Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

Yes; you definitely have no argument. Go join your KKK buddies; the only difference is your skin tone.

Thats correct. I dont have an argument because you lack a subject. No I wont associate with white racists and the difference is more than skin tone.
Not in your bloody case it's not!! You're as racist as they are.

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

Yes; you definitely have no argument. Go join your KKK buddies; the only difference is your skin tone.

Thats correct. I dont have an argument because you lack a subject. No I wont associate with white racists and the difference is more than skin tone.
Not in your bloody case it's not!! You're as racist as they are.

its none of my business if you feel I am racist.
So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

View attachment 209592


Black man



No doubt a wonderful fellow . You saying they're Aramaic?

This bloke is.


I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

View attachment 209592


Black man



No doubt a wonderful fellow . You saying they're Aramaic?

This bloke is.


Yep the original Aramaic were Black. Read your Torah and educate yourself.
"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

View attachment 209592


Black man



No doubt a wonderful fellow . You saying they're Aramaic?

This bloke is.


Yep the original Aramaic were Black. Read your Torah and educate yourself.

lol. Link!!!?

I think in a few hundred more years, racism as we know it now will resolve itself.

In the grand scheme of things, mankind has only been globally mobile for a few minutes.

Once we had ships crossing the oceans with thousands of people aboard and now jets carrying tens of thousands of people across the globe daily, it really is only a matter if time until the races mix down in free societies especially. Some of the less free nations like China, Russia and North Korea will take much longer.

But in the United States of America, in 200 years, a true white or black person will be very rare. 99% of the population will be mulatto or mixed race.

It might make you pound your fists, but reality is reality.

The only wild card is some sort of global re-alignment such as almost happened in Germany in the 40's.
With a massive global ethnic cleansing.

Of course, humans are generally pretty ignorant and they'll find something else to hate each other over....dialect....nose shape....beliefs...where you live etc etc
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Why bother being bigoted in real life when one can sit down and peruse this thread...
Attacking also lets the klowns no they will not be tolerated.
They already know that.

Violence is for children. It's for people who can't communicate like adults.
You cant communicate with idiots like these. Thats why you resort to violence.
And that's how you get people killed when it's completely unnecessary.
Soldiers understand that sometimes you have to die to remove the threat. I think eradicating some KKK, Nazis, skinheads etc is good reason to die.

What about Black Lives Matters, The Nation of Islam, Mugabe, Boko Haram, Hutu Power, the Black Panthers, and other Black supremacists, do they deserve to be eradicated?

Mmm, most of my Muslim friends are white?
Nice that they are better educated and make more than our white rube natives
Glad to see you agree you fool.

View attachment 209592


Black man



No doubt a wonderful fellow . You saying they're Aramaic?

This bloke is.


Yep the original Aramaic were Black. Read your Torah and educate yourself.

lol. Link!!!?

You need a lesson? Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Some of my ancestors, lol.
  • Canaan, son of Ham
  • Sidon, firstborn son of Canaan
  • Heth, son of Canaan
  • Cronos (Ilus), founder of Byblos
  • Mamre, an Amorite chieftain
  • Makamaron, king of Canaan
  • Sihon, king of Amorites
Some of my ancestors, lol.
  • Canaan, son of Ham
  • Sidon, firstborn son of Canaan
  • Heth, son of Canaan
  • Cronos (Ilus), founder of Byblos
  • Mamre, an Amorite chieftain
  • Makamaron, king of Canaan
  • Sihon, king of Amorites
So who was Ham besides the father of Canaan? Hint think Black people.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.

Rabih az-Zubayr (1842-1900)

More about this
He was a Sudanese warlord and slave trader who established a powerful empire east of Lake Chad, in today’s Chad. He worked as the right-hand man of the Sudanese slaveholder Sebehr Rahma. He conquered empires and was killed by the French after he slaughtered their emissaries.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.

Al-Zubayr Rahma Mansur

He was a slave trader in the late 19th century and later became a Sudanese governor. He was at odds with the British Governor General Charles Gordon and was referred to as “the richest and worst”, a “Slaver King” “who [had] chained lions as part of his escort” by England.

General Gordon who was sent to Sudan to suppress the slave trade was opposed by Al-Zubayr.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.


Named Muhammad bin Khalfan bin Khamis al-Barwani, Rumaliza was a Swahili[a] slave and ivory trader in East Africa in the last part of the nineteenth century. With the help of Tippu Tip he became Sultan of Ujiji. At one time he dominated the trade of Tanganyika.

Stories associated Rumaliza and his parties with the kidnapping of women, cutting off men’s genitals (to be captured and sold as eunuch slaves), cutting off legs, arms and hands, piercing of noses and ears, burning villages and killings. Belgian forces under Francis Dhanis launched a campaign against slave dealers in 1892, and Rumaliza was targeted until he fled.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.

Al-Zubayr Rahma Mansur

He was a slave trader in the late 19th century and later became a Sudanese governor. He was at odds with the British Governor General Charles Gordon and was referred to as “the richest and worst”, a “Slaver King” “who [had] chained lions as part of his escort” by England.

General Gordon who was sent to Sudan to suppress the slave trade was opposed by Al-Zubayr.
Interesting but has nothing to do with who the people were that first occupied Canaan. Your deflection has been noted and swatted aside.
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.

William Ansah Sessarakoo (1736–1770)

He was a prominent 18th-century Ghanaian, best known for his wrongful enslavement in the West Indies and diplomatic mission to England. He was both prominent among the Fante people and influential among Europeans concerned with the transatlantic slave trade.

His father was John Correntee, chief caboceer and head of the Annamaboe (present day Anomabo) government who was a slave trader and an important ally for any trader in the city. His father sent him to England to gain an education and be his eyes and ears in Europe.

The ship captain entrusted with Ansah’s transport sold him into slavery in Barbados before reaching England. He was discovered in Barbados years later by a free Fante trader who alerted John Corrente. Corrente petitioned the British to free his son. The Royal African Company, the English company operating the slave trade freed him and transported him to England.

He was received as a prince in England and gained the respect of London’s high society. It is noted that he watched a live performance of a play depicting a wrongly enslaved African prince. He fled the theatre in tears to the surprise of the audience. The play likely reminded Ansah of himself.

He returned to Annamaboe and took up work as a writer at Cape Coast Castle. He later worked as a slave trader.


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