Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

92 countries.

No aid held up. No phone call asking for an investigation.

Corruption? Bibi is under indictment!!! NO AID HELD UP!

Yeah. This wasn't about Biden or personal political gain. Okay. That takes about seven pounds of brain damage to bleev.

You have to be seriously stupid, stupid, stupid.

How do you know that no calls were made to the 92 other countries?

Just because the partisan, so-called whistleblower didn't report on them doesn't mean squat. He was looking for dirt on Trump, so he could care less about corruption in other nations.

Receives WAY more US foreign aid than Ukraine.

Ranked 144 out of 180 on the Transparency International's Corruption Index, with 180 being the worst.

Didn't get aid held up. Didn't get a call from Trump asking for an investigation.

Only a special kind of retard buys Trump's bullshit story.

How do you know that Nigeria didn't get a call? All you know is that the so-called whistleblower didn't see anything he could accuse Trump in regards to Nigeria on.

Maybe the WB didn't understand Nigerian?
Zelensky refused to open an investigation into the Bidens. That should tell you all you need to know, special retards.

But if it isn't enough, there's this:

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.
So stay on your knees, and drink the criminal Shokin's piss straight from the tap, special retards.

You are setting ALLLLLLLL kinds of new benchmarks!
Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.
sure he was, the prosecutor said so. so now you know what the prosecutor was doing more than him? dude, can you hear yourself? wow. how can I take you serious?

RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.

RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

glad to see youve learned theres a difference between probable cause and evidence,,,
RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.

Again criminal investigations are different. The DOJ cannot wake up one morning and decide to investigate. They have to have some evidence. Even with audits there are reasons for doing it or certain activities that make it more likely that a taxpayer will be audited. Saying someone is corrupt is not enough.

they have to have probable cause and that can or cant be evidence,,

and daddy joe gave them that when he admitted to strong arming them to fire shokin,,,

That has to be evidence or suspicious behavior. Biden did not profit by it. Hunter Biden was never under investigation. The fact is that the DOJ has no basis for opening a investigation and that is with a partisan hack like Barr as AG.

How do you know Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation?

If a disreputable person like Biden- someone with connections to the cocaine and prostitution rackets- came to a jurisdiction, most local officials would keep a close eye on his sleazy ass.
well busybee knows more about what was going on then the guy who said he was investigating him and got fired. Too fking funny. Can't make some things up.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.
I want to see one email from Hunter that was toward the business. just one.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.
I want to see one email from Hunter that was toward the business. just one.

I think he did have one. He wrote "WHERE IS MY PAYCHECK? IT'S THE THIRD OF THE MONTH ALREADY!!!"
I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Good Luck.
Shokin is corrupt. So yeah, let's believe Shokin. Lol.

But is he?

Are you sure he is?

From the very start, I've been assuming that Shokin is corrupt. However just in the past week, I've started to wonder how corrupt he really was.

People seem to be assuming that since the EU says he is, therefore he is. But really, where is the evidence?

We all know that left-wingers will simply make up stuff to justify their positions... Bret Kavanough, and Jessie Smollett are proof of this.

So where is the hard evidence that Shokin is corrupt? Am I missing it?

As near as I can tell... the main 'evidence' that Shokin is corrupt, has to do with him not pursing cases fast enough. Fast enough?

To compare, the death of Vince Foster was in 1993, and the independent investigation by Ken Starr, was released in 1997.

Shokin was only named Prosecutor General in Feb 2015. When Biden made his now famous quid pro quo of demanding Shokin be fired, that was only in Dec of 2015.

Shokin had not even been in office a full year, before Biden said he was corrupt, and demanded his removal.

On what evidence was that not 'fast enough' for the Obama administration? We have instigation the routinely last many years, and this guy is barely in office 10 months, and he's obviously stalling out investigations? On what evidence?

No if you have more evidence, I'll gladly read up on it. But from the 3 different articles I've read thus far, there is no evidence that I've seen that this guy is horribly corrupt.

Why are Republicans not demanding that Shokin testify? Because they know he would be exposed as corrupt. Shokin was ending investigations into corruption just as he ended the investigation of Burisma. Burisma was not under investigation when Biden made his threat and there are no doubts of that. The only investigations he was opening was against anti-corruption groups. That is why there were protests against Shokin. Even Ukrainians knew he was corrupt.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

From what I've read, Shokin has already testified several times to the EU.
I think he's testimony is good enough there.

However, saying indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field.... where were you when Obama used the Ukraine against Trump?

Maybe you missed it, but Obama asked the Ukraine to investigate Paul Manafort.

So where was your outrage then? Why is using the Ukraine as a ball at American national politics, only bad when other people do it?

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