Virginia School dumps Jeb Stuart Elementary name


Nobody really cares about Jeb Stuart
Wow didn't know you had been appointed offical spokesperson for everybody.

You didn’t get the memo?
I have all junk mail go directly to the spam folder.
I say again. Get the names of the traitors of the civil war out of here. I would prefer that our public institutions be named for no one. However, President Obama is a fine and decent gentleman who has served our country well, so, in a society in which we insist on naming things for people in a very partisan way, Barack Obama Elementary suits me just fine.

But please, please, strip reagan's name off of the airport! This is just beyond disgusting! National Airport is located on the Potomac River, hard by the monuments of Washington, DC. monuments to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. Hard by the Capitol Building, the Smithsonian, and the National Archives that house the basic documents of our nation. When my company moved out of down town DC, we moved to a building in Arlington from which we could see the end of the runway at National out the windows. It's a 10-minute walk to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. These sacred national spaces should never have been invaded by partisan politics. "Ronald Reagan National Airport" should never hare existed. It is an affront to this country.
Shitstain obama's name will one day be removed from everywhere it appears. The portraits should be turned to the wall where they hang.

I blame Putin.
Shitstain obama's name will one day be removed from everywhere it appears. The portraits should be turned to the wall where they hang.

I blame Putin.

The Great Obama will eventually have a monument on the National Mall
Shitstain obama's name will one day be removed from everywhere it appears. The portraits should be turned to the wall where they hang.

I blame Putin.

The Great Obama will eventually have a monument on the National Mall

I think the world of President Obama. He is a gentleman and was a wonderful President. But nothing else should be put up on the National Mall. I can't think of any one person who should be honored this greatly. This is why I want reagan's name to be taken off the airport. There should be no politics here.

Museums to explain the culture pf Native Americans, Asian arts, African arts, Air and Space achievements, the Freer Gallery of Asian art, including the delightful Peacock Room, are in order to display our American heritage. The Holocaust Museum is just down the street, but I can't enter it because I cannot find it within myself to enter such sorrow without going down on my knees and asking the Supreme Being how this could ever have been done among humans.

Nothing remains that needs to be honored in Washington, DC.
Proving that all those people who pushed Multiculturalism were lying or wrong.
Who wants to celebrate a culture of slavery

Wow. THanks. THat is exactly the point I was going to make.

You lefties have a complete hostility to Southern Culture.

That shows that Multiculturalism has utterly failed.

You can't have different cultures living in harmony, when you lefties hate a major regional culture.

ANd those kids, obvious do not see the people that built that school and named it after a famous American General, as part of their shared nation.

yogurt has more active culture than the south

THank you too, for the same reason.

So, in your opinion was Multiculturalism always a lie by the left? Or were they just too stupid to see the way their own hatred made it impossible?

in my opinion, you're an asshat whose only purpose is comic relief

thanks for asking

Except that I have shown how this incident reveals the failure of Multiculturalism,

AND my point has been demonstrated for me by ever lib that has posted in this thread, so far,


And in defense of your position, you call me a name.

And you think that I'm the one providing comic relief?

Wow. THanks. THat is exactly the point I was going to make.

You lefties have a complete hostility to Southern Culture.

That shows that Multiculturalism has utterly failed.

You can't have different cultures living in harmony, when you lefties hate a major regional culture.

ANd those kids, obvious do not see the people that built that school and named it after a famous American General, as part of their shared nation.
Southern culture is slavery?

I already thanked you for demonstrating your hostility and discussed how your actions and the actions of the school,

utterly disproved the very concept of Multiculturalism.

What more do you want from me?

A cookie?

Here you go. Thanks for winning this discussion for me.

A culture of slavery does not warrant celebration

And by doing so, you demonstrated that multiculturalism was an utter failure.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.
Shitstain obama's name will one day be removed from everywhere it appears. The portraits should be turned to the wall where they hang.

I blame Putin.

The Great Obama will eventually have a monument on the National Mall

I think the world of President Obama. He is a gentleman and was a wonderful President. But nothing else should be put up on the National Mall. I can't think of any one person who should be honored this greatly. This is why I want reagan's name to be taken off the airport. There should be no politics here.

Museums to explain the culture pf Native Americans, Asian arts, African arts, Air and Space achievements, the Freer Gallery of Asian art, including the delightful Peacock Room, are in order to display our American heritage. The Holocaust Museum is just down the street, but I can't enter it because I cannot find it within myself to enter such sorrow without going down on my knees and asking the Supreme Being how this could ever have been done among humans.

Nothing remains that needs to be honored in Washington, DC.
The Great Obama deserves a place of honor
Southern culture is slavery?

I already thanked you for demonstrating your hostility and discussed how your actions and the actions of the school,

utterly disproved the very concept of Multiculturalism.

