Vince Foster 'suicide' shocker: 2nd wound documented!!!!

The GOP did millions of dollars worth of Investigations and PAID reporters to keep the made up stories by them ''alive''....

IF you are a Trump supporter because you believe the GOP establishment are corrupt pieces of useless shit controlled by lobbyists paid for by the elite , but now post crap that they ''told you to believe'' as if they are believable and trustworthy, then....then I'd have to question your honesty, ability to apply logic, and yes....:lol: maybe even your sanity!

The Arkansas Project

On May 2, 1999, the Washington Post published new details on the pursuit of a Vincent Foster conspiracy in an article by David Brock, a key figure in the Troopergate and Whitewater scandals whose disillusionment with the political corruption motivating what would come to be known as the Arkansas Project ended his lifelong commitment to the Conservative movement and facilitated public dissemination of insider details on G.O.P. machinations. The article explains how Brock was "summoned" to a meeting with Rex Armistead in Miami, Florida at an airport hotel. Brock claims that Armistead laid out for him an elaborate "Vince Foster murder scenario" – a scenario that he found implausible.[20]

In an interview for in 2000, Brock also revealed that he and Armistead received funding throughout Clinton's two terms in office from Richard Scaife for the initiative known as the Arkansas Project.[21] The Project aimed to discredit the sitting President and First Lady through investigations into a range of issues that could potentially prove problematic for the couple, from rehashed drug smuggling allegations to their long-standing relationship with Foster and other professionals/officials in Arkansas.

Another prominent reporter to have received funds from Scaife was Christopher W. Ruddy[22] – a former writer for the Scaife-owned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (and later founder of NewsMax). Eventually, Scaife became the third-largest stockholder of Ruddy's Newsmax;[23] and both NewsMax and the WorldNetDaily continued to publish materials that showed the Clintons in a negative light.[24]

Ruddy also enjoyed the backing of Joseph Farah and Farah's organization, the Western Journalism Center. This group supplied him with "additional expense money, funding for Freedom of Information Act requests, legal support and publicity" around his book deal & the requisite research into a conspiracy surrounding Foster's death.[25] He published his findings in 1997 under the title The Strange Death of Vincent Foster (pub. Simon & Schuster).[26] Inside, he discusses mistakes & transgressions that occurred in the original investigations – in particular, alleged obstruction of justice by White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum – but stops short of positing an original theory on the circumstances surrounding Foster's death. Interviews revealed his personal belief that some sort of cover-up took place, which involved moving Foster's body from the (unknown) site of his death to the park where it was discovered.

Despite Ruddy's disputed assertions,[27] the Western Journalism Center "placed some 50 ads reprinting Ruddy's [previous] Tribune-Review stories in the Washington Times in 1999; and then refashioned the Times articles into a $12 packet called simply The Ruddy Investigation."[28] Shortly thereafter, the Center "circulated a video featuring Ruddy's claims, Unanswered: The Death of Vincent Foster, that was produced by James Davidson, chairman of the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and co-editor of the Strategic Investment newsletter."[28]

Suicide of Vince Foster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you guys say the liberals own the Press? :rofl:

The Republicans PAY THE PRESS....

Let me guess... and Obama said if had a son this he would be?



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