Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

It's funny how the tards have not noticed that President Zelensky has refused Crooked Donald's request to open a fake investigation against the Bidens.

Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

Only a thoroughly demented, willfully stupid retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted to slander Biden for his personal political gain.

The end.
Good Luck.
Shokin is corrupt. So yeah, let's believe Shokin. Lol.

But is he?

Are you sure he is?

From the very start, I've been assuming that Shokin is corrupt. However just in the past week, I've started to wonder how corrupt he really was.

People seem to be assuming that since the EU says he is, therefore he is. But really, where is the evidence?

We all know that left-wingers will simply make up stuff to justify their positions... Bret Kavanough, and Jessie Smollett are proof of this.

So where is the hard evidence that Shokin is corrupt? Am I missing it?

As near as I can tell... the main 'evidence' that Shokin is corrupt, has to do with him not pursing cases fast enough. Fast enough?

To compare, the death of Vince Foster was in 1993, and the independent investigation by Ken Starr, was released in 1997.

Shokin was only named Prosecutor General in Feb 2015. When Biden made his now famous quid pro quo of demanding Shokin be fired, that was only in Dec of 2015.

Shokin had not even been in office a full year, before Biden said he was corrupt, and demanded his removal.

On what evidence was that not 'fast enough' for the Obama administration? We have instigation the routinely last many years, and this guy is barely in office 10 months, and he's obviously stalling out investigations? On what evidence?

No if you have more evidence, I'll gladly read up on it. But from the 3 different articles I've read thus far, there is no evidence that I've seen that this guy is horribly corrupt.
no they are not,,and this proves youre an ignorant moron,,,

Yes they are. You are the ignorant moron.
no they arent or they would be called the same thing,,moron,,,

Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.

No, investigations are supposed to be fairly routine even without any evidence.
For example, the IRS simply runs an audit on a percentage of tax returns, without any evidence at all.
All it takes for an investigation is any suspicion at all.
What takes probable cause is a search warrant, and you can only get that with an investigation.
Yes they are. You are the ignorant moron.
no they arent or they would be called the same thing,,moron,,,

Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.
Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

Only a thoroughly demented, willfully stupid retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted to slander Biden for his personal political gain.

The end.

Assuming it is true, it still is not improper.
Any president is required to investigate possible corruption like Burisma Holdings.
Biden should never have requested Shokins dismissal, much less demanded it.
THAT is the main thing that was illegal.

You do not just investigate the most corrupt, but all US foreign aid recipients.
It's really sad to see how low the pseudocon have gone these days. Drinking the piss of a crook like Shokin straight from the tap.

Man, they really have no shame. What a disgrace.


Sad is the coming landslide....sad for you.

no they arent or they would be called the same thing,,moron,,,

Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,

You are the dumb motherfucker.

Without evidence there is no probable cause. You can say Biden is corrupt until you turn blue that that is not evidence nor does it establish probable cause.

Not very smart.
You do not need probably cause before an investigation, the point of an investigation is to establish if there is probably cause or not.
no they arent or they would be called the same thing,,moron,,,

Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.

then who was he refusing to investigate that was later convicted???
no they arent or they would be called the same thing,,moron,,,

Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.

In ALL countries there is a code of civil service, where you can not fire prosecutors without proof of wrong doing.
And that can only be established if brought up on charges.
Firing without proof from a verdict in court, is totally and completely illegal in almost all countries.
Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.

In ALL countries there is a code of civil service, where you can not fire prosecutors without proof of wrong doing.
And that can only be established if brought up on charges.
Firing without proof from a verdict in court, is totally and completely illegal in almost all countries.

All countries? Countries are different, not only in their codes for civil service, but in whether those codes are even adhered to.
Probable cause is evidence that a crime may have been committed moron.


RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.

then who was he refusing to investigate that was later convicted???

I don't think it was any one person per se but simply not going after corruption. A letter from the Pentagon later confirmed that Ukraine had taken significant steps towards reform after Shokin was fired.

RIGHT! You have to have evidence to see if there is probable cause. to start a investigation.
by god youre a dumb mother fucker,,,

probable cause is the suspicion of wrong doing,,,
Shokin is/was the corrupt one, and you RWI will even support a corrupt Ukrainian.

That is pretty much impossible.
Shokin was pointed Inspector General, after the separation from the Soviet Union, mainly because he was the LEAST corrupt.
How would he have remained in that position for so many years?
Why is it he is not wealthy?
How would those in the US know anything about Shokin unless they had tried to bribe him?

He was fired three years ago. He has never been charged with anything and never been arrested since that time.

After all, if he was so corrupt, finding evidence of that corruption should be a piece of cake.

Firing in and of itself is sufficient in many countries for dealing with corruption. But I think the main reason was he refused to investigate corruption.

then who was he refusing to investigate that was later convicted???