What more do you want from me?

A cookie?

Here you go. Thanks for winning this discussion for me.

A culture of slavery does not warrant celebration

And by doing so, you demonstrated that multiculturalism was an utter failure.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up
I already thanked you for demonstrating your hostility and discussed how your actions and the actions of the school,

utterly disproved the very concept of Multiculturalism.

What more do you want from me?

A cookie?

Here you go. Thanks for winning this discussion for me.

A culture of slavery does not warrant celebration

And by doing so, you demonstrated that multiculturalism was an utter failure.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
A culture of slavery does not warrant celebration

And by doing so, you demonstrated that multiculturalism was an utter failure.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet
And by doing so, you demonstrated that multiculturalism was an utter failure.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Celebrating despotic cultures is not a virtue


YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

YOu ever tell that to a black wearing a t-shirt that celebrates the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

Didn't think so.

Your excuses for your cultural bigotry are moot.

THe point is that your cultural bigotry proves that multiculturalism has failed.

Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

You libs knew about that, when you were talking shit about US all living in Multicultural harmony.

Are you saying now that all you libs were lying pieces of shit, setting your own nation up for a fucking disaster, when you were saying that bullshit?
Next time I see a black wearing a t shirt honoring the Pharohs, I will bring it up

No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

You libs knew about that, when you were talking shit about US all living in Multicultural harmony.

Are you saying now that all you libs were lying pieces of shit, setting your own nation up for a fucking disaster, when you were saying that bullshit?
I don’t care about our racist culture need to celebrate it
Let’s put celebrating the Confederacy in perspective

The Confederacy was 5 million whites and 4 million slave

Why do we only celebrate those in the Confederacy who were white?
Those who are not white do not think admirably about it
No, you won't. Don't be a filthy liar.
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

You libs knew about that, when you were talking shit about US all living in Multicultural harmony.

Are you saying now that all you libs were lying pieces of shit, setting your own nation up for a fucking disaster, when you were saying that bullshit?
I don’t care about our racist culture need to celebrate it

Which is a complete contradiction of multiculturalism. As is the changing of the name of the school.

We are not going to be living in harmony.

People like you and the assholes at that school, are, and have been waging Cultural War against traditional American culture(s).

At some point RW, as you get more and more obvious about it, more and more Americans are going to wake up and realize that.

What you going to, when they start fighting back?
How do you know?
I have r had an opportunity yet

Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

You libs knew about that, when you were talking shit about US all living in Multicultural harmony.

Are you saying now that all you libs were lying pieces of shit, setting your own nation up for a fucking disaster, when you were saying that bullshit?
I don’t care about our racist culture need to celebrate it

Which is a complete contradiction of multiculturalism. As is the changing of the name of the school.

We are not going to be living in harmony.

People like you and the assholes at that school, are, and have been waging Cultural War against traditional American culture(s).

At some point RW, as you get more and more obvious about it, more and more Americans are going to wake up and realize that.

What you going to, when they start fighting back?
The culture of racism and slavery needed war waged against it

Long overdue
Because I know you. I know that you do not hate Black Culture the way you hate Southern Culture.

Plus you see Black America as a pillar of your Vision of the Future, that we have long discussed.

You have not, and will not hold Blacks, or Black Culture to the same standard that you hold Southern Whites to.


My point stands. This action, and the reactions of liberals on this thread, proves that Multiculturalism has failed.

We will not have an increasingly diverse and harmonious future all living together singing kumbaya together.

Instead, we will have an increasingly diverse and increasingly conflict and hate filled future as hostile cultures try to erase and destroy their enemies.
Maybe when black culture holds southern culture in slavery and then erects monuments to celebrate it, we can talk about it

You libs knew about that, when you were talking shit about US all living in Multicultural harmony.

Are you saying now that all you libs were lying pieces of shit, setting your own nation up for a fucking disaster, when you were saying that bullshit?
I don’t care about our racist culture need to celebrate it

Which is a complete contradiction of multiculturalism. As is the changing of the name of the school.

We are not going to be living in harmony.

People like you and the assholes at that school, are, and have been waging Cultural War against traditional American culture(s).

At some point RW, as you get more and more obvious about it, more and more Americans are going to wake up and realize that.

What you going to, when they start fighting back?
The culture of racism and slavery needed war waged against it

Long overdue

You seem confused. Slavery is long dead.

We are now talking about how you liberals and blacks are not prepared to live in harmony with Southern Culture, thus disproving the very idea of Multiculturalism, and showing that ALL efforts at it have been wasted failures.

Also, your reasons for that enmity are interesting because they could be applied to all White Subcultures in the US, if not ALL cultures, period.

Really, really driving home the point that Multiculturalism was a fool's dream, or a con man's promise.

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