Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people
And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. Nko culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
Shut up you dipshit. You’re part of the problem and an embarrassment to America. The world would be a better place without your kind. Now kindly fuck off
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
No good American would have ever supported a filthy little kenyan muslim dog turd like hussein.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him.
You're a racist pimp.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not sure how that 39% becomes a majority of white voters though. You cant compare apples to oranges. When it was white vs white people voted politics not race.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not sure how that 39% becomes a majority of white voters though. You cant compare apples to oranges. When it was white vs white people voted politics not race.
You’re right it wasn’t a majority but the demographics didn’t change. If whites were majorly racist the tens of millions of white people that voted for Clinton would not have voted for Obama. We didn’t see any change in those numbers.
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not sure how that 39% becomes a majority of white voters though. You cant compare apples to oranges. When it was white vs white people voted politics not race.
You’re right it wasn’t a majority but the demographics didn’t change. If whites were majorly racist the tens of millions of white people that voted for Clinton would not have voted for Obama. We didn’t see any change in those numbers.
39% is much less than 61% right. Wouldnt 61% be the majority? To be honest I think Obama being Black had a lot to do with those numbers being the same for Clinton. I can just hear the racist saying "First a Black and now a woman?"
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not sure how that 39% becomes a majority of white voters though. You cant compare apples to oranges. When it was white vs white people voted politics not race.
You’re right it wasn’t a majority but the demographics didn’t change. If whites were majorly racist the tens of millions of white people that voted for Clinton would not have voted for Obama. We didn’t see any change in those numbers.
39% is much less than 61% right. Wouldnt 61% be the majority? To be honest I think Obama being Black had a lot to do with those numbers being the same for Clinton. I can just hear the racist saying "First a Black and now a woman?"
Yes, I was mistaken with the majority comment. Majority of whites have historically voted Republican. That’s for political reasons, not racial
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
This "dipshit" has endured MANY racist comments and insults from this black power jackass you seem is worthy of your time... asshole.
Yet you still engage?
I give what I get, and I call 'em like I see 'em.

This character you're so enthralled with is a class A racist. Amazing you haven't figured that out yet.
You have no right to criticize as you seem to be cut from the same cloth. I saw you agree with Angels racist post about sending blacks to Africa. Pitiful
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
Obama’s 39% of the white vote matched what Clinton got and exceeded Carter, the democrat before him.
Not sure how that 39% becomes a majority of white voters though. You cant compare apples to oranges. When it was white vs white people voted politics not race.
You’re right it wasn’t a majority but the demographics didn’t change. If whites were majorly racist the tens of millions of white people that voted for Clinton would not have voted for Obama. We didn’t see any change in those numbers.
39% is much less than 61% right. Wouldnt 61% be the majority? To be honest I think Obama being Black had a lot to do with those numbers being the same for Clinton. I can just hear the racist saying "First a Black and now a woman?"
Yes, I was mistaken with the majority comment. Majority of whites have historically voted Republican. That’s for political reasons, not racial
I disagree. There were whites that voted for Obama simply because he was Black and he still never went over 39% so the real numbers must have been much lower.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
I disagree. There are plenty of other smart, educated, articulate, and inspiring leaders. I think we need more of my type to put the fear of god into the racists. Drumpf is clown. No one is emulating him except the rubes that follow him.
You want to put the fear of god into racists but you think whites are racist so you want to put the fear of God into whites, is that right? How in the world do you think that helps things?

Do you understand how that attitude empowers the racists? They see you being racist and divisive and that justifies their anti black narrative. For example, when dipshit just made that racist comment towards you a few posts ago. Did that scare you or did it empower you to hate whitey more? Think about it
For one thing it makes racists confront the very real possibility of their demise in the event they come my way. I dont care if they like me or not. I just want to make sure they have pause before acting.

No I dont see how it empowers racists. All is see is the fear in their eyes when they experience me staring into their souls and forcing them to confront their fear. Its really amusing to see a racist white boy trying their hardest to avoid looking into my eyes and watching them change colors while they deal with their emotions.
How did you feel when Dark Angel made hat racist post telling you to go back to Africa? Scared or empowered to fight back? Be honest
I must have missed that one. Honestly when white people tell me that it amuses me. I dont feel empowered and there is no man on this planet that can cause fear in me.
This is what he wrote... how does it make you feel?

And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
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