Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Do you mean like Jarod and Ivanka, being put in to govt positions with zero gvt experience? Well conveted by hard working gov't employees that have worked a lifetime to get the positions in the whit house that Jarod and Ivanka were handed on a silver platter?

Or like Ambassador position for the EU, being handed to a man with ZERO EXPERIENCE as a diplomat, who simply 've a million dollars to the Trump inaugural , like Ambassador mainland, while dedicated diplomats have worked a near quarter century to earn the covetted ambassadorship?

at least its our government,,,and they are working for free,,,,not millions of tax payer dollars

Free....cause nepotism is illegal....except when you get a whole bunch of Chinese patents...

I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Do you mean like Jarod and Ivanka, being put in to govt positions with zero gvt experience? Well conveted by hard working gov't employees that have worked a lifetime to get the positions in the whit house that Jarod and Ivanka were handed on a silver platter?

Or like Ambassador position for the EU, being handed to a man with ZERO EXPERIENCE as a diplomat, who simply 've a million dollars to the Trump inaugural , like Ambassador mainland, while dedicated diplomats have worked a near quarter century to earn the covetted ambassadorship?

apple: orange.jpeg

Trump would never deny putting those people in those positions. If Biden put his son in charge of managing his campaign for two million dollars a year, it's his money and there are no potential kickbacks. Nobody would care on either side.

And it's not only that Joe got Hunter that job, and that Burisma (a corrupt company) used Hunter's name to try and get a meeting with the state department, but they also got their government to keep their nose out of their dirty business thanks to Joe; if what Shokin says is valid.
In his own words.

Moron, this guy's word is worth fuck all.

What did you expect him to say? "Yep, I was corrupt and Joe did the right thing by making Ukranian Congress remove me"? :rolleyes:

So the people who alleged he was corrupt were EU socialists who were all looking to make a killing off Burisma / Ukrainian Corruption and with The US VP at the forefront they had perfect cover. Pump a billion dollars into Ukraine for the Govt to look the other way.
In his own words.

Moron, this guy's word is worth fuck all.

What did you expect him to say? "Yep, I was corrupt and Joe did the right thing by making Ukranian Congress remove me"? :rolleyes:

So the people who alleged he was corrupt were EU socialists who were all looking to make a killing off Burisma / Ukrainian Corruption and with The US VP at the forefront they had perfect cover. Pump a billion dollars into Ukraine for the Govt to look the other way.

You obviously know nothing.

Ukranian anti-corruption watch groups
Prosecutor's own direct deputy who quit in protest of the swamp.

ALL of them deemed Sholkin corrupt and lining his pockets by burying investigations into corruption by the rich.

Joe Biden absolutely has a rock solid explanation why it was a good idea to push for Sholkin's firing as a matter of good foreign policy.

We've yet to get a rational explanation why unilateral hold up of millitary aid to Ukraine by Trump made ANY foreign policy sense or what has changed for it to get released (aside from Congressional investigations opening)
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"Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Piatt in 2015 joined three impeachment probe witnesses in calling for an investigation into Burisma while then Vice-President's Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was working at the Ukrainian company."

Nunes: 4th Obama-Era Official Called for Corruption Probe of Burisma

And? Burisma was on American corruption watch for happenings there in 2012-2014 period, while Ukranian prosecutor Sholkin was burying investigations like these.
I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Do you mean like Jarod and Ivanka, being put in to govt positions with zero gvt experience? Well conveted by hard working gov't employees that have worked a lifetime to get the positions in the whit house that Jarod and Ivanka were handed on a silver platter?

Or like Ambassador position for the EU, being handed to a man with ZERO EXPERIENCE as a diplomat, who simply 've a million dollars to the Trump inaugural , like Ambassador mainland, while dedicated diplomats have worked a near quarter century to earn the covetted ambassadorship?

at least its our government,,,and they are working for free,,,,not millions of tax payer dollars

Free....cause nepotism is illegal....except when you get a whole bunch of Chinese patents...


those patents mean nothing without a product to back it up,,,which means she worked for them,,,

and dont forget hilary worked for bill while he was in office,,,
I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Do you mean like Jarod and Ivanka, being put in to govt positions with zero gvt experience? Well conveted by hard working gov't employees that have worked a lifetime to get the positions in the whit house that Jarod and Ivanka were handed on a silver platter?

Or like Ambassador position for the EU, being handed to a man with ZERO EXPERIENCE as a diplomat, who simply 've a million dollars to the Trump inaugural , like Ambassador mainland, while dedicated diplomats have worked a near quarter century to earn the covetted ambassadorship?

