Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Repubs have a lot to do with them. They support and vote for the repubs.
Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?
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You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
I’m not sure how separation leads to equality. Please explain

News flash, we have integration shoved down our throats, and no signs of equality.

Integration I like; it's "separate development" that really sucks!! I am integrated into Oz; I don't even speak my father's native tongue. And my kids even more so; they hardly know ANY Balkan History. But many newcomers to our shores STILL live as if they're just visiting. It does take time and maybe a generation, but INTEGRATION is positive and fantastic.

Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
I’m not sure how separation leads to equality. Please explain

News flash, we have integration shoved down our throats, and no signs of equality.

Integration I like; it's "separate development" that really sucks!! I am integrated into Oz; I don't even speak my father's native tongue. And my kids even more so; they hardly know ANY Balkan History. But many newcomers to our shores STILL live as if they're just visiting. It does take time and maybe a generation, but INTEGRATION is positive and fantastic.


Actually the Balkan situation has been solved by Separation.

This is the Balkan situation of different Balkanized groups living together.

List of massacres in the Bosnian War - Wikipedia
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
I suppose it does.
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
I’m not sure how separation leads to equality. Please explain

News flash, we have integration shoved down our throats, and no signs of equality.

Integration I like; it's "separate development" that really sucks!! I am integrated into Oz; I don't even speak my father's native tongue. And my kids even more so; they hardly know ANY Balkan History. But many newcomers to our shores STILL live as if they're just visiting. It does take time and maybe a generation, but INTEGRATION is positive and fantastic.


Actually the Balkan situation has been solved by Separation.

This is the Balkan situation of different Balkanized groups living together.

List of massacres in the Bosnian War - Wikipedia

It solved NOTHING; you know as well as I that it was all about devolving Power after Communism. Sure it was USED by some (See Rwanda) barbarically but nothing unique to the Balkans about it. It was political pure and simple.

Repubs have a lot to do with them. They support and vote for the repubs.
Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
I suppose it does.
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

You were trained to go into attack formation? Yeah OK. :laugh:

Its not laughable when I am doing it. In fact it makes you very afraid and you turn a mottled pink and white. The Jews were Black not white. You impostors simply latched onto a religion created by Blacks.
Repubs have a lot to do with them. They support and vote for the repubs.
Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.
And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
I suppose it does.
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

You were trained to go into attack formation? Yeah OK. :laugh:

Its not laughable when I am doing it. In fact it makes you very afraid and you turn a mottled pink and white. The Jews were Black not white. You impostors simply latched onto a religion created by Blacks.

Nope; the Jews were MY colour(Mediterranean)....and wtf has colour to do with it? You're just a race baiting revisionist; dime a dozen. What's the Black version of the KKK!! That your logo (



No bloody different!!

I suppose it does.
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

You were trained to go into attack formation? Yeah OK. :laugh:

Its not laughable when I am doing it. In fact it makes you very afraid and you turn a mottled pink and white. The Jews were Black not white. You impostors simply latched onto a religion created by Blacks.

Nope; the Jews were MY colour(Mediterranean)....and wtf has colour to do with it? You're just a race baiting revisionist; dime a dozen. What's the Black version of the KKK!! That your logo (



No bloody different!!

Youre the one that claimed the Jews were white so stop whining please. I just corrected you and told you the Jews were Black.
Repubs have a lot to do with them. They support and vote for the repubs.
Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

Repubs have a lot to do with them. They support and vote for the repubs.
Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

You were trained to go into attack formation? Yeah OK. :laugh:

Its not laughable when I am doing it. In fact it makes you very afraid and you turn a mottled pink and white. The Jews were Black not white. You impostors simply latched onto a religion created by Blacks.

Nope; the Jews were MY colour(Mediterranean)....and wtf has colour to do with it? You're just a race baiting revisionist; dime a dozen. What's the Black version of the KKK!! That your logo (



No bloody different!!

Youre the one that claimed the Jews were white so stop whining please. I just corrected you and told you the Jews were Black.

