Vindicated: Trump interview on Newsmax 25 minutes from now as he reacts to Durham probe results, Trump also chats with Dan Bongino on Rumble

Trump, vindicated again. And again. And again. And again. Gee, anybody notice a pattern?

When will the Left ever learn?

Only in MAGAt Trumptard world would a report which explicitly DOES NOT charge the targets of the investigation with any crime, be called a "vindication."

The only thing this investigation did prove is that there were PLENTY of legitimate reasons to investigate the Trump campaign's shady connections to Russia back in 2016 and no one was criminally at fault for doing so.
Ever read the book "All The Kings Men" ? Donald Trump is the King with all his underlings covering up the corruption or taking the hit for him. He is by far the most corrupt president in American history.

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