Virginia Declares State of Emergency Due to White Supremacists

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I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Your poll is whats called "leading the witness" in legal terms to be honest.
I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Youre poll is whats called "leading the witness" in legal terms to be honest.
Both scenarios are perfectly plausible. We both know that Scenario 2 has happened many times.

I assume you'd for vote Scenario 1 as well.
I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Youre poll is whats called "leading the witness" in legal terms to be honest.
Both scenarios are perfectly plausible. We both know that Scenario 2 has happened many times.

I assume you'd for vote Scenario 1 as well.
I would vote for other.....simply because the poll is a poll designed to lead you to a specific conclusion. You tainted the first scenario when you made this claim...." No one gives a shit."
I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Youre poll is whats called "leading the witness" in legal terms to be honest.
Both scenarios are perfectly plausible. We both know that Scenario 2 has happened many times.

I assume you'd for vote Scenario 1 as well.
I would vote for other.....simply because the poll is a poll designed to lead you to a specific conclusion.
Okay. No one here is forced to admit anything.
I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Is one of the options, being apathetic and complacent?
I think they're far more emboldended, and far more likely to gain recruits, when there is aggressive exposure and pushback.
I don't. I think they fear exposure, and lose jobs over it. I disagree completely with your suggestion to stay out of the way of this growing movement....which by the way, managed to gain numbers and get emboldened without this pushback you speak of , but rather by the normalization of their evil bullshit, perceived or otherwise, by Trump.
By the way, you're invited to vote here: POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

I'm assuming you'll vote for Scenario 1.
Is one of the options, being apathetic and complacent?

I've been saying that Scenario 2 spreads racism more quickly, and you folks have been saying I'm wrong.

You're fine with large, loud, angry, sometimes dangerous protests covered by the media.

So I'm sure you'll say that Scenario 1 spreads racism more quickly.

There ya go! Vote! Thanks!
Tell me who were the people to first settle the land of Canaan?
Fuck that... I answered your question accurately and don't give a sheite about what ethnic rabbit hole your leading us down.
Dont get angry. I see that it has dawned on you that what I was saying was true. Its ok if you dont want to answer the question but now I know you know.

Al-Zubayr Rahma Mansur

He was a slave trader in the late 19th century and later became a Sudanese governor. He was at odds with the British Governor General Charles Gordon and was referred to as “the richest and worst”, a “Slaver King” “who [had] chained lions as part of his escort” by England.

General Gordon who was sent to Sudan to suppress the slave trade was opposed by Al-Zubayr.
Interesting but has nothing to do with who the people were that first occupied Canaan. Your deflection has been noted and swatted aside.
You implying the curse of Ham's son applies to all black people?

That would explain why blacks have never won a war against any other race but their own.

You be cursed. I'll be free.
I can't stand racists....of any color.... you guys fixate on white racists and give racists of the other races a pass.... I won't support any of them. The point here is that white supremacists are vastly outnumbered by black racists right now...... and they are the ones who have actual power in the democrat party vs. the white supremacists who have no power anywhere, and they have no support from anyone except themselves....

When you have obama the President of the United States,, a racist, hanging out with farakhan, jeremiah wright and al sharpton, calling the 10 white supremacists a problem is just silly.
My God.

I forgot how unhinged you were.

I won't make that mistake again.

Obama has over a 20 year relationship with actual racist jeremiah wright, he has had relationships with racist louis farrakhan, to the point a democrat journalits hid a photo of obama buddying up to the racist, and al sharpton....racist and race baiting purveyor of violence.....has been to the White House over and over again...

Actual racists in close personal relationships with obama... not some distant, mythical association .... actual hands on time with those asshats...

You doofus.
Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency

The risk of violence is because the communists are determined to make trouble.

It is the communists who bring violence.
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You're fine with large, loud, angry, sometimes dangerous protests covered by the media
Against the nazis? Correct, I am.
But ya didn't vote! Why not?
Huh? You must have meant to post to someone else.
We were talking about my poll. You didn't vote in the poll.

The poll to which I referred.

That's okay, I get it.
You were talking about the poll. Mouse in your pocket?

I also get it: you want to create a dichotomy, because it's easier for you to grab low hanging fruit.
You're fine with large, loud, angry, sometimes dangerous protests covered by the media
Against the nazis? Correct, I am.
But ya didn't vote! Why not?
Huh? You must have meant to post to someone else.
We were talking about my poll. You didn't vote in the poll.

The poll to which I referred.

That's okay, I get it.
You were talking about the poll. Mouse in your pocket?

I also get it: you want to create a dichotomy, because it's easier for you to grab low hanging fruit.
I'm regularly told here that the best way to deal with the ignorant mouth-breathers is to get in their face and protest them. Of course, that will inevitably include violence now and then, along with the standard screaming and accusing and the like.

The inference appears to be that this is the best way to reduce racism and improve race relations in this country. At least, that's my goal.

My guess is that this is not the goal of the protestors and those who support them.

Since I can't get any straight answers on this, including getting lefties to vote in my poll, all I can do at this point is guess. And the fact that I can't get any straight answers only reinforces my conclusion.
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Yep, it's that time again, the White Supremacists have managed to get Virginia to declare a state of emergency...

There's a lot of White Supremacists out there folks.

There are no "white supremacists."

The term is a created 'term of art' to fuel dunces like you.

Let's prove it together:

The Left loves making up meaningless slurs....such as "....white supremacists"....playing on the fact that without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.'s simply more 'fake news'.....

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.

The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Fake news.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

Just one more lie by the the Lying Liberal Left.....but dolts buy it like it was on sale. this majority-white nation, the racial group with the highest family incomes, highest educational attainments, and lowest crime rates.... not white.

When you get a brain-transplant, you'll figure out what that means.
They already know that.

Violence is for children. It's for people who can't communicate like adults.
You cant communicate with idiots like these. Thats why you resort to violence.
And that's how you get people killed when it's completely unnecessary.
Soldiers understand that sometimes you have to die to remove the threat. I think eradicating some KKK, Nazis, skinheads etc is good reason to die.

What about Black Lives Matters, The Nation of Islam, Mugabe, Boko Haram, Hutu Power, the Black Panthers, and other Black supremacists, do they deserve to be eradicated?

Mmm, most of my Muslim friends are white?
Nice that they are better educated and make more than our white rube natives

Muslims in the U.S.A only represent a small fraction of Muslims worldwide.
And the fact that I can't get any straight answers only reinforces my conclusion.
Which is irrational, because maybe people are ignoring the dichotomy in your poll as being false. People have a way of finding things to reinforce their own preconceptions. For instance, the design of your poll.
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