Vietnam’s forgotten war victims


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
"I met one family of victims with four blinded children, no eyes -- period."- a Vietnamese researcher, of Agent Orange's aftermath.
Furthermore, U.S. Admiral Zumwalt wrote that American manufacturers knew as early as 1964 that Agent Orange was toxic.

What's the point of posting this? We will absolutely refuse to learn from it.

It's sad that so many who proclaim that we need to get back to being a Christian nation seem to believe that being a Christian nation just means we get to kill people and claim to be the good guys.
...EVERY war has it's forgotten victims
...Napalm/IEDs/conventional weapons maim just as horribly

What's the point of posting this? We will absolutely refuse to learn from it.

It's sad that so many who proclaim that we need to get back to being a Christian nation seem to believe that being a Christian nation just means we get to kill people and claim to be the good guys. was wrong to be in Vietnam...but we were there because we thought we were stopping communism and helping ......we were not the bad or good guys
..we were the good guys in PG1, PG2 and Afghanistan
Doing unpleasant things to your enemy during wartime is pretty much expected protocol worldwide. Might be nice to remember that many Americans have been, and continue to be, agent orange victims also. Hell of a note to be killed by the Country you're fighting for.
Doing unpleasant things to your enemy during wartime is pretty much expected protocol worldwide. Might be nice to remember that many Americans have been, and continue to be, agent orange victims also. Hell of a note to be killed by the Country you're fighting for.

Vietnam never did a thing to us.
Vietnam never did a thing to us.
Bullshit. If North Vietnam hadn't decided to invade it's unoffending neighbors there would not have been a Vietnam War and no deaths from agent orange. They raped tortured and murdered my friends. I kinda think that qualifies as "doing a thing to us".
Vietnam was a French colony for a 100 years.

The French employed a small minority, the Vietnamese Catholics to police Vietnam and the Vietnamese Catholics were brutal towards the majority Buddhist population.
Bullshit. If North Vietnam hadn't decided to invade it's unoffending neighbors there would not have been a Vietnam War and no deaths from agent orange. They raped tortured and murdered my friends. I kinda think that qualifies as "doing a thing to us".

I missed where South Vietnam was a state. Oh well.
If so it is because you are in denial. The North Vietnamese were foreign imperialists.
There are South Vietnamese communities in the US that still fly the South Vietnam flag.

I guess i'm in denial. What year were they admitted to the union?

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