Virginia Governor McAuliffe: "We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence"

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Looks like America will be gone in roughly 3 days.....that's more of a threat than global warming.

That seems like snowflake math.

*LOL* So he's the guy who created the 22 million Americans will lose their Health Care propaganda (when less then that are enrolled).
He misspoke, when it was pointed out to him he realized his error and corrected himself, the video linked above by ColonalAngus surprisingly doesn't show the full comment.

McAuliffe is the perfect 'poster boy' for today's liberals and their Fake Bews media.

To push their agendas they will lie their asses off without blinking, believing American citizens will believe it without question

As the recent radicalized, would-be snowflake GOP assassin showed, there are some ignorant rubes out there who will believe anything their indoctrinators and party propaganda-pushers tell them...

But no one was dumb enough to buy McAuliffe's BS about MILLIONS of Americans dying EVERY day due to gun violence.

And leave it to a liberal to rush to the scene of the assassination attempt on Republicans by a snowflake and the liberal blames the Republicans for the attack...what an opportunistic, disgraceful, partisan POS.
We already had a thread on this a couple of days ago
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