Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Actually you did dummy.
"How can you wage opposition to the white man; when your greatest threat is your own kind...?"
While your fellow negros of limited vocabulary in the only language they only partially grasp might find such word play clever... It serves only to reinforce my point...
So now youre claiming you didnt speak of wage opposition when I just quoted you saying it?
Sucks to be you then.
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Key phrase is "I had". Unless youre very old youre not talking about the ancient Egyptians.

Why do modern Egyptians, and also modern Greeks look like Arabs?
Why do most modern Americans look white instead of Native American?
Because whites are conquerors. Not the the conquered.

Plenty of Whites have been conquered.
We know this. Only we know that when the Moors conquered europe they brought knowledge and taught whites how to take a bath instead of committing genocide.

Galen says that the best soap was the German, since it was purest and in some ways the most fatty, that of the Gauls being next best, and that it acted as a medicine and removed all impurity from the body and from clothing. This is the first certain mention of the use of soap as a detergent. Galen

Galen on the origins of soap
Why do modern Egyptians, and also modern Greeks look like Arabs?
Why do most modern Americans look white instead of Native American?
Because whites are conquerors. Not the the conquered.

Plenty of Whites have been conquered.
We know this. Only we know that when the Moors conquered europe they brought knowledge and taught whites how to take a bath instead of committing genocide.

Galen says that the best soap was the German, since it was purest and in some ways the most fatty, that of the Gauls being next best, and that it acted as a medicine and removed all impurity from the body and from clothing. This is the first certain mention of the use of soap as a detergent. Galen

Galen on the origins of soap
Youre deflecting again. I didnt say Moors taught them how to make soap. I said they taught europeans how to bathe daily. Europeans thought evil spirits lived in the water and took great pride in taking about 3 baths a lifetime tops.
While your fellow negros of limited vocabulary in the only language they only partially grasp might find such word play clever... It serves only to reinforce my point...
So now youre claiming you didnt speak of wage opposition when I just quoted you saying it?
Sucks to be you then.
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
So now youre claiming you didnt speak of wage opposition when I just quoted you saying it?
Sucks to be you then.
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Key phrase is "I had". Unless youre very old youre not talking about the ancient Egyptians.

Why do modern Egyptians, and also modern Greeks look like Arabs?
Why do most modern Americans look white instead of Native American?
Because whites are conquerors. Not the the conquered.

Plenty of Whites have been conquered.
“Plenty” then let the record be satisfied. You heard it here first folks!

Most of Europe has been conquered, indeed.

All of Eastern Europe by Soviets, most of Southern Europe by the Moors, Ireland by Britain, Finland by Russia , Norway by Denmark, Netherlands by Nazi Germany, and yada, yada, they all rebuilt their nations into civilization to an extent, exclusions might include Albania, and maybe some parts of Ukraine / Moldova.
Sucks to be you then.
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
Real question for Asslips. Do you believe the Egyptians you point to constantly, we're a black, or semitic culture?
Of course they were. Actually semitic and hamitic. Thats why the Greeks called them Black and why they called themselves Black. Not to mention their culture is heavily reflected in the rest of Africa to the south which is where they claim they came from.

Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones, according to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years.

Egypt over the span of antiquity was conquered many times including by Alexander the Great, by the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and more. Researchers wanted to know if these constant waves of invaders caused any major genetic changes in the populace over time

"The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300 year timespan we studied, suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively unaffected by foreign conquest and rule."

To find out, they compared the mummies’ genomes to that of 100 modern Egyptians and 125 Ethiopians. “For 1,300 years, we see complete genetic continuity,” Krause said

Researchers in future want to determine exactly when Sub-Saharan African genes seeped into the Egyptian genome and why
That tense thing... gets em every time. “Hap’s’ I said “done did.” Your primate skull might have picked up on the nuance...
But we both know what I’m saying. Quit deflecting. Summon that melanin, and meet the facts head on. Show the board what “we was kangs” is made of.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
I know you thought that was an insult. Too bad youre too dumb to know that humans are considered primates.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency...

There's a lot of White Supremacists out there folks.

Back to th original topic, the state of emergency is due to the childish left's RESPONSE to others exercising their First Amendment rights. They get violent when others they disagree with take the opportunity to speak.
Still waiting... while you bask in our shade. Fact is... Your more afraid of real ******* than any white man ever was.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Then, I guess we’re both satisfied with our peoples station in life. Who’da thunk it? We just killed the “race issue”. Have a drink on me, and mine. Like every other morsel that’s made it’s way into your gullet.
What are waiting for? You claimed you didnt say anything remember?
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Then, I guess we’re both satisfied with our peoples station in life. Who’da thunk it? We just killed the “race issue”. Have a drink on me, and mine. Like every other morsel that’s made it’s way into your gullet.
I'm never satisfied. Only losers stop improving. We didnt kill the race issue. That wont happened until whites are absorbed back into the human population.
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.
Bask in it negro. Let the pure bloods do the heavy lifting. We did...
Bask in what white boy? Youre part neanderthal so youre not even pure homo sapiens.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Then, I guess we’re both satisfied with our peoples station in life. Who’da thunk it? We just killed the “race issue”. Have a drink on me, and mine. Like every other morsel that’s made it’s way into your gullet.
I'm never satisfied. Only losers stop improving. We didnt kill the race issue. That wont happened until whites are absorbed back into the human population.
How will you expunge your 25%of us in your blood, when you’re a minority? Negros in America just keep getting whiter. Meanwhile Hispanics are steadily pushing you, and the half breeds out of the picture...
Blacks can't even master the art of looting, and shooting.
Thats because its something negative that we picked up from whites. Everytime we try to emulate white culture its never a good look. Its interesting to note you view these things as an art.

The first genocide event comes from Africa.

Jebel Sahaba - Wikipedia

Jebel Sahaba (also Site 117) is a prehistoric cemetery site in the Nile Valley (now submerged in Lake Nasser), near the northern border of Sudan, associated with the Qadan culture, dated to the Younger Dryas (some 12,000 to 14,000 years old).[1][2] It was discovered in 1964 by a team led by Fred Wendorf.

The site is often cited as the oldest known evidence of warfare or systemic intergroup violence.[3]
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