Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad here, why DON'T they go back to Africa? Maybe not all of them, just the ones that think America sucks so bad and they hate whitey. You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
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You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
I suppose it does.
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He is going to call you a ****** lover in a minute. :laugh:
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He'll come to the same conclusion with you.

You're not changing his mind about anything. You're just too full of yourself thinking you're some kind of hero chatting with this racist, and you're going to talk some sense into him. You're a bigger idiot than he is.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He'll come to the same conclusion with you.

You're not changing his mind about anything. You're just too full of yourself thinking you're some kind of hero chatting with this racist, and you're going to talk some sense into him. You're a bigger idiot than he is.
Just sharing my perspective and listening to his. It’s actually been great conversation. Thanks for chiming in though, you’ve been a peach
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He'll come to the same conclusion with you.

You're not changing his mind about anything. You're just too full of yourself thinking you're some kind of hero chatting with this racist, and you're going to talk some sense into him. You're a bigger idiot than he is.
Just sharing my perspective and listening to his. It’s actually been great conversation. Thanks for chiming in though, you’ve been a peach
Knock yourself out... skippy.
There would be no danger of violence if we all just ignored these dummies and let them do their little march.

Yeah we should ignore it and let it fester until they start stringing up ******* again.

Racism is like cancer, you cannot ignore because it will grow and eventually kill society.
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He'll come to the same conclusion with you.

You're not changing his mind about anything. You're just too full of yourself thinking you're some kind of hero chatting with this racist, and you're going to talk some sense into him. You're a bigger idiot than he is.
Just sharing my perspective and listening to his. It’s actually been great conversation. Thanks for chiming in though, you’ve been a peach
I think he is mad we can disagree and not insult each other.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
And it reenforces your feelings about white racists doesn’t it?
I suppose it does.
I’m gonna crash, but I’ll leave you with three things.

1. A white racist wants to see you separate and disengage with whites and feel like every white you meet hates you... that’s exactly how they want you to feel. That’s why you’re feeding right into their game. The best thing you can do to “strike fear” and fuck with their heads is find success and to stand arm in arm with a white person and let the world see you prosper. Take a note from our ex president who stood and still stands arm in arm with his friend Mr Biden. That was a strong message for blacks and a big fuck you to white racists. If all you do is get in the mud, you’re not being effective and you certainly aren’t striking fear in their hearts. You are making them feel validated and amused as you felt when Angel spewed his bullshit to you.

2. Consider your philosophy from the eyes of a woman... women have aguably been diminished, objectified and taken advantage of as much if not more so than blacks in modern times. If they went by your mindset they should think all men are untrustworthy and out to get them. They should separate from men and be independent. Yada yada yada you get the point. But if they did that then our species would literally die out. Plus it highlights the absurdity of seperatist thinking. Yes, many men are condescending to women, but not all. You teach women how to be strong and indenpemdent and selective and smart when interacting with men. You teach them to raise gentlemen when they have kids. And you show them how to surround themselves with the good and decent and how to protect themselves against the vultures. The same principles can be applied to blacks and all oppressed minorities.

3. It’s been an enjoyable debate, you’ve given me some good things to think about. Thanks for engaging like you did, I hope we can do it again sometime
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
You seem to not have read what I wrote.... "I GIVE WHAT I GET."

And the truth of the matter is, this asslips you're chatting with is a racist, and that's not criticizing, that's a fact.

And if blacks think they have it here so damn bad, why DON'T they go back to Africa? You got a good answer for that, or do you want to just sound like another garden variety SJW spewing touchy feely garbage?

You're wasting your time. If you're white, asslips thinks you're a moron racist POS, and he's far superior to you. Just ask him.
I can easily see how he comes to that conclusion after a conversation with you
He'll come to the same conclusion with you.

You're not changing his mind about anything. You're just too full of yourself thinking you're some kind of hero chatting with this racist, and you're going to talk some sense into him. You're a bigger idiot than he is.
Just sharing my perspective and listening to his. It’s actually been great conversation. Thanks for chiming in though, you’ve been a peach
I think he is mad we can disagree and not insult each other.
I tried that once with you, but your hate for whitey just couldn't stay hidden. It's all over the board. You're not fooling anyone, except maybe slade.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.

Clearly, you have already lost both the battle and the war.

You just don't see it, but we do.
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message... no offense intended

I have no care if I offend him. I'm not tiptoeing around his feelings, and neither should you. THis poster said we are personally to blame for what our ancestors DID NOT do, because of the color of our skin. Further he said he will "take our soul" for it.

Again. I have no care if I offend him and I'm not tiptoeing around his "feelings" or sugarcoating how absolutely repulsive such statements are.

THAT is the problem, actually, that we are afraid to speak it. Because such racism IS appalling.
Yeah we should ignore it and let it fester until they start stringing up ******* again.

You guys should be arrested Everytime you crash somebody else's peaceful protest.

a bill has been introduced making it a federal crime to be masked at protest

up to 15 year prison term possible

add on for violence acts
Yeah we should ignore it and let it fester until they start stringing up ******* again.

You guys should be arrested Everytime you crash somebody else's peaceful protest.

Just like people have a right to protest. People have a right to counter protest. And it wasn’t a counter protester who drove a car through a crowd of people and killed someone.
There would be no danger of violence if we all just ignored these dummies and let them do their little march.

Yeah we should ignore it and let it fester until they start stringing up ******* again.

Racism is like cancer, you cannot ignore because it will grow and eventually kill society.
So you're for killing them? Then THEY win and you are what they say you are.

My solution; ENGAGE them; talk to them and argue with reason, logic and ethics.

Yeah we should ignore it and let it fester until they start stringing up ******* again.

You guys should be arrested Everytime you crash somebody else's peaceful protest.

Just like people have a right to protest. People have a right to counter protest. And it wasn’t a counter protester who drove a car through a crowd of people and killed someone.

What has the court decided on that? A year later it should be a done deal if you are correct.

Man pleads not guilty to hate crimes in fatal Charlottesville rally

So his defense will be that he panicked when someone hit his car. Manslaughter maybe...but murder? i am satisfied that the Courts will get to the bottom of it.

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