Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Then, I guess we’re both satisfied with our peoples station in life. Who’da thunk it? We just killed the “race issue”. Have a drink on me, and mine. Like every other morsel that’s made it’s way into your gullet.
I'm never satisfied. Only losers stop improving. We didnt kill the race issue. That wont happened until whites are absorbed back into the human population.
How will you expunge your 25%of us in your blood, when you’re a minority? Negros in America just keep getting whiter. Meanwhile Hispanics are steadily pushing you, and the half breeds out of the picture...
Dominant genes and more Blacks on the planet than whites.
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.

The first genocide event comes from Africa.

Jebel Sahaba - Wikipedia

Jebel Sahaba (also Site 117) is a prehistoric cemetery site in the Nile Valley (now submerged in Lake Nasser), near the northern border of Sudan, associated with the Qadan culture, dated to the Younger Dryas (some 12,000 to 14,000 years old).[1][2] It was discovered in 1964 by a team led by Fred Wendorf.

The site is often cited as the oldest known evidence of warfare or systemic intergroup violence.[3]
The first cultural event for cannibalism comes to us from europe where it was a culture not a one time event.

Evidence of mass cannibalism uncovered in Germany
Always the prey have our numbered the predators. The poor ; the rich... The exceptional... to the meritless. Such is the real world. You’ll continue to serve your purpose as your kind always have. Outnumbered, and/or downtrodden by all who happen upon you.
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.

The first genocide event comes from Africa.

Jebel Sahaba - Wikipedia

Jebel Sahaba (also Site 117) is a prehistoric cemetery site in the Nile Valley (now submerged in Lake Nasser), near the northern border of Sudan, associated with the Qadan culture, dated to the Younger Dryas (some 12,000 to 14,000 years old).[1][2] It was discovered in 1964 by a team led by Fred Wendorf.

The site is often cited as the oldest known evidence of warfare or systemic intergroup violence.[3]
The first cultural event for cannibalism comes to us from europe where it was a culture not a one time event.

Evidence of mass cannibalism uncovered in Germany

Human bones that have been "de-fleshed" by other humans go back 600,000 years. The oldest Homo sapiens bones (from Ethiopia) show signs of this as well.

Human cannibalism - Wikipedia
Always the prey have our numbered the predators. The poor ; the rich... The exceptional... to the meritless. Such is the real world. You’ll continue to serve your purpose as your kind always have. Outnumbered, and downtrodden by all who happen upon you.
As a human I try my best to rise above being a predator. Its an animalistic existence filled with bellicose philosophies like the white race subscribes to.
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.

The first genocide event comes from Africa.

Jebel Sahaba - Wikipedia

Jebel Sahaba (also Site 117) is a prehistoric cemetery site in the Nile Valley (now submerged in Lake Nasser), near the northern border of Sudan, associated with the Qadan culture, dated to the Younger Dryas (some 12,000 to 14,000 years old).[1][2] It was discovered in 1964 by a team led by Fred Wendorf.

The site is often cited as the oldest known evidence of warfare or systemic intergroup violence.[3]
The first cultural event for cannibalism comes to us from europe where it was a culture not a one time event.

Evidence of mass cannibalism uncovered in Germany

Human bones that have been "de-fleshed" by other humans go back 600,000 years. The oldest Homo sapiens bones (from Ethiopia) show signs of this as well.

Human cannibalism - Wikipedia
Defleshed doesnt necessarily mean eaten. It was probably some kind of cultural thing to remove the flesh. However in europe there was a ritualistic killing field.
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.

The first genocide event comes from Africa.

Jebel Sahaba - Wikipedia

Jebel Sahaba (also Site 117) is a prehistoric cemetery site in the Nile Valley (now submerged in Lake Nasser), near the northern border of Sudan, associated with the Qadan culture, dated to the Younger Dryas (some 12,000 to 14,000 years old).[1][2] It was discovered in 1964 by a team led by Fred Wendorf.

The site is often cited as the oldest known evidence of warfare or systemic intergroup violence.[3]
The first cultural event for cannibalism comes to us from europe where it was a culture not a one time event.

Evidence of mass cannibalism uncovered in Germany

Human bones that have been "de-fleshed" by other humans go back 600,000 years. The oldest Homo sapiens bones (from Ethiopia) show signs of this as well.

Human cannibalism - Wikipedia
Defleshed doesnt necessarily mean eaten. It was probably some kind of cultural thing to remove the flesh. However in europe there was a ritualistic killing field.