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And it's not only that Joe got Hunter that job, and that Burisma (a corrupt company) used Hunter's name to try and get a meeting with the state department, but they also got their government to keep their nose out of their dirty business thanks to Joe; if what Shokin says is valid
What a crock of poopee!

Joe Biden DID NOT GET Hunter Biden the job at Burisma. Why do you lie?

Hunter's partner was on the board at Burisma and convinced his business partner Hunter, to accept the position is what I have read on it.

Hunter's well known last name likely helped get him the job, along with others that were on the board at Burisma, ALL hired to make them seem more legit and get rid of the anchor around their necks for the corruption allegations made 2 years earlier, in 2012 against them.

This is not some new trick of Burisma's, it is what all the corporations who have gotten hit with corruption charges do in order to make the world believe, they have cleaned up their act.

I have a task for you....if you have the time... do a google on Shokin, 2016, removal from office, or resigned.... and read all the articles from 2016 about it...

And tell me if there is one single article with Shokin saying that he thought Joe Biden got him fired because of Burisma and Hunter working there and because he was investigating Burisma, or any talk at all from Shokin on it.

THERE IS NOTHING from Shokin on the accusation he is now being PAID by a Russian connected corrupt oligarch to make, on behalf of Giuliani.

Shokin was and is, corrupt. That is why he was fired, 3 months after Joe Biden made his threat, and after the EU and IMF jumped in and asked for his removal a month or two after Biden's request...

If this was all legitimate, which it CLEAR AS DAY it is NOT, the president would not have gone through Giuliani, his goons... Igor, and Lev Parnas who was being paid a million dollars secretly by the Russians while working for Giuliani (and is heading back to jail, because he lied to SDNY prosecutors about the money at his bail hearing), and corrupt Russian mafia connected men, and Russian connected Ukrainian Oligarchs and a corrupt Russian connected Ukrainian Parliament member ALL TOGETHER creating this manufactured story on Shokin, (all Russian propagandists)

Trump would have taken the LEGAL STEPS, to have Burisma and Hunter Biden and Joe Biden investigated in the Ukraine through our DOJ, and followed the LEGAL AGREEMENT we have with the Ukraine to investigate corruption of Americans in their country.

This is SWAMP corruption times a million. And the president lead the show...
RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.
sure he was, the prosecutor said so. so now you know what the prosecutor was doing more than him? dude, can you hear yourself? wow. how can I take you serious?

You seem to think that you know more than Ukrainians who fought against Shokin's corruption.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

She is talking about you buddy boy.

Republican Senators like Ron Johnson had no issues with what Biden did and said the same thing Biden said.

Ukrainian Protesters Demand Dismissal Of Prosecutor-General

Why Poroshenko’s Support for Shokin Is Dangerous - Human Rights in Ukraine

You know more than they do. You are a bad joke.
Jim Jordan: When did it happen?

Sondland:When did what happen ?

When did Zelinski make the announcement?

Never did!

Who attended the meeting?

Which meeting ?

The one you never had
RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.

The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.

There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.
No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.

The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.

If Hunter Biden is truly innocent as you contend, he should have an opportunity to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And that's all that President Trump has ever asked for.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.

There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.

Hunter knows how to raise capital to buy cocaine and pay for prostitution services. Treating that as a qualification for a cushy job in Kiev for big bucks is a stretch.

But I'd like to hear Mr. Biden talk about it, when and if he is called to testify in a Senate trial. After all, its a perfectly acceptable defense if Mr. Biden is guilty of crimes in Ukraine for President Trump to ask his good friend to investigate.
I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?

Good Luck.
Shokin is corrupt. So yeah, let's believe Shokin. Lol.

But is he?

Are you sure he is?

From the very start, I've been assuming that Shokin is corrupt. However just in the past week, I've started to wonder how corrupt he really was.

People seem to be assuming that since the EU says he is, therefore he is. But really, where is the evidence?

We all know that left-wingers will simply make up stuff to justify their positions... Bret Kavanough, and Jessie Smollett are proof of this.

So where is the hard evidence that Shokin is corrupt? Am I missing it?

As near as I can tell... the main 'evidence' that Shokin is corrupt, has to do with him not pursing cases fast enough. Fast enough?

To compare, the death of Vince Foster was in 1993, and the independent investigation by Ken Starr, was released in 1997.

Shokin was only named Prosecutor General in Feb 2015. When Biden made his now famous quid pro quo of demanding Shokin be fired, that was only in Dec of 2015.

