his views so it's not even social news so the obscure point that lefties might be trying to make about Christianity doesn't exist so don't even try.
Are Jehovah's Witness members lefty?
The man is doing the work of the Lord
Oh? Where does the Bible state parents can't tell their kids there's a Santa Claus?
Search and you will find
You're the one claiming he's doing the Lord's work. If you can't say, that's ok. I understand.
I do not question the man of god's faith
Seems like we agree -- nowhere in the Bible does it instruct parents to not tell their kids there's a Santa Claus. Your participation in determining that is appreciated.
Oh? Where does the Bible state parents can't tell their kids there's a Santa Claus
Even Jesus spoke in parables. Maybe even to children. The preacher is out of line. Jesus loved the little children.
I don't support him doing this, he is exploiting the children for his message. If you want to speak your message to their parents that's one thing but why bring kids into this? What they tell their kids is their business, there no law that says people have to believe in God. Regardless, I thought it was interesting.

David Grisham is a preacher for Last Frontier Evangelism, a non-profit organization based in Anchorage, Alaska, that claims to “take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Last Frontier (Alaska).”

For the holiday season, this apparently involves telling children “the truth” about Santa Claus – that he is not real. Grisham shared a video on Facebook on December 10 of himself in a shopping mall in Amarillo, Texas, walking up and down a line of parents with their children waiting to see Santa, and telling them repeatedly that their parents are lying and that Santa is not real.

Several people come over to Grisham and tell him to be quiet, and he ultimately starts to walk away from them, after engaging one in a spirited debate over whether or not he is allowed to tell the children “the truth.”
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are a whole lot more real than that phantom entity in the clouds that he claims to believe in.
Not in my opinion. Who in their right mind would think that people's baby teeth are worth any amount of money? What is done about homes that do not have chimneys? Have you ever seen a reindeer not only fly, but do such a long trip in one night?

God bless you and that preacher always!!! To me, we need more people like him!


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