Vigilantism (Odin): The Doom Matrix


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Media Age parody inspired by Videodrome.




Alliances were forged, as American patriots and priests arrayed themselves to participate in U.S. President Donald Trump's secret-underground 'fight club' which had built its own elaborate laser-lit marble glowing-frisbee throw-combat arena. Trump likened this arena to the one presented in the futurama dystopian virtual-reality film Tron: Legacy (since capitalism was, after all, a 'virtual intelligence'). The teams were comprised of American vigilantes/bloggers/hackers (e.g., Ajay Satan), movie stars (e.g., Kurt Russell, Tom Hardy), and female soldiers and fashion-models (e.g., Bar Rafaeli).


The most successful team was Team 3 (Tom Hardy and Matt Damon) who won the gold medal. Team 1 (Ajay Satan and Kurt Russell) came in second and won the silver. Team 4 (Kay Bar and Eva Tar) won the bronze, upsetting Team 2 (Tom Cruise and Tom Hardy) in the conciliation game. Everyone was expecting Team 2 to take gold and Team 4 to take silver, but in fact, the outstanding and creative anti-capitalism flair-play of Team 1 (Ajay Satan and Kurt Russell) got them all the way to the finals to face Team 3 (Tom Hardy and Matt Damon) who finished the grand TrumpUSA tournament undefeated. The frisbee-throwing, celebrity-acrobatics, beautiful people, capitalism rhetoric, and incredible advertising made the event a complete 'sub-culture success' (people even compared it to Woodstock!).


Americans wanted to know if capitalism really was a vigilantism-oriented 'doom matrix' inviting 'players' to see who was a pirate and who was a poet. Certainly, 'TrumpUSA' was a modern geopolitical symbol of traffic intrigue and commerce-grid daydreams, so Trump's little fight-club tournament of glowing frisbees reminded everyone of the general coordinated glitter of other commerce-pensive and network-pensive eras in U.S. history (e.g., 1920s, 1960s). After all, the modern city was filled with society-critics itching to make vigilantism something like a terrific capitalism-meditation experience. So why not host a giant underground frisbee tournament? Was this the North America's rendition of the German Autobahn?


GOD: Americans should not make capitalism a 'playground.'
SATAN: People appreciate entertainment and advertising.
GOD: It's nothing more than junk food for the brain and body.
SATAN: That's what they first said about Negro-League Baseball.
GOD: This isn't about pedestrian protests, this is about consumerism frivolity.
SATAN: Don't you want to embrace this modern 'neon escalator' for America?
GOD: America is in danger of becoming like Nazi Germany.
SATAN: There's nothing fascist about uniform shoppers!
GOD: Really? Why is there so much social madness during Christmas shopping?
SATAN: That's not fascism...that's merely pedestrian poetry.
GOD: I don't see the poetry of shoppers wrestling over Barbie dolls.
SATAN: It's just like the Roaring Twenties (before the Wall Street crash).
GOD: Yes, and that lead to the Great Depression.
SATAN: No one is downplaying the very real threat of nuclear warfare.
GOD: People of today are hypnotized by video-games and dollars.
SATAN: It's difficult to be a vigilante!
GOD: Yes, and everyone feels it's simply easier to be the king.
SATAN: What will become of mob psychology ('TrumpUSA')?

"My name is President Trump, and we fight to endorse capitalism/consumerism even to the mighty Odin!"




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