Black nationalist antisemitism on campus requires Jews to be ‘white’

In a recent controversy, Kwame Zulu Shabazz, an interim professor in the African Studies department at Knox College in Illinois, took to Twitter to condemn Jewish profit-mongers and explain that contemporary Jews have malign intent toward others in the Middle East because the “brutal” God of the Hebrew Bible commanded Jews to commit genocide. While this type of rhetoric would not be out of place at a gathering of white supremacists, Shabazz has garnered support from both students and faculty who support his black nationalist views and dismiss any negative reaction to his views as an inconsequential reaction of coddled white students.

According to an article in The Knox Student, Shabazz concurs with this assessment.

“Jews have aspired to whiteness, integrating into the white category,” he explained. “I’m writing as a black person who is a victim of white supremacy, of which Jews are a part of that group.”

In relation to his tweets, Shabazz explained, “There are currently a subset of Jewish students on this campus who are very hurt and I respect that. And I tell my white students this in classes: whenever a white student feels uncomfortable about something, you can get a fleeting sense, a very fleeting, superficial sense of what it’s like to be black in America.”

This type of incident has recurred for decades, and the pattern is, unfortunately, familiar. A black academic, public intellectual, or activist makes some sort of oral or written comment depicting Jews or Israel as white oppressors, often in terms that evoke historic antisemitic tropes or imagery and sometimes included as part of a message of empowerment. Spokespeople and organizations in the Jewish community react to what they see as the antisemitic content of the comment, and the generator of the comment (along with his or her supporters) then responds in one or more of the following ways:

• Denial of antisemitic effect or intent (sometimes accompanied by an apology, whether sincere or pro forma).

• Justification of the comment because Jews or Israel are white oppressors.

• Approbation of the original comment, even if it might be antisemitic, because it is “the truth.”

Black nationalist antisemitism on campus requires Jews to be ‘white’

Your co-wankers disagree, stupid!! You're off script!! lmao

I condemn your stance as i do ANY KKK asshole!

Maybe you should pay attention to Richard Spenser to see where is allegiance really lies.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

I see your point about what white racists want but I think its a trivial one that I am willing to concede. Separating and disengaging from whites is not something I necessarily see as a bad thing. I think it may even be mandatory for some Blacks. I agree that standing arm and arm with a white person (especially a woman) does fuck with their head but that doesnt strike fear of bodily harm into their hearts. That only angers them. What I want is them to have pause when they encounter me.

As a kid I discovered a very real phenomenon. I didnt have a name for it then but I observed it in animals first and later in people. I noticed that when you threaten something it freezes. Doesnt matter what is doing the threatening. The response is pretty much automatic. I later learned in the military that it was the fight or flight response or more correctly the freeze, flight or fight response. If you notice not only is there an additional mode but the order is different. When someone perceives a threat of bodily harm their response is totally different. They become defensive and fearful. First they freeze. (pause). Then they try to escape. Their very last mode is fight and thats only if the first two modes do nothing to extinguish the threat. If there is no threat initially they are emboldened to be aggressive and dangerous. This is not just theory. This is field tested fact. I have done this all my life and never has it failed. I know the fear I strike in the hearts of white racists when I look into their souls. The reason white racists like angel talk rough on the internet is because they dont have to deal with threat of bodily harm I know in public his mode would be to freeze of run.

I get your second point as well but again I have to disagree that its a perfect fit. Women have to deal with men because as you say the human race would cease to exist. However, there is no penalty or loss if I chose to not deal with white people. Black people ran the planet for thousands of years prior to whites appearing. They built incredible civilizations that whites try to emulate to this day. If someone snapped their fingers and all whites vanished the only real loss felt would be for those whites that are intertwined with Blacks be it family members or friends.

I too enjoyed the debate. You gave me pause on a couple of points. LOL. Its refreshing to talk to a white person that can debate and actually make points instead of deflecting and dissolving into anger. I can respect that.

Hmmm...we were trained to go into attack formation as soon as a threat came our way. It was consistent with my upbringing. Bullshit you look into anyone's souls you twit!! That's just laughable. It's also a concept(souls) derived from white (Jewish) people and the Christian tradition who by the way are largely a MIXED race community. No animistic cultures had a sense of soul!! ("Spirits yes; soul no). The Church I attend is very much an ethnic melting pot. The only point you make is you would LIKE whites to vanish; that's just stuffed up racist nazi rubbish. Assholes like you give nutty white supremacists oxygen you babbling fool.

