Video: Thousands shutting down Pennsylvania Avenue in DC (2/4/17)

Thanks for the news. Warms my heart.

Terrible recording though.
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

Don't be so modest. You'd fit right in with the ugly harridan cat hoarders and beta pajamas boys.
Why do you conservatives always have to talk about boys in pajamas?

Why do supposed grown up Prog men wear onesies and drink cocoa while promoting ObabbleCare?
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Thanks for the news. Warms my heart.

Terrible recording though.
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

Don't be so modest. You'd fit right in with the ugly harridan cat hoarders and beta pajamas boys.
Why do you conservatives always have to talk about boys in pajamas?

What do supposed grown up Prog men wear onesies and drink cocoa while promoting ObabbleCare?
You need to practice speaking like a grown up
You know, when Obama was sworn in, that evening the GOP met to try to come up with a strategy to make Obama a one term president.

The Democrats have said they will try to work with Trump, but will block him if they think it is necessary.

When Obama was elected, the Tea Party was protesting with signs that said they wanted to take their country back.

Now that Trump has become president, there are protests, but I have yet to hear any liberal say that they want their country back.
You know, when Obama was sworn in, that evening the GOP met to try to come up with a strategy to make Obama a one term president.

The Democrats have said they will try to work with Trump, but will block him if they think it is necessary.

When Obama was elected, the Tea Party was protesting with signs that said they wanted to take their country back.

Now that Trump has become president, there are protests, but I have yet to hear any liberal say that they want their country back.

That is because Trump is making America great again, to the chagrin and dismay of liberals everywhere!
Thanks for the news. Warms my heart.

Terrible recording though.
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

Don't be so modest. You'd fit right in with the ugly harridan cat hoarders and beta pajamas boys.
Why do you conservatives always have to talk about boys in pajamas?

What do supposed grown up Prog men wear onesies and drink cocoa while promoting ObabbleCare? many do you know who do that? Oh ad.
Once again, further protesting on Trump's immigration ban. What else are you gonna do on a Saturday, get a job?

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Good...they should shut down the whole city......until normal people have to deal with the violent, racist, irrational left, we will never get a handle on their insanity....
The protesters remind me of Chairman Mao's brainwashed Red Guard, brainless marching and parroting idiotic slogans. ..... :cool:

Meh! The protester's are protesting conservative Amerika and Trump! What's wrong with that?
Thanks for the news. Warms my heart.

Terrible recording though.
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

You are the monster.
There are bigger monsters under your bed
Unlikely. Have you seen how fat Trump and Bannon are?
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

Don't be so modest. You'd fit right in with the ugly harridan cat hoarders and beta pajamas boys.
Why do you conservatives always have to talk about boys in pajamas?

What do supposed grown up Prog men wear onesies and drink cocoa while promoting ObabbleCare?
You need to practice speaking like a grown up

If she want to, she would. In this case, it was something called 'sarcasm'. I realize that went right over your head, so I thought I'd explain it.
The protesters remind me of Chairman Mao's brainwashed Red Guard, brainless marching and parroting idiotic slogans. ..... :cool:

Sunni, you have to be the dumbest fuck on this board. You are supporting the very people that would hang your scuzzy ass from a lampost at first opportunity. LOL

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