Vigilante Justice; Brought to you by the Political Right.

Your side has become the party of violence, big government and repression. You have used legislative power to silence dissent and the discussion of ideas you don't agree with. That isn't private businesses, this using the government to intimmidate citizens and encourage citizens to spy on each other. You have elected Republican legislaters calling for "bloodshed" and violence when elections are lost. The Relublican party sure has changed.
Yet you loved Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer and Barry Obozo calling for direct and open violence against Trump supporters, Supreme Court justices, and anybody who disagrees with you. Hypocrisy at its finest here.....
Rittenhouse was a teenage illegally armed vigilante who gunned down two unarmed people. No wonder tou blood thirsty lunatics turn a messed up kid into a hero. YOUR politicians are on record making statements calling for bloodshed and taking up arms when an election is "rigged" (currently defined as any election you loose) and YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS participated in a violent attack on our capital and attempted overthrow of an election. You complain about private companies censoring voices while you actively pass legislation that censors ideas you do not like. The Dems may be looney but you guys are dangerous to democracy and freedom
What a pile of shit that is. Here’s the truth mentally challenged retard. Rittenhouse was being chased by violent thugs who have ADMITTED their goal was to KILL him. Poor liar, one of those people hit had a Glock trained on Rittenhouse when he got what he deserved. Which elected officials participated in this fantasy of yours liar? YOU assholes are the ones who’ve made threats towards and attacked Trump supporters, burned businesses, looted other businesses, killed cops, the list goes on. Hang your head in shame you stinking liar.
What a pile of shit that is. Here’s the truth mentally challenged retard. Rittenhouse was being chased by violent thugs who have ADMITTED their goal was to KILL him. Poor liar, one of those people hit had a Glock trained on Rittenhouse when he got what he deserved. Which elected officials participated in this fantasy of yours liar? YOU assholes are the ones who’ve made threats towards and attacked Trump supporters, burned businesses, looted other businesses, killed cops, the list goes on. Hang your head in shame you stinking liar.

Are you saying that Rittenhouse’ safe is not being stated correctly? Or that the laws prohibiting his possession of a firearm are made up?
Amusing coming from people who were prefectly fine calling for harassment people in resturants, airports, theaters or just being out in public for the sin of working in the Trump administration.
If school systems, based on the opinions of their doctors and health advisors, think mask mandates are best for the safety of their pupils, who are you to second guess them.
A thinking human being who doesn't need someone one else with whatever their agenda is to "think" for me. I am more than capable of doing that for myself.
No, Texas will be changed, not abandoned to the white-right traitorous nuts (like the current Governor).

You don't tell anyone to move, got that?

But I'll tell you to get your treasonous arse to Russia and tout de suite, traitor!

it's already illegal to kill a baby in all 50 states in America.

You replied to a raving lunatic.
The article in the Times shows what Americans are dealing with when the media becomes the advocate for abortion and the propaganda arm of the radical democrat agenda. Laws passed by legislative acts and intended to protect the rights of humans with a heartbeat in the womb are deemed by radical lefties to be "vigilante" acts. By their own decrees this type of misinformation should be banned in the media.
The article in the Times shows what Americans are dealing with when the media becomes the advocate for abortion and the propaganda arm of the radical democrat agenda. Laws passed by legislative acts and intended to protect the rights of humans with a heartbeat in the womb are deemed by radical lefties to be "vigilante" acts. By their own decrees this type of misinformation should be banned in the media.
What is radical is protecting tbe “rights” of a fertilized egg by removing the rights of a woman.

Which wing of the Right Wing was he in?
None. He was a crazy guy with mental issues. Did he have a bomb? Nope.

So this is the best example you can come up with? Some guy who didn’t have a weapon and didn’t hurt anyone. A guy with mental issues.
None. He was a crazy guy with mental issues. Did he have a bomb? Nope.

So this is the best example you can come up with? Some guy who didn’t have a weapon and didn’t hurt anyone. A guy with mental issues.
Why is it that when it’s a rightwing extremist he has “mental issues” but when it’s a lefties he’s representative of the group?
If the government can mandate injecting our bodies with experimental vaccines, then this issue of not having an abortion is sort of moot isn’t it?
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

Government is not ‘mandating’ being vaccinated.

The dishonest right does nothing but lie.
That's the best you got? LOL.
Unsurprisingly, conservatives defend the indefensible:

A law that violates a woman’s right to privacy.

A law that increases the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

And as authoritarian and wrongheaded as both of the above are, the Orwellian right further defends a law with a totalitarian provision whereby citizens inform on each other using lawsuits in Trump-like fashion to intimidate and harass women and their healthcare providers.

The reprehensible right, indeed.
Since the government isn’t mandating that, can you at least come up with an example based in reality?
LOL, yea they aren’t mandating it…except for the military, Federal workers, healthcare workers, and every major corporation is trying to enforce it. You know, actual fascism where private entities do the bidding of the regime.
What is radical is protecting tbe “rights” of a fertilized egg by removing the rights of a woman.
Way to show how stupid you are. Call it what it is moron. A baby that you want the right to kill. Now go ahead and funny this with no rebuttal like you do to most of my posts. No woman is having her rights removed. Personal responsibility makes you cry doesn’t it?

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