I don't think it was any one person per se but simply not going after corruption. A letter from the Pentagon later confirmed that Ukraine had taken significant steps towards reform after Shokin was fired.

sounds like a bullshit lie to me,,,but you believe what you want ,,I'l stick to known facts,,,

Are that there was no investigation of Hunter Biden or Burisma when Joe Biden helped remove Shokin

That Trump tried to force Ukraine into announcing (and the announcement was all they cared about) an investigation into Hunter and Burisma and Joe Biden by holding back on Congressional appropriated military funding to a country under attack from Russia

That the IG found no actions taken for political motives. No bias

That the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was opened appropriately

That the FISA application was legal (although there were issues) and appropriate

Stick with those facts
Great, let's see ya post a link to Shokin investigating Hunter Biden....

already have ,,several times,,,but you knew that,,
Liar. You never did because Shokin never did nor did he ever say he ever did.

he was trying and daddy joe got him fired for it,,,

Thanks for admitting I was right when I said Shokin never investigated Hunter Biden.

but you were wrong,,

Suuure, uh-huh, Spunky. You keep telling yourself that. :lol:
Bull. Biden is regarded as the strongest candidate and most likely to beat Trump. That makes him a rival. These word are just pathetic attempts excuse his behavior.

Hmmm out of ALL the corruption in Ukraine he just happens to ask them to announce an investigation on Biden.

It doesn't matter if Biden was (in July) the strongest anything. It was months away from the vote of the people. He was not Trump's rival, and may not be by the time of the primary election. Saying he would be and basing an impeachment on this fortune telling is what's one would call a phony excuse.

The first Thought Police impeachment in our history.

He is a rival to Trump and clearly the rival he fears the most. Mick Mulvaney has admitted to it so it is not a thought crime. Giuliani's attempts to pressure Ukraine is not a thought crime.

I would disagree on that.

President Trump has been very open. He is anxious to face Sleepy Joe in 2020, in fact he's already given him his pet name. Biden is obviously mentally deficient and Mr. Trump enjoys competing with defectives. It would be in President Trump's stated best interest to not stand in the way of Biden.

Further, libs don't care about Bite Me's corruption, or the corruption of any lib.

Obviously Trump does not agree with you. Biden has a solid lead over Trump as suburban voters see Biden as the most acceptable Democrat Presidential candidate.

There was no corruption over Ukraine. Your definition of corruption is essentially anything that helps Trump.

sorry but youre to fucking ignorant to have a valid opinion

Spits the idiot who types 11 words and produces 5 grammatical errors.
Mr. Shokin was never charged or imprisoned after Biden forced him out.

The "corruption" that Shokin was involved with was investigating Hunter Biden

WRONG, 100% wrong.
Post me a link.

Shokin was out of favor with many (But not putin and eventually trump, weird huh!),
and Biden was the spokesman, the most powerful of the group. NOT a quid pro quo, but nice try ladies.
Shokin was NOT investigating Biden or Burisma.
That is the Corruption, he was complicit in NOT investigating the REAL criminals.
It is pretty obvious, except to the blind trump supporters.
Biden should never have requested Shokins dismissal, much less demanded it.
THAT is the main thing that was illegal.
Total horseshit!!

Shokin is the criminal. The Urkainian people demanded he be fired. The Ukranian legislature demanded he be fired. The IMF called for his firing. The EBRD called for his firing. The EU called for his firing.

Even Republicans called for his firing!

Stop drinking piss, moron.

All you have is idiot innuendo.

Now look here:

Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs of the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus, and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on European Affairs spearheaded a letter expressing concern to Ukrainian President Poroshenko regarding the recent resignation of Minister of Economy Aivaras Abromaviius, who has alleged that corruption remains a dire challenge within the Ukrainian political system.


The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.

Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman

Biden: "And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t."

Notice how Biden and the Republicans statements are so similar in tone?

You dipshits have been punked by your propagandists. You better hurry back for refills of your piss cups to find out what other bullshit you need to parrot.
Then please show me this crime.

Was there a quid pro quo--no.
Did Trump ever attempt a quid pro quo--no.
Did Trump release the money unconditionally--yes.
Did Zelensky say he felt any pressure--no.

The crimes, being complicit and NOT fighting corruption.
Ukrainians, among other non-Russians, wanted Shokin to investigate the corrupt, and shokin wouldn't do it.

"let me ask you for a favor though" ummmm This for that. Yup, trump obviously committed this quid pro quo.
What's funny though, is you buy into this FAKE deep state conspiracy theory that it was actually Biden. lol.

Release money unconditionally. Are you serious? Unfortunately you are.
Yes, trump withheld the money, for a FAVOR though.
Yes, he eventually released it.
I heard a mother withheld food from her children for 8 straight days, then she eventually released the food.
So that's OK, right. What a FOOL you are to believe that 'eventually releasing the funds, actually means
that funds weren't actually withheld. What a JOKE.

Zelensky. GUN to HEAD. Yes, I felt nooooo, wink wink, pressure.
Zelensky KNOWS if he turns on trump, trump will screw him and let putin harm the Ukraine.
the president is abusing his power running around accusing American citizens of crimes without any evidence, and even with evidence, in his position as president, he should keep his big fat disgusting mouth SHUT, and let law enforcement and our court system, do their jobs.... jebus, mary and joseph... all of this kind of crap that he does as President of the USA is an abuse of his power...PERIOD!!!

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