Vigilantism: Gossip


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A vigilante is a regular citizen who decides to take legal matters into his uncertified hands and become a lone crusader in the name of justice.

Vigilantism is controversial obviously and is never condoned by the legal system or by the police.

Modern populism fascination with justice-fantasy comic book superheroes such as Batman (a masked vigilante who tackles society's most terrifying criminally insane villains) and Green Arrow (a super-archer who likewise tackles lethal terrorists as a vigilante) are meant to promote praise of the legal system but in effect sometimes encourage youngsters to fantasize about vigilantism.

For some time now, the Hell's Angels have been praised by laymen as desirable vigilante street patrol 'watchmen' who regularly inspect city streets for thug-created violence unsuspected by police officials.

Vigilantism represents a new age social dialogue surrounding jurisprudence loopholes and fire-and-brimstone hysteria.

Vigilantism is, however, now being over-rided by investments in citizen-committee enforced (and police inspected) neighborhood curfew policies.


Vigilante Allure

The Guardian Angels describe themselves as a non-profit volunteer organization.

I'm wondering how news stories about random acts of street crime, seemingly uncontrolled, affect public views of vigilantism.

On February 2012, 24-year old Dean Dinnen was booted from the Endyke Pub in Hull after he refused to put out his cigarette. Enraged, Dinnen began to a chase people around the pub with a gas-powered chainsaw and injured one woman before patrons subdued him in the streets. Dinnen was sentenced to three years in prison for his assault.

Such stories motivate not only neighborhood watches but encourage people to take the law into their own hands when the police seem to be nowhere around when they are needed.

Stories about urban predators such as those of Jack the Ripper get a lot of attention in the news and in the movies. Vigilante groups such as the Guardian Angels would gain some motivation to make their presence known.

The Batman (DC Comics) vigilantism comic book adapted television program "Gotham" (Fox TV) has received critical praise, and populism-catalytic vigilantism folk stories seem to be gaining ground in our age of high human traffic.

Batman (and the Guardian Angels) may be a new age social response to people modeling criminal acts after crime-glorification images in the movies.

Is this a potentially dangerous new cycle/trend? Imagine maniac cops and movie-modeled psychopaths competing with each other on the streets of London and New York.


Guardian Angels - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


The vigilantes that we hear about are always wife-battering sadists who stalk people of other races. The only place such people belong is behind bars
You have to make distinction between self defense and vigilanteism even though the media often gets them confused. A person who takes initiative to stop a crime or capture a perpetrator is not a vigilante and neither is a person who defends himself from attack.
Prosecutor Caius Veiovis helped kill 3 men to get into Hells Angels defense lawyer said Veiovis was never near the victims[/url]
Berkshire District Attorney David Capeless on Friday told jurors during a portion of Caius Veiovis' trial, they will hear nothing about Veiovis.

That portion - which will include many witnesses - will be about Adam Lee Hall and will establish Hall's motive for the killing and dismemberment of David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell in August 2011.

Veiovis, said Capeless, became involved in the plan shortly before it was carried out.

He said Veiovis' motive for helping Hall "get rid of Glasser" was because he was interested in joining the Hells Angels and Hall was sergeant at arms of the Lee chapter.
Prosecutor Caius Veiovis helped kill 3 men to get into Hells Angels defense lawyer said Veiovis was never near the victims[/url]
Berkshire District Attorney David Capeless on Friday told jurors during a portion of Caius Veiovis' trial, they will hear nothing about Veiovis.

That portion - which will include many witnesses - will be about Adam Lee Hall and will establish Hall's motive for the killing and dismemberment of David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell in August 2011.

Veiovis, said Capeless, became involved in the plan shortly before it was carried out.

He said Veiovis' motive for helping Hall "get rid of Glasser" was because he was interested in joining the Hells Angels and Hall was sergeant at arms of the Lee chapter.

Sorry about that Super Bowl, man - it broke my heart too.
One night back in 1981 a 12 year old friend of mine was walking home from a pizza parlor/arcade and was kidnapped by a pair of brothers who are serial killers of the sexual sadist variety.

They took her to the basement of an abandoned theater where they viciously beat, tortured , mutilated and raped her. Then murdered her by smashing her head with a concrete block. I can't imagine how much pain and fear she was in.

Back then Ohio didn't have capital punishment. If her family wanted to mete our some vigilante justice I couldn't blame them.
The vigilantes that we hear about are always wife-battering sadists who stalk people of other races. The only place such people belong is behind bars
That's because those are the only ones who ever get caught.
The Art of Drama

1. Self-defense is not the same as vigilantism, especially when a given society's jurisprudence infrastructures are badly managed (hence, popularity of outlaw justice films from the anarchistic Old American West)

2. Conservatives favor vigilantism colored with centralized government propaganda (i.e., Judge Dredd), while liberals seem to favor vigilantism colored with populism attitudes (i.e., Dirty Dozen)

3. My psychiatrist told me to draw a self-image (i.e., self-portrait) comic book character, so I did (in my own cute and simple stick-drawing style, complete with a matching super-villain), and the drawing made me think about unavoidable sentimentalism


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