Virginia School dumps Jeb Stuart Elementary name

Maybe they can name the latrines after Jeb Stuart
this is the one that's going to make me forget everything i ever knew about the war of southern stupidity

they warned me this would happen, but would i listen?

Can you imagine the Confederacy finding out that a school in their Capitol was named after a black President?

Everything they fought against

I was told on another post that Confederates weren't exactly fighting against black people being free -- it was more a states rights issue in regards to burdensome federal regulations that were hurting small businesses and causing financial angst among the middle class -- you know, what Trump got elected for....just kidding
Negro slaves hated states rights
Slavery was no big deal
That’s why the emancipators forced them into segregated slums when they migrated north.
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.

Just what sort of trash plastered these names around in the first place? Sounds nazi.
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.
Another nazi history revisionist.
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.
Another nazi history revisionist.

germans don't know what nazis are since they took down all the statues of adolph.

at least, that's what the sons of the confederacy believe
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.
Another nazi history revisionist.

germans don't know what nazis are since they took down all the statues of adolph.

at least, that's what the sons of the confederacy believe
We need to celebrate those who fought to preserve slavery
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.
Another nazi history revisionist.

I was around when the airport was just "National Airport." Why did they rename it after a pig? Why is his name on signs and repeated at each metro stop? He was not worthy to be honored in this fashion. Take the signs down and let the airport revert to its historic name. Stop referring to Route One as "Jefferson Davis Highway" and change the name of Quantrell Avenue to something more suitable.

Yes, davis, quantrell, reagan are figures in history, but I don't see that they are worthy of such honors as naming public spaces after them. They were cruel men who did their country no good.

My, my. Would you be happy if the airport would be renamed Barack H. Obama National Airport?
Now known as Barack Obama Elementary
Good to see them named after a great, loyal American rather than a Traitor

Richmond renaming school after Obama, scrapping Confederate's name
One of the WORST schools in Virginia but the feel good leftists would rather worry about a name than getting kids to read or learn a little better...yep...liberalism at its finest.

J.E.B. Stuart Elementary
Why would kids want to learn in a school named after a traitor
Now known as Barack Obama Elementary
Good to see them named after a great, loyal American rather than a Traitor

Richmond renaming school after Obama, scrapping Confederate's name
One of the WORST schools in Virginia but the feel good leftists would rather worry about a name than getting kids to read or learn a little better...yep...liberalism at its finest.

J.E.B. Stuart Elementary
Obviously the school being named after a racist traitor didn't improve your assessment of the school -- why should it being changed to Obama matter to you
I wouldn't want a great American like Stuart's name to be on a school that's damn near 100% negro anyways....doesn't honor him like it should....It needs a name like Obama of negro's named for a American hating muslim halfbreed....suits it.
Now known as Barack Obama Elementary
Good to see them named after a great, loyal American rather than a Traitor

Richmond renaming school after Obama, scrapping Confederate's name
One of the WORST schools in Virginia but the feel good leftists would rather worry about a name than getting kids to read or learn a little better...yep...liberalism at its finest.

J.E.B. Stuart Elementary
Why would kids want to learn in a school named after a traitor
They are groids...they ain't learning anything but to shoot a gun sideways,slack your pants below your ass,blame whitey for all my problems and how to use an EBT card and apply for welfare and public housing.
I wouldn't want a great American like Stuart's name to be on a school that's damn near 100% negro anyways....doesn't honor him like it should....It needs a name like Obama of negro's named for a American hating muslim halfbreed....suits it.

... k:itsok:
Now known as Barack Obama Elementary
Good to see them named after a great, loyal American rather than a Traitor

Richmond renaming school after Obama, scrapping Confederate's name

Proving that all those people who pushed Multiculturalism were lying or wrong.
Who wants to celebrate a culture of slavery

Wow. THanks. THat is exactly the point I was going to make.

You lefties have a complete hostility to Southern Culture.

That shows that Multiculturalism has utterly failed.

You can't have different cultures living in harmony, when you lefties hate a major regional culture.

ANd those kids, obvious do not see the people that built that school and named it after a famous American General, as part of their shared nation.
Great news! I'm in northern Virginia. We got rid of Jeb Stuart, too! No more institutions named after traitors. Now they can get rid of Jefferson Davis Highway and take reagan's name off the airport. Having his name on National Airport is an insult to all of us. They even repeat his name on the metro when they approach to stop. No one should need to hear it. It's a disgrace.
Another nazi history revisionist.

germans don't know what nazis are since they took down all the statues of adolph.

at least, that's what the sons of the confederacy believe
We need to celebrate those who fought to preserve slavery
As opposed to celebrating those who wanted to ship slaves back to slavemasters and traders in Africa.

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