Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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Yes your a seperatist who wants to live in an all white society. I have zero respect for that philosophy and find it deeply offensive
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
I’m not sure how separation leads to equality. Please explain
So, you disagree that it's offensive to merge races, ethnics, and religions together eradicating diverse, and unique peoples 1,000's of years in the making?

Wow, how could you be so heartless.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
If I bought into that mentality then I could say that blacks And Hispanics are criminals because the crime rate amongst those two groups is much higher than any other racial group. I don’t buy into that mentality and don’t think that’s a fair statement to say just as I don’t think your statement that whites are racist is a fair statement to say.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
When you run your own business you can come and go as you please. Thats why I will be there at the march.
Translation: When you sit on your ass and collect welfare you can come and go as you please.

Man if I didnt have a family I would go down there and pants this loser.
He won't be there, he's an internet tough guy. In real life he's a skinny little pansy who collects butterflies. Ask him.
How is it offensive? If races had not merged whites would still be living in the caves of europe. You guys benefited from merging with Black cultures from Africa and also the Asian cultures..

So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You could do that. However, doing so wouldnt change your chances of thriving. Basically youre comparing apples to oranges. If I dont think the way I do then I get blindsided. I get fired or cheated out of some opportunity. If you dont think that way nothing changes in your reality.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
I dont see anything wrong with him wanting to live in an all white society to be honest. Now if it involves removing other races instead of him moving then I can see your point.
You and he seem to have a lot in common. I just think the seperatist mentality is destructive and counter productive
Agreeing on one subject doesnt equate to having a lot in common. When Blacks were not integrated with whites our communities were stronger culturally and in many cases financially despite whites doing their best to hold us back. I want to return to this mentality. I have a problem with segregation but not separation.
What’s the difference between segregation and separation in your mind?
Segregation is forced and invariably punishes the race not in control. Separation is voluntary and in of itself is leads to a more equal (but not completely) situation.
I’m not sure how separation leads to equality. Please explain
It doesnt necessarily lead to equality. I said more equal. I voluntarily separate from you and in my mind I have owned my self maintenance. If you own the resources I need and work to keep them from me I have to create my own somehow.
So, you're okay with African Americans being assimilated to "American culture"

That's the point, down the line we'll just be a World of "America's Capitalist junk"

Basically there will be no race, no ethnicity's, no religions.

We'll pray to Capitalist tech, and have no real culture, except Capitalist crap.
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Sure it does. If I thought that way I would avoid opening a business or buying a house in an area that has a large black or Hispanic population. I would keep my kids out of schools with those populations. This limits investment and growth in minority communities. Do you see how the mentality leads to nothing good for our society as a whole and how we can actually be stronger together?
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
Blacks are american culture. We know all about your white culture but that wasn't the point. The point was you benefited from African and Asian culture. There will be a race. It will look like Tiger woods most likely since Asians and Blacks are the largest races on the planet.

We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
But youre not Black or Latino (as far as I know). You could simply go do all that in a entirely white neighborhood and be just as well off. You lose nothing by changing your belief system. Your money isnt spent in those communities. Basically by opening a business in those areas you are snatching the dollar out of those communities.and competing with Black or Latino owned businesses for those dollars.
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
We all benefit from every culture as long as we are taking the good. Every culture also has an evil side. I prefer to focus on the good
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message... no offense intended
People could do that and we can have rich white suburbia and poor minority ghettos. It is actually the make up of many areas in the USA. I don’t think that kind of system produces healthy and prosperous results.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I agree with that statement but for the life of me I cant think of a single good thing about white culture I would take.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
Well we have the examples of prosperous Black communities prior to integration to dispute that. Mind you this was even with legislation designed to hold Blacks back. The problem with that is that whites were jealous and invariably destroyed these communities because it angered them to see successful Black people. This holds true today when you look at the rage in the eyes of some whites when they see you thriving.
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
That’s because you seem consumed with making whites the enemy so you see what you want to see which sounds like evil. The same thing is going on with our partisan politics. The never trumpers can’t ever see anything good he does. The Trumpsters can’t recognize anything good about liberals or Dems. All that and the racial stuff youve been speaking about don’t seem in touch with he honest truth and reality. They are contrived realities being used to push an agenda. It is hard for me to take any of it seriously.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I think you give racists way too much power by focusing on them so much and amplifying their power and influence not only on yourself and the black community but on the entire white race. It’s sad and I can’t say enough how counterproductive it is to your cause.
I think you misunderstand my stance. I give racist whites no power. I laugh at their attempts to stop me and teach other Blacks how to successfully view them. I believe my approach works for a couple of reasons. My personal life and the lives of those I have mentored reflect success and peace. Its an incredibly amazing feeling to watch your enemies do their best to stop you but continually fail. Its satisfying to see the confusion and anger in their eyes when they realize what they are up against.
When you label a majority of millions of people by the views and actions of a small fraction, you give that fraction power that they do not deserve. It’s like what the Republicans are trying to do with the socialist wing of the Democratic Party. Focusing on people like Cortez as the new face of the party. Or like how the Dems point to the tea party and freedom caucus as representatives of the Republican Party. It’s all manipulation
This is where we differ. I dont think its a small fraction. It may be a small fraction thats blatantly open about it but I have witnessed most white boys smile in your face and do their racist things behind your back. Again I dont think messing with their heads and causing cognitive dissonance by being successful is empowering them. I know for a fact it actually weakens them.
You are playing their game instead of rising above. Can you not see that?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people.
You are about 50 years late on the need for warriors. At this time we need smart, educated, articulate, inspiring and unifying leaders. You know who else likes to play in the mud? DTtump. Is that really the type of person you want to emulate?
I'm not a take the high road guy. I am a search and destroy guy that will get down in the mud with you eye to eye and tell you about yourself as I rape your mind and take your soul. I leave that high road stuff to people that will be future leaders. Right now we need warriors that will go to battle for their people
And THIS, folks, is why, with rare exceptions, AFRICANS need to be sent to Africa. No culture really changes. Blacks will always be black and will always exist on handouts from the dominat white culture.
I didnt make whites the enemy. They made themselves the enemy with their past and continued actions. A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. I personally have made my stand with my people. The good thing about realities is that everyone has their own and its none of my business what someone else takes seriously from me. As long as the people I care about see the truth in what I say and my reality I am satisfied. All others are less than irrelevant to me because I never asked them to take me seriously. Thats a choice they have to make within themselves.
You consider whites the enemy because of their past, is that right? But that past has nothing to do with me and millions of other whites who were raised on values of equality and racial justice. Because of horrible actions of the past you think you are justified to judge those who had nothing to do with those actions. It makes no sense.

