Virginia Tech....again?

Check out the washington post, in the comments all the liberals are blaming republican "rhetoric" for this shooting despite knowing nothing other than this started as a traffic stop. Also, there is inner city violence on a daily basis in this country. In cities like chicago, hundreds get shot to death every year. Why only the concern when it's on a college campus?
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At this point anything anyone says about the shooting will be pure conjecture. As to what is happening in this country, it would also be conjecture to connect this with some larger social trend. So what do you want for an answer?
At this point anything anyone says about the shooting will be pure conjecture. As to what is happening in this country, it would also be conjecture to connect this with some larger social trend. So what do you want for an answer?

I was opening up a discussion of rampant violence in our country....

Never mind.....go back to complaining about the 1%, the GOP, and the Newt affairs.
At this point anything anyone says about the shooting will be pure conjecture. As to what is happening in this country, it would also be conjecture to connect this with some larger social trend. So what do you want for an answer?

I was opening up a discussion of rampant violence in our country....

Never mind.....go back to complaining about the 1%, the GOP, and the Newt affairs.

There are shootings every single day in US cities like Philly, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA, and why do you act like this is only a national problem when it takes place on a college campus?

Just 20 years ago DC would have almost 500 murders a year. That's more than 1 a day.
I checked several networks for coverage of the VA Tech shootings. Fox reported an hour or so ago that the shooter had been captured. Of course that's not true, as I discovered when I went back to MSNBC.
I checked several networks for coverage of the VA Tech shootings. Fox reported an hour or so ago that the shooter had been captured. Of course that's not true, as I discovered when I went back to MSNBC.

About an hour ago, a man walked into one of the campus buildings and surrendered...and all of the news outlets reported this.

However, it has since been found that he was not the man that committed the murders...

And all of the news media are reporting that as well.

Fox did no different than any other news outlet. Curious why MSNBC did not report about the man in jeans and a grey sweatshirt that suirrendered.

I guess they felt it was not important for you to know about it.
At this point anything anyone says about the shooting will be pure conjecture. As to what is happening in this country, it would also be conjecture to connect this with some larger social trend. So what do you want for an answer?

I was opening up a discussion of rampant violence in our country....

Never mind.....go back to complaining about the 1%, the GOP, and the Newt affairs.

There are shootings every single day in US cities like Philly, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA, and why do you act like this is only a national problem when it takes place on a college campus?

Just 20 years ago DC would have almost 500 murders a year. That's more than 1 a day.

Sadly, a shooting in Philly or Detroit is a bit too much of a dog-bites-man story. a shooting on a college campus is (thankfully) still a dog-bites-man story. That's why it's covered.
At this point anything anyone says about the shooting will be pure conjecture. As to what is happening in this country, it would also be conjecture to connect this with some larger social trend. So what do you want for an answer?

I was opening up a discussion of rampant violence in our country....

Never mind.....go back to complaining about the 1%, the GOP, and the Newt affairs.

There are shootings every single day in US cities like Philly, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA, and why do you act like this is only a national problem when it takes place on a college campus?

Just 20 years ago DC would have almost 500 murders a year. That's more than 1 a day.

Perhaps you are not a parent.....but it is hard when you send your child away to school....and you worry about their well being everyday...

Yet you NEVER expect to get a call that he or she was murdered in cold blood.

Is it any more tragic than murders on the streets of Chicago?

I was opening up a discussion of rampant violence in our country....

Never mind.....go back to complaining about the 1%, the GOP, and the Newt affairs.

There are shootings every single day in US cities like Philly, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA, and why do you act like this is only a national problem when it takes place on a college campus?

Just 20 years ago DC would have almost 500 murders a year. That's more than 1 a day.

Perhaps you are not a parent.....but it is hard when you send your child away to school....and you worry about their well being everyday...

Yet you NEVER expect to get a call that he or she was murdered in cold blood.

Is it any more tragic than murders on the streets of Chicago?


When kids get killed in innercity violence on the way to school, or on the way home, as bystanders in drivebys or whatever, they are actually kids, under 18, while on college campuses, they are legal adults. I think society would think inner city violence is even worse than college shootings, but apparently not.
Americans' love affair with violence is nothing new, nothing unusual, nothing to even get suddenly concerned about. We can talk about media glamorizing violence, lack of education or opportunity, drugs and alcohol, untreated mental illness, anything could possibly be to blame in this or any situation. The problem is that any potential solution tramples on someone's sacred cow or costs money.
I know. Let's all buy more guns. Yessirreee..... The NRA solution.

There is something decidedly sick in our society. As a gun owner with mulitiple guns, I cannot imagine using them against someone except in the most extreme circumstances. Yet I see here, and hear others talk as if pointing a gun at someone is just a minor affair.
Americans' love affair with violence is nothing new, nothing unusual, nothing to even get suddenly concerned about. We can talk about media glamorizing violence, lack of education or opportunity, drugs and alcohol, untreated mental illness, anything could possibly be to blame in this or any situation. The problem is that any potential solution tramples on someone's sacred cow or costs money.

Funny how we never had a stalin with purges of millions, or a hitler here.
I know. Let's all buy more guns. Yessirreee..... The NRA solution.

There is something decidedly sick in our society. As a gun owner with mulitiple guns, I cannot imagine using them against someone except in the most extreme circumstances. Yet I see here, and hear others talk as if pointing a gun at someone is just a minor affair.

Yet vastly more people get killed per year in legal abortions than get killed by legal gunowners. I would say 10000x more.
Let's get the facts. Right now I have a freshman daughter scared shitless !
Let's get the facts. Right now I have a freshman daughter scared shitless !

I had a son up in Binghamton last year during that situation. He wasnt worried...was actually the strength for his group of friends....and his girlfriend.
My wife?
Freaked out.

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