Always the prey have our numbered the predators. The poor ; the rich... The exceptional... to the meritless. Such is the real world. You’ll continue to serve your purpose as your kind always have. Outnumbered, and downtrodden by all who happen upon you.
As a human I try my best to rise above being a predator. Its an animalistic existence filled with bellicose philosophies like the white race subscribes to.
The same existence which has enslaved your kind since time out of mind. Today, with chains you neither see, nor feel; all the while your kind pull the levers of power via the voting booth, for your own slave masters. Cattle to the end...
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive

Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
Not heartless, just promote liberty and equality. Simple

How do you figure that Balkanization between ethnics, religions, and races eases racial tensions (Racism) rather than being an ignition for racial tensions (Racism)??

The best way to stop it, is to separate, keep in mind no ones a victim of racial prejudices, if they are in a society where there is only their own race. (Duh)
I’d rather take an different approach which involves inclusion. I think division and isolation leads to animosity and hatred, which are not healthy elements I want in my life
Call me whatever you want. I know what you are so I dont put much weight on your name calling.

You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
You just be honest and don’t claim that white people as a group are racist. Especially when you have white friendships and family that prove there are non racist whites out there. By saying whites are racist and blacks should dislike them you are pushing the good hearted whites out and fueling the actual racists out there. By acknowledging the non-racist whites as allies you encourage growth and inclusion to work with them to stomp out the bad apples
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Why is it offensive?
I think your society is more offensive, one where all races, ethnics, and religions merge together, to eradicate themselves by cultural suicide.
Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
Look back at your posts. You said you'd follow the dude who wants to eradicate all Jews. Your back pedaling will not work. You are just as bad as the people you are protesting against. I hope you get arrested. Is that succinct enough for you?
No. I said I would ride with Farrakhan before I rode with a white boy. Not my fault your reading comprehension is faulty.

Right and I am the white boy. I heard you loud and clear and on that ride King Louis wants to eliminate the "Jewish Threat". Sound familiar? Or is that just the white Jewish threat?

You should stay home. The White Trash Supremacists will eat you alive. I'd go and protect you but since you want me eradicated. I'll pass.
I've beat down white trash supremacists before. Theres nothing to it. You probably are better off donating to the cops. You would probably break a nail or something.

Yet, last week you told us it was the first time a White person confronted you, and you had to beat him down.

Was he a White supremacist?
He probably was a supremacist. The reason I fucked him up was because he was yelling the N word.

I am Not letting this go. You could not fight your way out of a paper bag. Stop your false tough guy bravado. Just stop it. You racist POS loser.
This post is too inane to warrant my full perusal, lol. Just put an informal request out, via DA channels, to all the reprobate enclaves to be on the lookout for illegals on the 'authorithah' of whatever staffer that happens to be in the office. The 'Whites' are likely to be judiciously 'measured' as long as LE takes their reported 'vigilance' seriously & then declare without publicly mentioning the 'Whites' specifically, but by insinuation how helpful the 'X' factor has been in solving the problem. lol I would make a horrible politician...
You know what I am, oh yeah?
Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
No. I said I would ride with Farrakhan before I rode with a white boy. Not my fault your reading comprehension is faulty.

Right and I am the white boy. I heard you loud and clear and on that ride King Louis wants to eliminate the "Jewish Threat". Sound familiar? Or is that just the white Jewish threat?

You should stay home. The White Trash Supremacists will eat you alive. I'd go and protect you but since you want me eradicated. I'll pass.
I've beat down white trash supremacists before. Theres nothing to it. You probably are better off donating to the cops. You would probably break a nail or something.

Yet, last week you told us it was the first time a White person confronted you, and you had to beat him down.

Was he a White supremacist?
He probably was a supremacist. The reason I fucked him up was because he was yelling the N word.

I am Not letting this go. You could not fight your way out of a paper bag. Stop your false tough guy bravado. Just stop it. You racist POS loser.
I dont care what you are not letting go. It doesnt change the facts that you white boys are punks and cowards. Like I said before if you want me to stop man up and make me.
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Good for you. I disagree

So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That wouldnt be being honest. Whites as a group are racist. Harping on the few good ones lead to the "good white person" syndrome. This is the one where Blacks say "see? white people arent racist" and they wait for things to change instead of realizing whites are still putting obstacles in their way.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
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