You were trained to go into attack formation? Yeah OK. :laugh:

Its not laughable when I am doing it. In fact it makes you very afraid and you turn a mottled pink and white. The Jews were Black not white. You impostors simply latched onto a religion created by Blacks.

Nope; the Jews were MY colour(Mediterranean)....and wtf has colour to do with it? You're just a race baiting revisionist; dime a dozen. What's the Black version of the KKK!! That your logo (



No bloody different!!

Youre the one that claimed the Jews were white so stop whining please. I just corrected you and told you the Jews were Black.

Black nationalist antisemitism on campus requires Jews to be ‘white’

In a recent controversy, Kwame Zulu Shabazz, an interim professor in the African Studies department at Knox College in Illinois, took to Twitter to condemn Jewish profit-mongers and explain that contemporary Jews have malign intent toward others in the Middle East because the “brutal” God of the Hebrew Bible commanded Jews to commit genocide. While this type of rhetoric would not be out of place at a gathering of white supremacists, Shabazz has garnered support from both students and faculty who support his black nationalist views and dismiss any negative reaction to his views as an inconsequential reaction of coddled white students.

According to an article in The Knox Student, Shabazz concurs with this assessment.

“Jews have aspired to whiteness, integrating into the white category,” he explained. “I’m writing as a black person who is a victim of white supremacy, of which Jews are a part of that group.”

In relation to his tweets, Shabazz explained, “There are currently a subset of Jewish students on this campus who are very hurt and I respect that. And I tell my white students this in classes: whenever a white student feels uncomfortable about something, you can get a fleeting sense, a very fleeting, superficial sense of what it’s like to be black in America.”

This type of incident has recurred for decades, and the pattern is, unfortunately, familiar. A black academic, public intellectual, or activist makes some sort of oral or written comment depicting Jews or Israel as white oppressors, often in terms that evoke historic antisemitic tropes or imagery and sometimes included as part of a message of empowerment. Spokespeople and organizations in the Jewish community react to what they see as the antisemitic content of the comment, and the generator of the comment (along with his or her supporters) then responds in one or more of the following ways:
• Denial of antisemitic effect or intent (sometimes accompanied by an apology, whether sincere or pro forma).

• Justification of the comment because Jews or Israel are white oppressors.

• Approbation of the original comment, even if it might be antisemitic, because it is “the truth.”

Black nationalist antisemitism on campus requires Jews to be ‘white’

Your co-wankers disagree, stupid!! You're off script!! lmao

I condemn your stance as i do ANY KKK asshole!

Not really concerned what you condemn. The Jews are Black. You white impostors are not real Jews.
Why would I give audience to a white supremacist? Not much he is going to say that I havent heard before. Him being a white supremacist tells me that he is on the wrong track in the first place. How can you believe your race is supreme when you are recessive and had to be taught civilization on two different occasions from people you believe to be inferior? That doesnt even make any fucking sense. What could such a person that believes this nonsense have to tell me that is in anyway credible or valuable?

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.
Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

Yes; you definitely have no argument. Go join your KKK buddies; the only difference is your skin tone.

Then don't bother. Exist separate from them (fair enough) and others will engage them who will also schlong them if they start using violence. Winner-winner.

Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.



Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

Yes; you definitely have no argument. Go join your KKK buddies; the only difference is your skin tone.

Thats correct. I dont have an argument because you lack a subject. No I wont associate with white racists and the difference is more than skin tone.
Dont bother what? I already said I would not listen to a white supremacist. AvgGuy is the one that asked me to pay attention to Richard Spencer.

So what is your argument? The same as his but replace White with Black???? lmao

You're as bad as those you say you despise. Any supremacist suffers from the same delusion; INFERIORITY COMPLEX COMPENSATION!!

I have no argument until you present a subject. You got one?

"I have no argument"

Well you got that right, fool!

Glad to see you agree you fool.

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