Video: Thousands shutting down Pennsylvania Avenue in DC (2/4/17)

You know, when Obama was sworn in, that evening the GOP met to try to come up with a strategy to make Obama a one term president.

The Democrats have said they will try to work with Trump, but will block him if they think it is necessary.

When Obama was elected, the Tea Party was protesting with signs that said they wanted to take their country back.

Now that Trump has become president, there are protests, but I have yet to hear any liberal say that they want their country back.
Yes, the GOP opposed his leftist policies. That bothers liberals to no end. What didn't happen is fucking with the rights of citizens to travel freely. Intolerant assholes like you don't care about things like that.
Thanks for the news. Warms my heart.

Terrible recording though.
Maybe your street will be next.
Probably not. I don't know of any evil monsters that live on my street.

Don't be so modest. You'd fit right in with the ugly harridan cat hoarders and beta pajamas boys.
Why do you conservatives always have to talk about boys in pajamas?
Hmmmmmmmmm............... Well, you know, wide stance Republicans..................................
The protesters remind me of Chairman Mao's brainwashed Red Guard, brainless marching and parroting idiotic slogans. ..... :cool:


Brainless? What makes you think these were FOX news viewers?
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
You know, when Obama was sworn in, that evening the GOP met to try to come up with a strategy to make Obama a one term president.

The Democrats have said they will try to work with Trump, but will block him if they think it is necessary.

When Obama was elected, the Tea Party was protesting with signs that said they wanted to take their country back.

Now that Trump has become president, there are protests, but I have yet to hear any liberal say that they want their country back.

That is because Trump is making America great again, to the chagrin and dismay of liberals everywhere!
LOL Sure the orange clown is. By alienating our allies, and enabling our enemies. LOL The orange clown is the most clueless President that this nation has ever endured. And he will continue to get his idiotic EO's overturned.
Once again, further protesting on Trump's immigration ban. What else are you gonna do on a Saturday, get a job?

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Good...they should shut down the whole city......until normal people have to deal with the violent, racist, irrational left, we will never get a handle on their insanity....

And what is your plan for dealing with that, buddy boy? Whine, mewl, and puke about how bad we are mistreating the most incompetent President this nation has ever had? LOL You 'Conservative' blowhards are such a laugh. Always going to do something, but someone else has to do it. LOL
Whine, mewl, and puke about how bad we are mistreating the most incompetent President this nation has ever had?
Oh you can "mistreat" all you want. It's like a baby mistreating his rattle. You are too stupid to understand that you don't get to define incompetence for everybody else. Trump is doing what he ran on, much to the left's chagrin, who told us for many months the right was being had. Now that you know it isn't true you sling your baby poo around and think we take you seriously?

You're insane.
Yes, the orange clown is doing what he ran on. And the majority of those that voted did not like what he ran on. And he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. And now those people are stating that they do not want him to do what he ran on. And will continue to state that, for as long as the orange clown is President.
You know, when Obama was sworn in, that evening the GOP met to try to come up with a strategy to make Obama a one term president.

The Democrats have said they will try to work with Trump, but will block him if they think it is necessary.

When Obama was elected, the Tea Party was protesting with signs that said they wanted to take their country back.

Now that Trump has become president, there are protests, but I have yet to hear any liberal say that they want their country back.
Yes, the GOP opposed his leftist policies. That bothers liberals to no end. What didn't happen is fucking with the rights of citizens to travel freely. Intolerant assholes like you don't care about things like that.

Ummm..............hate to tell you but it's Trump, not Obama, that is fucking with the rights of citizens to travel freely.
Ummm..............hate to tell you but it's Trump, not Obama, that is fucking with the rights of citizens to travel freely.

Where has Trump interfered with US citizens right of free travel?

In Dallas, there was a Syrian born NATURALIZED CITIZEN who was held up from entering the country until the ban was lifted.

U.S. judge blocks deportations under Trump order as protesters flock to DFW, other airports nationwide | Donald Trump | Dallas News
Ummm..............hate to tell you but it's Trump, not Obama, that is fucking with the rights of citizens to travel freely.

Where has Trump interfered with US citizens right of free travel?

In Dallas, there was a Syrian born NATURALIZED CITIZEN who was held up from entering the country until the ban was lifted.

U.S. judge blocks deportations under Trump order as protesters flock to DFW, other airports nationwide | Donald Trump | Dallas News

I read though the article. No such event happened.

"Syed, the naturalized citizen from India, brought his 12-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son to DFW Airport to teach them a lesson about democracy."

He was in the US already. He wasn't held up at the airport.

""This is not America," said Ahmad Behgooy, a native of Iran who is now a naturalized U.S. citizen. He waited for his son, a U.S. citizen who would not leave his wife, Shima, alone with immigration officials. "This is the land of immigrants. This is humiliating.""

Behgooy was already in the US. He was not held up at the airport.

His wife, who is not a US citizen, and came from Iran, was held up

So.... You claimed Trump was hindering the rights of US citizens. Your link does not support that claim.

Try again? Or admit you lied?

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