Shokin had not even been in office a full year, before Biden said he was corrupt, and demanded his removal.

On what evidence was that not 'fast enough' for the Obama administration? We have instigation the routinely last many years, and this guy is barely in office 10 months, and he's obviously stalling out investigations? On what evidence?

No if you have more evidence, I'll gladly read up on it. But from the 3 different articles I've read thus far, there is no evidence that I've seen that this guy is horribly corrupt.

Why are Republicans not demanding that Shokin testify? Because they know he would be exposed as corrupt. Shokin was ending investigations into corruption just as he ended the investigation of Burisma. Burisma was not under investigation when Biden made his threat and there are no doubts of that. The only investigations he was opening was against anti-corruption groups. That is why there were protests against Shokin. Even Ukrainians knew he was corrupt.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

From what I've read, Shokin has already testified several times to the EU.
I think he's testimony is good enough there.

However, saying indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field.... where were you when Obama used the Ukraine against Trump?

Maybe you missed it, but Obama asked the Ukraine to investigate Paul Manafort.

So where was your outrage then? Why is using the Ukraine as a ball at American national politics, only bad when other people do it?

There is no evidence to back that up. More unproven conspiracy theories. Ukraine opened the investigation because Manafort was being paid off by Russia. Russia interfered in our elections not Ukraine. Even Lindsay Graham is not going there.
Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.

The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.

If Hunter Biden is truly innocent as you contend, he should have an opportunity to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And that's all that President Trump has ever asked for.

American citizens should not be harassed just because his father is running for President. There is not a shred of evidence to back a investigation.
they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.

The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.

If Hunter Biden is truly innocent as you contend, he should have an opportunity to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And that's all that President Trump has ever asked for.

American citizens should not be harassed just because his father is running for President. There is not a shred of evidence to back a investigation.

Actually, there is plenty of evidence. Biden's own bragging about getting rid of the prosecutor. Hunter Biden's suspicious job that he wasn't qualified for. Hunter Biden's drug and prostitution habits.

Suppose Hunter Biden stayed in a Kiev hotel in the same room that Trump stayed in previously. Hunter knows the prostitutes already and would have no problem paying them to ruin the mattresses. Shouldn't that be investigated? It would certainly be enough to get a FISA warrant to surveil him.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.

There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.

Hunter knows how to raise capital to buy cocaine and pay for prostitution services. Treating that as a qualification for a cushy job in Kiev for big bucks is a stretch.

But I'd like to hear Mr. Biden talk about it, when and if he is called to testify in a Senate trial. After all, its a perfectly acceptable defense if Mr. Biden is guilty of crimes in Ukraine for President Trump to ask his good friend to investigate.

Rush Limbaugh is a druggie. Why should he have a cushie job. What Hunter Biden does in his private life is none of anyone's business.

Even Senate Republicans will not go there. They are not going to turn this into a circus. If they tried, I would tell them to go to hell.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.

There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.

Hunter knows how to raise capital to buy cocaine and pay for prostitution services. Treating that as a qualification for a cushy job in Kiev for big bucks is a stretch.

But I'd like to hear Mr. Biden talk about it, when and if he is called to testify in a Senate trial. After all, its a perfectly acceptable defense if Mr. Biden is guilty of crimes in Ukraine for President Trump to ask his good friend to investigate.

Rush Limbaugh is a druggie. Why should he have a cushie job. What Hunter Biden does in his private life is none of anyone's business.

Even Senate Republicans will not go there. They are not going to turn this into a circus. If they tried, I would tell them to go to hell.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't have a cushy job at all.

He's on the air 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. does morning updates, gets interviewed on FOX regularly, does various promotions and charity events, as well as political speeches.


Hunter Biden got that job because his dad was VP??

Lock him up!

You might think that its just peachy keen that Bite Me muscled a Ukrainian outfit to give his boy this job.

IMHO, its an abuse of power.


Let me know when you find evidence that Biden "muscled" Burisma Holdings to hire his son.


Burisma did not need to be muscled. They knew if Hunter was on the board, that the weight of the US government would come against anyone investigating Burisma.

And they were right. History proved their assumption correct.

In all seriousness.... why else do you think they hired Hunter? You think that drug addicted, never worked a day in his life, baby fathering whore, had a single cent worth of intelligence on how to run an oil company?

Be serious.... what value do you think Hunter gave to Burisma for that $50,000 a month salary?

It has not been proven right. The investigation was closed by Shokin before Biden went to Ukraine. That is why his resignation was demanded by the US.

What would a piece of garbage like you know about value. Biden is far better than garbage like you and Trump.

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