If you found out that your great grandfather murdered somebody should we treat you like a criminal? The logic doesn’t hold up.
Not just their past but their present and future. It may not be your specific fault or your ancestors specifically may not have done anything but unfortunately you belong to a race that I have been conditioned not to trust. That makes all the sense in the world as that is a human instinct. When fire burns you it conditions you to be wary of fire. It would be silly to expect you think the next fire held no harm.

If you found out that my great grandfather killed whites and his male descendants did the same all the way down to me I would expect you to regard me as a probable killer.
Good point with the grandfather analogy, but with that said, would it make sense for me to regard all blacks as probable killers because of what your grandfather did? I don’t think so...

You arent looking at me or my history, you are simply assuming I am part of an ugly minority fraction of people. In the mean time you think and teach others to allow the small power of that small fraction to apply to an entire race of people, which results in a promotion of spreading races. That’s just crazy and so anti the spirit of what America is in my point of view. It’s sad to me that there are people that feel the way you do. I’m not completely blaming you for that, there are certainly reasons for it, I just hope leaders in the black community promote a different message
No it wouldnt make sense if it was just my specific grandfather. However if all or most Blacks were the same way then it would make sense which is the point I am making with me not trusting whites as conditioned response.

I am assuming that you belong to a group or race that has historically wronged and presently wrongs my people. Again I dont feel its a small minority. Its pretty apparent that its the majority of whites that either are directly racist or indirectly racist. The voting numbers alone show that.
If the majority of people were racists then Jim crow would still be in effect and Barack Obama’s never would have been elected President. That right there flies in the face of your theory. As for the Trump election, people vote for all kinds of reasons. Some want small government and lower taxes and that’s their number one priority. With two choices, unfortunately Trump was the better option for them. That doesn’t make them racist
I disagree. White leaders understood a different form of control would be necessary to stop the violence from Black people who werent going to lay down anymore. This is why Malcolm X was so important to the Civil Rights movement. After they stalled MLK for as long as possible leaders with Malcolm's ideology begin to take hold.

President Obama was elected without the support of majority white voters. Whites never got above 39% in their support for Obama.
You’re god damned right! Remember that next time you beg for equality. We aren’t.
Next time? There hasnt been a first time. Why would I want to be equal to you when its plain I am superior?
Then, I guess we’re both satisfied with our peoples station in life. Who’da thunk it? We just killed the “race issue”. Have a drink on me, and mine. Like every other morsel that’s made it’s way into your gullet.
I'm never satisfied. Only losers stop improving. We didnt kill the race issue. That wont happened until whites are absorbed back into the human population.
How will you expunge your 25%of us in your blood, when you’re a minority? Negros in America just keep getting whiter. Meanwhile Hispanics are steadily pushing you, and the half breeds out of the picture...
Dominant genes and more Blacks on the planet than whites.
Pfft... ya... I wonder what the average IQ of this bunch is... if this is what you think the planets needs more of, then you're a believer that trash should inhabit the planet...

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